Mafia Wedding (Criminal Billionaires #3) Read Online Marian Tee

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Mafia Tags Authors: Series: Criminal Billionaires Series by Marian Tee

Total pages in book: 51
Estimated words: 50080 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 250(@200wpm)___ 200(@250wpm)___ 167(@300wpm)

I tense up when he suddenly leans forward and clasps his hands over the lacquer table like what he's about to say will get heads rolling.

"Now that we know where we each stand, shall we get back to discussing your reasons for choosing this place?"

And I'm right. Even with how silky his tone are, the glint in his eyes tells me he means business, and I can't help thinking it's my own head that's destined to roll. It's obvious he's expecting me to reveal something profound—-

"Why this train ride?"

And I'm right again, darn it.

"I don't want to lie to you..." It's my first time to feel so humanly awkward as I speak, and I hate it.

"Then don't. Just tell me the real reason—-"

So, so, unbelievably awkward, but if it's the truth he really wants—-

"It's because I have work to do at West Palm Beach."


"And...I always take this train when going there?"

He stares at me, and it almost has me squirming in my seat.


But not just yet, although I'm also weirdly convinced that having this guy in my life also means it's only a matter of time before I experience some seat-squirming myself.

Another moment passes, and just when I've started to seriously consider lying about having another reason—-

"That's really all there is to it?"


"I can't say I'm not disappointed—-"

Is this the part he'll tell me I'm not human enough for him?

"—-since I was kinda hoping for something kinkier."

Or not.

"I'm joking, by the way—-"

"I don't think I can ever do kinky," I say at the same time, "but I'm very open-minded?"

His jaw snaps shut, and I'm not sure what to think when I see him go absolutely still while staring at me like I'm his teenage fantasy made real.

"Tell me more, please."

Is it just me, or has his voice turned unnaturally thick?

"Do you have any hard limits?"

And getting thicker by the second, too.

"Or can I really do anything I want with you? And to you?"

I finally realize that the thickness of his voice is all due to lust, and since I find it rather marvelously brave and indubitably crazy of him to lust after someone like me—-

"I don't think I have any hard limits, physically speaking." The least I can do is give his question serious thought and answer honestly. "But I'm not sure I'll ever be the type to scream 'I love you' when having sex?"

He starts rubbing his jaw again, and I wonder if he'll think I'm crazy if I tell him it's when he's doing that I'm likely more prone to saying those three yucky little words?

"Anything else I should know?"

"I get bored rather easily, but I can also get insatiably curious and greedy?"

"Like a cat." He purrs as he says this, and I barely manage to keep myself from rolling my eyes at the irony, which I'm sure is all deliberate on his part.

Why has no one ever told me how harder it is to date people than to kill them? Even my own family has certain lines they dare not cross in my presence, but this guy just doesn't seem scared of me in any way.

I can't read him at all, and more importantly-—

Why is he now laying a hand on his chest like he's struck by Cupid's arrow?

"You really are a girl after my own cock."

If Cupid worked for Hugh Hefner, that is.

"Or mouth."

I look at him blankly. "Come again?"

"I know our conversation has gone way off course, but surely you can't have forgotten...?"

What is this man talking about?

"You asked me to kiss you. Remember?"



I did forget about that, and when I see him start patting his lap with a wicked grin...

How incredible.

This man is really like no one else, with how good he is at making me feel not just human...but so, so womanly as well.

His gaze follows my every move as I swing my legs to the side before standing up.

I place my gun on the table, and he does the same.

My throat feels weirdly tight as I take a step towards him, and my heart is still racing like I'm back on the Most Wanted list, and FBI agents are nipping at my heels.

We both hear my breath catch when I'm finally standing before him, and because I'm not used to feeling this nervous and excited and confused all at once-—

I just want it to be over and done with right here and now, and a grunt slips past his lips as I plop myself down on his lap without warning.


The word flashes in my mind when his big, hard cock twitches under my ass, and the folds of my pussy turn wet and swollen in response.

It's chemistry alright, and it's the kind that I thought was beyond reach for someone like me. It's explosive and instant, but more than anything else, it also feels mind-blowingly and terrifyingly right.

