Make You Beg Read Online Shantel Tessier

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, New Adult, Romance, Sports, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 164
Estimated words: 154691 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 773(@200wpm)___ 619(@250wpm)___ 516(@300wpm)

I stand next to it naked and slowly stroke my dick as I look over her body. She’s still up on her knees, ass in the air and arms tied behind her back. There are so many different ways I could use her tonight.

Letting out a moan, she straightens her legs and stretches her tight muscles, rolling onto her side. She opens her heavy eyes slightly and looks up at me. I reach out and run the pad of my thumb over her parted lips. Her tongue peeks out and licks it before she sucks it into her mouth. “Want more, little doll?” I ask.

She whimpers, shifting onto her back.

I pull my thumb from her lips and grip her shoulders, dragging her over to me to where her head hangs off the bed. She opens her legs wide for me, letting me see all the hickeys and bite marks I left while she was riding my face. I smile. “On your stomach.” I stroke my hard cock as she rolls over. “Pull your knees up to your chest.”

Wiggling her ass, she does as I say. I step into the side of the bed, and with my free hand, I move all her hair from her face and grip it in a fist, lifting her head off the side of the bed. “Open up for me, doll.” It’s time I get what I’ve always wanted. What I’ve always craved. I’ve had to watch Scout take advantage of her for too long now. I would imagine her while with other women. Now it’s my turn to get the real thing.

I push my dick between her parted lips and groan. She opens for me, letting me in. My free hand slides under her head to cup her chin, helping hold her head in place. I know this angle isn’t comfortable for her, but it’s how I want it. And I begin to fuck her mouth. I feel her tongue lick along my shaft as I slide to the back of her throat. I go slow, letting her adjust to my size while she shifts on her knees. I wait for her to stop me or to pull away, but she doesn’t.

She lets me go deep, taking every inch of me.

I lick my lips as I watch her knees shift and ass wiggle. Little doll likes to be used. “God, doll.” I groan, feeling the back of her throat. I pull out and thrust my hips forward with force, and she whimpers. The simple action makes my cock throb in her mouth. I pick up my pace, fucking her mouth as if it was her pussy.

Her body rocks back and forth from my movements, but she never pulls away or tries to stop me. She sucks me like the good little doll I knew she’d be. A loyal toy begging to be played with.



I RUN INTO third period and sit in my usual chair right up front. I quickly pull out my book, pencil, and notepad, trying to be the good student I am, when I see Jamie enter the room.

She looks at me and gives me a big fucking smile. I smile back, and it throws her off. She stumbles over her own feet but manages to get to the chair next to me before falling on her face—pity.

When I woke up naked, hungover, and alone in Law’s bed just thirty minutes ago, I told myself I wasn’t going to be one of those women. I’m not going to blame the female for his actions as well.

Nope. They’re both equally pieces of shit!

Him for setting that up and her for going along with it. I know Law played a part in it as well, but I expect that from him. Law and I don’t have the history that Scout and I do. And I know that Law doesn’t give a fuck about me. It hurts that I thought Scout ever did.

“Good morning, class.” Mrs. Shepherd enters the room with her hair up in a tight bun, black slacks, and a white, almost see-through blouse. At least she’s wearing a nude bra and not a black one.

“Morning,” everyone mumbles.

“I have the tests from last week graded and ready to return.”

More mumbling from the students. I place my elbows on the table and bow my head. I’m hungover.

Between the drinking I did on the way to Death Valley, along with the events that took place there, then the lack of sleep and how Law fucked me—I should still be in my bed. The thing about Law is that I’m pretty sure we didn’t actually have sex. Like I can’t remember what all happened. I begged, I came, and I passed the fuck out. Woke up this morning with hickeys on my inner thighs, shoulder, and neck. Had marks still on my arms from the rope and could barely walk.

