Maverick (Iron Rogues MC #1) Read Online Fiona Davenport

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Insta-Love, MC, Virgin Tags Authors: Series: Iron Rogues MC Series by Fiona Davenport

Total pages in book: 29
Estimated words: 26602 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 133(@200wpm)___ 106(@250wpm)___ 89(@300wpm)

Considering the roadblocks my dad would put in our way if we decided to be together, “if” wasn’t good enough. He needed to be ready for the fight he would have on his hands. “If you’re gonna claim me, it will be the right way. Not a spur-of-the-moment decision made out of jealousy.”

“Shit, she’s sassy too?” The other guy beamed a flirtatious smile at me. “You’re fiery like your red hair, huh? Just my kind of woman.”

Maverick stepped in front of me, blocking my view of his club brother. “Keep your eyes off her and your mouth shut, Pike.”

“C’mon, man. I didn’t mean any harm,” Pike mumbled. “But you gotta admit the girl is even hotter when she’s being feisty.”

I bit my lip to hold back a giggle, wondering if this guy was being serious or if he was just having fun pushing Maverick’s buttons. I’d been old enough when several of the Silver Saints had found their old ladies to see how much fun the other guys had giving them a hard time. And Maverick was reacting pretty much the same way…which gave me hope that he’d taken me for the same reason Dax had taken Arya when I was eight. Kidnapping your future old lady was a long-standing tradition in the Silver Saints, but I liked his motive for it the most—he hadn’t wanted to wait another minute to claim his woman.

“I know you heard me tell you to keep your mouth shut about her.” Maverick shoved his cut back onto his shoulders and strode toward the bar.

Heaving a deep sigh, I glanced around the Iron Rogues clubhouse and compared it to the one I’d grown up in. Both had a large space where all of the guys could hang out, but there was none of the homey vibe that ours had, and I wondered if that was because none of their leadership had old ladies. I’d heard enough stories growing up to know that the vibe of the Silver Saints had changed when my dad fell for my mom, and that the club turned into more of a family as each member fell in love and had children.

The Iron Rogues clubhouse was utterly masculine without any hint of a feminine touch. Kind of like a big bachelor pad with black leather couches, a pool table, a poker table, and several big-screen televisions. The red leather stools lining the bar were the only pop of color in the dark room.

Pike slid off the one he’d been sitting on, his hands held palms up in a gesture of surrender. “I hear you, man. I’ll keep my eyes off your girl and my mouth shut about her from now on.”

“You can do one better for me.” Maverick returned to my side. “Spread the word with our brothers and any hangers-on that they need to watch themselves because Molly Mackenzie is here, and she’s off-limits.”

I snickered and blinked up at him as innocently as I could manage. “I thought you wanted your guys to help keep an eye on me while I was here?”

The growl that rumbled up his wide chest made my panties damp. Judging by the knowing look in his eyes as he nudged me toward a set of stairs at the other side of the room, I hadn’t been able to hide my reaction to him.

“Good luck with her,” Pike muttered. “I have a feeling you’re gonna need it.”

Maverick just sighed as he led me up to what I assumed was his room. When we got to his door, I leaned against the wall as he opened it. “I know I didn’t put up much of a fight when you kidnapped me from Silver Ink, but heading straight for your room as soon as you bring me here is way out of character for me.”

He mirrored my position on the other side of the door, grinning at me. “Is it really kidnapping if you were willing to let me take you?”

“Probably not.” I shook my head with a soft laugh. “My personality is a lot more like my dad’s, but I must get that part from my mom.”

He cocked his head to the side, his brows drawing together. “What do you mean?”

“There was stuff going down between the Silver Saints and my grandfather’s club, the Hounds of Hellfire, back when my parents got together,” I explained, my lips curving into a smile as I recalled all the times I’d been told about their meet cute. “My dad needed my grandpa to do something, so he decided to take my mom. Only when he showed up at their clubhouse to kidnap her, she literally provided the ladder they used to climb out her window.”

Maverick’s eyes widened. “Damn, that was ballsy as fuck, on both their parts.”

“Luckily, they managed to work everything out, even though my dad and grandpa are both stubborn as all get-out. Especially when it comes to protecting the people they love.” Tapping my foot on the floor, I quirked a brow. “Which doesn’t bode well for you, but at least the Iron Rogues aren’t my father’s rival MC.”

