Make You Beg Read Online Shantel Tessier

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, New Adult, Romance, Sports, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 164
Estimated words: 154691 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 773(@200wpm)___ 619(@250wpm)___ 516(@300wpm)

I hold up my car keys and then grab the one that gives me access to this house. “We each have our own copy.”

She looks away. “And the staff just allows you to have free access to my house?”

If only she knew how much I’ve been here since she left. She’d be extremely pissed. But all things will come to light in time.

“I’m changing the locks,” she mumbles at my silence.

My laughter grows. “A lock isn’t going to stop us, doll.”

Her hands fist, and it just makes the water squirt out of the water bottle and drip onto the floor. “Haven’t you had enough fun for the weekend?” she snaps.

“Oh, what happened last night …” I pause, rubbing my fingers over my chin. “That’s just the beginning.” She swallows nervously. “See, Henley. Dax wants you dead. He wants to make you so fragile and weak that you can’t stand the sight of your own face.”

“And you?” she questions slowly.

I smirk, my eyes dropping to her wet shirt. “You’re no use to me dead, doll.”

“Does Scout know that you’re here?” She changes the subject.

I tilt my head to the side, furrowing my brows. “Do you think he would save you if he did?”

She says nothing to that because she knows the truth. After last night, there is no doubt that the Reapers are all on the same page. I walk over to the kitchen island and pick an apple out of the glass bowl. I take a big bite and speak after I swallow. “I will say that Lacey surprised me.”

Her eyes narrow at my words. “You better not touch her.”

I smile and point at her with my hand holding the apple. “See, that’s why I like you. You’re a savior.”

“Law …”

“It’s a downfall for most, but you … you’re that girl who sees a wounded little animal and drops everything to save it. Even if that animal were to turn on you and eat you.” I drop the half-eaten apple back in the bowl and walk over to her.

She presses her back into the fridge.

I reach out, and she sucks in a breath. My fingers outline the choker that she still wears, my eyes following it. “Wear this with pride, doll.” My eyes meet hers. “You earned it.” And you’ll continue to earn it.

“Why are you here, Law?” she grits out, getting annoyed.

“Just wanted to check on you. You were pretty wasted last night.”

She snorts at my lie. “And don’t forget you forced me to suck Scout’s dick.”

“Forced?” I shake my head. “I think you had more to drink than I thought.”

“Yes,” she growls. “You forced me.”

I reach into my pocket and remove my cell. I go to the group chat I have with the guys and pull up the video that Rellik sent the group this morning. I push play and hold it up to her face.

It’s of us playing with our doll last night.

“You recorded it,” she says with a little hint of excitement.

I laugh, knowing exactly what her pretty little head is thinking. “This isn’t incriminating.”

“It proves that you …”

“You never once said no, Hen.”

She looks up at me, and I see what little hope she had fade out of her blue eyes.

“You allowed me to touch you. You allowed me to get you off. You removed your shirt and your bra before you let me finger-fuck you and remove your jeans. And that was all before you willingly crawled to Scout, unzipped his pants, and sucked his cock.” Rellik kept the video on her at all times. Not once does he show Lacey or Dax. As far as this video shows, she let me get her off, and she sucked Scout’s dick. And she admitted that our little doll likes to be played with.

“No …” she whispers.

“You came all over my fingers, baby. And you even begged for it.” A tear runs down her cheek, and I watch it. She’ll cry next time she’s on her knees for me. “If you cry rape, this video will be uploaded to every social media outlet there is. And it’ll be worse than last time you did so.”

She grinds out. “I saw Dax that night …”

“Keep lying, Henley, but no one is going to believe it. Not then. Not now. Not ever.” With that, I turn to leave. My part of the plan is done for the day.

“And Lacey?” she calls out. “What about her?”

I stop and turn back around to face her. I debate on what to say to her regarding Lacey but decide it won’t hurt to be truthful to her this one time. “I promise you. You do your part, and she won’t be touched.”

“My part of what exactly?”

I don’t answer. She’s been told enough for now. Instead, I just smile and leave.



I WAKE TO my cell ringing and see it’s Lacey. “Hello?” I sit up quickly. “You okay?” What if the guys got to her? The Founders are all close to the Millers. The guys could get into her house easily and hurt her.

