Lust (Saints & Sinners #1) Read Online Devon McCormack

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, M-M Romance, Magic, Paranormal Tags Authors: Series: Saints & Sinners Series by Devon McCormack

Total pages in book: 93
Estimated words: 90672 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 453(@200wpm)___ 363(@250wpm)___ 302(@300wpm)

Cody nods. “We understand it’s a sensitive subject, but we’re not perving on you guys. We wonder if something about what you’re experiencing might help us understand this connection you share.”

“Not sure connection’s the right word,” I say. “We just get hard for each other.”

I’m full of shit and I know it because it’s much more than that. Each time I get together with Brad, I see new aspects of him. As abrasive and intimidating as he was initially, I realize that was for show. The real Brad is sensitive and kind. Hell, if he wasn’t here advocating for me, I wonder if Seth and Cody would’ve even been willing to share all these secrets with me.

“It would help to understand what the Lust is doing to each of you,” Cody says. “Maybe by sharing, we can gain some insight into your powers. Like…is it that your specialty is also something sexual, and that since you came here, Brad maybe activated something in you?”

“I can see how that might help, but really, I’d rather keep it private. For now, at least.”

Seth scoffs. “So you want us to bring you into our secrets, but yours are off-limits?”

Before I have a chance to clap back, Brad says, “There’s nothing wrong with Luke setting a healthy boundary. Maybe as we work together and gain your trust, you’ll feel more comfortable sharing. And if not, we’ll work around that.”

Again, just as quickly as Seth put me on defense, Brad sets me at ease.

“Sounds like a plan,” Cody says, and Seth hesitates before nodding, maybe just to keep himself from making another snide jab.

“Okay.” I can work with this as long as they’re willing to include me and not push me to share anything I’m uncomfortable with. “So where do we start?”

Cody grabs his backpack and retrieves a small box. He approaches me and opens it, revealing a necklace like the ones they wear. Picking it up by the chain, he raises it to display the cross. “I made this one for you. Consider it your official invitation into the Sinners.”

“I’m not much of a joiner,” I say, but despite my resistance, the fact that it connects to the original Sinners feels like it’s bringing me closer to the man I lost.

“Then consider it a gift from the Sinners,” Cody says with a warm smile.

Man, I really like this guy a hell of a lot more than Seth.

I reach out, and he places the necklace in the palm of my hand.

“We did a quick spell on it before you arrived to infuse it with energy, but it’ll take time, and you need to keep it on you so that it can become stronger.”

As I grip the necklace, I feel something—I wonder if it’s just in my head because he told me they’d performed a spell on it, or if I’m actually sensing this thing’s power.

My gaze shifts to Brad, who’s watching me. A rush of goose bumps pricks my flesh, but I try to play it off so the guys won’t notice.

“So lesson one,” Brad says. He flips through the pages of the Sinners’ bible, showing me a few diagrams. “This is what we started with. You’re gonna have to bear with some of these being kind of dumb, but it’s better to start small and build your confidence. Think of it like weight training.”

I study how his muscles help him fill out his thermal. “I’m more into running,” I say.

“Right?” he says with a smile. “So like building up to a marathon.”

“We gonna do ‘light as a feather, stiff as a board’?” I tease.

“Sounds like someone’s been watching The Craft,” Brad says, his smile expanding.

“I started it last night, but it seemed a little close to home for my taste.”

Brad takes my hand and guides me to the pentagram. “Kneel in the center here.”

“Oh, don’t worry, I’ve seen this one before,” I say, shooting Cody a look.

He cringes. “Sorry about that. Again.”

I assume the position, facing the full-length mirror leaning against the wall. Brad gets on his knees behind me.

With him so close, I notice I feel more than just the familiar Lust. He’s the person I’d prefer to guide me through this, since I know him best.

Maybe that’s something they discussed before I showed up, knowing Seth sure as fuck wasn’t gonna be the one to help me.

“Okay,” he says, “now place the necklace around your middle finger and let the cross hang in front of you. Good. Just like that. Imagine it moving in circles. Try not to do it with your hand. Just in your mind.”

Wow. He wasn’t kidding when he said they’d be dumb, but I follow his instructions, and unsurprisingly, in less than thirty seconds, it’s spinning. “You know there’s a word for this, right?”

“Ideomotor effect,” Cody replies.

“It’s something I’m doing to it, not magic, so is this step really helpful?”

