Maddog – Black Reign MC Read Online Marteeka Karland

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Insta-Love, MC Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 42
Estimated words: 39161 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 196(@200wpm)___ 157(@250wpm)___ 131(@300wpm)

“Sure, allergies.” I smirked back at him. The banter was a welcome relief from the tension of the past few hours. It wouldn’t last long, but I needed the break before going into this meeting with the officers of my club. We all shared a quick chuckle before sobering.

I sighed, knowing this was gonna be messy. I was simultaneously looking forward to the carnage about to ensue next, and dreading coming back to Holly with blood on my hands. I knew she’d be OK with it, but I still didn’t like it. “Nothing like this shit should ever fuckin’ touch her.” The muttered comment came out before I could censor it.

Turning back to El Diablo, I scrubbed a hand over my face, suddenly wearier than I could ever remember being. “So, what now?”

El Diablo flashed a small grin, his dark eyes burning into mine, and I knew whatever he and Shotgun found left him little doubt how to continue. “First things first -- we need to figure out what the hell Alistair’s game is. How deep does this betrayal go?”

“And does his father know about it?” I was remembering the conversation Chris Alistair had had earlier. “Little punk called his old man about halfway through the flight home. I figured he’d called to complain so his daddy could ruin our lives and shit. Could have been something more to it.”

I half expected everyone to tell me I was crazy, but they all looked deadly serious. “Did Holly say anything about it?”

“No. I don’t think she suspected anything like this. All she knew was that she had a bad feeling about Chris and Andrea wouldn’t listen to her. So, she made herself her best friend’s protector.”

“Why was she there?” Wrath stroked his short beard in agitation. “Why did she insist on going on this trip in the first Goddamned place? Then not tell me or her mother? I’m upset she ran off on her own and tried to hide it from me, but I’m more upset that she didn’t come to me if she thought something was off with this guy.”

“Already talked with her about that.” Even though I knew Wrath would rather chew off his own arm than say anything to intentionally hurt Holly’s feelings, I was feeling super protective of her at the moment. A combination of her running away from me straight into danger and the newness of our romantic relationship. And I can’t believe I even thought the word romantic. That alone could get my man card revoked. “She said all she had was a feeling and that she didn’t want to call out the big guns until she knew for sure there was an actual problem.”

“Sounds like Holly.” Wrath met my gaze.

“And before you ask, I’ve already made sure she knows to bring things like that to one of us in the future. I’ll go a step further and tell her to keep going to someone in the club until she gets someone to listen and help her investigate until she’s satisfied she has the answers she’s looking for.”

Fury smirked, lifting his chin at me. “Always knew you were smarter’n this lot.”

El Diablo clapped me on the shoulder. “He’s always been perfect for our little Holly Sweetness.” He glanced back over his shoulder. “Rycks and Warlock have secured a, shall we say, safe area for these two.” He indicated Chris and Andrea.

“My… father… will ruin… you.” Chris Alistair was beaten and bloodied. I’m pretty sure his testicles were singing a very sad song. More than one of the women had been slightly disgruntled at how he’d played them.

“Senator Christopher Alistair the Second won’t be interested in fighting me for anyone. Even his own son.” El Diablo’s mocking chuckle let me know exactly what was going to happen to Christopher Alistair the Third.

Alistair smirked -- or tried to. He wasn’t in shape to spar with anyone. Verbally or physically. “My dad will do anything to protect me.”

“He won’t protect you from this. Not if he wants to continue his cushy life as a United States Senator.” El Diablo gave the man a false sympathetic look. “I’m afraid having his son disappear on a relief mission to Columbia plays far better in the news than having him imprisoned for human trafficking.”

“Just because I have a few girlfriends doesn’t mean I was trafficking them.” There was still the ghost of a smile on his lips. “Besides, I’m sure this will all have disappeared by the time my dad gets here. He’ll take me home and yell at me a little, then I’ll have to behave for a few months.”

“Hmm…” Fury raised an eyebrow. “Maybe bring Archangel in to question him? Sounds like there’s a pattern of bad behavior here.”

El Diablo waved him off. “Archangel will be especially valuable in questioning Andrea, but there’s really no need for him to talk with this one. Unless Shotgun finds something compelling on his phone to explain this to my satisfaction, there’s nothing he could say to justify what we’ve found so far.” He shrugged. “We’ll give it a few days. See if Shotgun and Eden find anything that tells them the phone data was manufactured in any way. Until then, we’ll see to it Mr. Alistair here has the best accommodations.”

