Lust (Saints & Sinners #1) Read Online Devon McCormack

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, M-M Romance, Magic, Paranormal Tags Authors: Series: Saints & Sinners Series by Devon McCormack

Total pages in book: 93
Estimated words: 90672 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 453(@200wpm)___ 363(@250wpm)___ 302(@300wpm)

He blinks a few times. “Oh…that’s not what I was expecting you to say.”

“You and me both.”

He opens his mouth, clearly struggling, but then says, “I appreciate your sharing that with me. Is he nice?”

“Long story short, he was a dick to me when I first got here, but then I found out there was a misunderstanding, and after that we hit it off. He’s cool. More than that…” I have feelings for him—strong feelings for someone I haven’t known all that long.

“Well, now I’m gonna have to meet him, you know. See for myself if this guy is worthy of you.”

“Oh, he’s definitely worthy,” I assure him. “And I definitely want you to meet him.” The truth pulses through me as I say the words.

But Dan’s expression twists up. “This thing that’s on your mind, was it about telling me you had feelings for a guy?”

“Um…sure,” I say, since that gives me an out. “Anyway, I’ll tell you all about it when you get back from your trip. In the meantime, I’d rather hear about what you’re gonna be up to over the weekend.”

“Okay, but if you do want to talk more about this, whenever you’re comfortable, I’m here. I’m always here for you.”

Don’t I know it. That’s what makes this so hard.

“Thank you,” I say before insisting he change the subject, so he tells me about his plans as well as some shows he wants to catch up on. I bask in the moment, cherishing this time I have left with him, wishing I could give him a great big hug for the amazing man he’s been to me.

I check the time on my phone. Nearly a quarter to eight. About time to head out.

“I’m off to a party soon, but I wanted to call and…” I don’t know how to say this without being awkward as fuck, but it’s not something I can go without saying. I don’t want to be burned to a crisp, about to lose my life, wishing desperately I’d taken better advantage of this moment. “I want to thank you for always being here for me,” I blurt out. “For taking me in and being a great guardian. I know that couldn’t have been easy, and I know you didn’t have to. It means the world to me that you did.”

As I make eye contact with Dan, I see the light catching the tears in his eyes. “Well, Luke, it was hell what happened to you as a kid. Something no one so young should ever have to deal with. And as unexpected or difficult as it may have been for me, and as much as I may have struggled to figure out the right things to do or say, being in your life has been the greatest honor of my life. Seeing you growing into a young man, well, it makes me proud to be here to see it. I know your parents would have been just as proud, and they’d want you to know that. And they’d want you to know they’d love you just as you are.”

Keep it together, I urge myself, but I’m fighting a losing battle. My face spasms, my chin quivering as the tears break free, sliding down my cheeks in quick succession. I turn away from my phone, but it’s too late.

“I should probably get ready for that party.”


“Sorry, I just miss them and have been thinking about them a lot lately.”

I hope he buys that that’s the only reason, but his forehead’s wrinkled up with worry.

“I love you, Dan.”

“I love you, Luke. Always.”

When I hang up, losing that image of him, I accept that might very well have been the last time I ever chat with him.

The guilt knotting in my gut intensifies, and I let the tears flow freely, taking my time with them so that I can get it all out before meeting the guys.


After I recover from my conversation with Dan, I meet up with Brad and we head out to the old church.

There are stacks of boxes in the cellar, things we’ve ordered online over the past couple of days, which we get right into.

Cody collected our stats and purchased matching costumes so that if we happen to get caught behind the Alpha Alpha Mu house, we can say we’re there for the party.

As we toss on the navy-blue football jerseys and matching spandex pants, Brad growls, and I turn, catching him sneaking a glance at my ass.

“Fits nicely,” he says, arching an eyebrow before licking his lips.

I study myself in the mirror. “It’s weird being dressed in something so silly for the night we’re supposed to take on a vicious monster.”

“Maybe it’ll bring some levity to the situation.”

“I doubt much will do that.”


After we finish getting dressed, we throw on our jackets, and Brad digs through a few more boxes, finding the pepper spray and stun guns—the latter Seth’s idea. We ran a test on the pepper spray yesterday, and despite being advertised as shooting to ten feet, it was more like seven. Although, I’d rather shoot at this thing from seven feet than be up its ass with a bat or stun gun.

