Lust (Saints & Sinners #1) Read Online Devon McCormack

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, M-M Romance, Magic, Paranormal Tags Authors: Series: Saints & Sinners Series by Devon McCormack

Total pages in book: 93
Estimated words: 90672 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 453(@200wpm)___ 363(@250wpm)___ 302(@300wpm)

“Pickup game?”

“I’m playing soccer with some of the other students.”

“Soccer? This hasn’t come up.”

“Just a way to meet new people. Alexei talked me into it last week.”

Dan chuckles. “Sounds good. I’m glad you’re getting out and socializing, even if some of the kids are being assholes. Fuck, I shouldn’t say that. I mean—dammit.”

Dan’s worked so hard to stop cursing since Mom’s death, when he decided he needed to be more of a positive role model for me. It’s sweet of him, and we get a good laugh out of his fumble, then say our goodbyes.

I pack up and head out to Brit Lit, where Prof. Strauss lectures on the reading from last night, and we have a quick class discussion. After class lets out, as I’m passing his desk, he says, “Mr. Waters, could I chat with you for a minute?”

I approach his desk, waiting as he types on his laptop. I’m wondering how long this will take, but a minute later he stops and addresses me. “These short responses I assign in the first month are designed to help me gauge where my students are at, and I must say, I was surprised when I read your recent one.”

I’ve always gotten props for reports and essays, so I’m ready for him to give me the sort of compliments I’m used to, when he says, “Yours was…substandard.”


“Overly simplistic. Like you were rushing. Or not really thinking it through. I expect more from my students. I know you’re a transfer, so I suspect that has something to do with this. And I don’t just speak for my own class—I can’t imagine this was sufficient at Emory.”

He’s so matter-of-fact that I’m running back through what I thought was a sophisticated philosophical argument about God’s fucked-up design of his garden in Paradise Lost. But clearly, I was mistaken.

“I’m sorry. Could I have a chance to rework it?”

“That’s not how my class works, Mr. Waters. The grade you get is the grade you earned. I just wanted to give you a heads-up because you have another essay response for next week, and I’m really hoping you’ll put the time in that the assignment deserves.”

I spent an hour on that. I thought it was good. But now I’m like…fuck me. It’s like the whole fucking school’s against me.

The interaction really puts me in a mood, and though I’ve been dreading this pickup game all week, it’s nice to have an excuse to let off some steam. I’m not a soccer player, but I’m impressed with how quickly I pick it up, mostly to piss off Brad Henning.

I’m still a fast fucker like I was when I trained for track. Guess all those years of desperately trying to run from my pain paid off, even if they never made the pain go away.

I use my speed to my advantage throughout the game, noticing Brad somehow manages to change positions so he can play defense to my offense every chance he gets. I return the favor, and during a play, as one of his teammates kicks him the ball, he takes off with it, calling back to me, “Come on, Pretty Boy. Show me what you got.”

Damn, it doesn’t take much for him to get me on edge, and I’m right on his ass when Alexei comes from the side. Brad looks like he’s about to dodge Alexei before he kicks the ball between Alexei’s legs and goes the other way so that I wind up slamming into him at full speed.

He’s like a brick wall, stopping my body, but my leg kicks under his and he trips up, grabbing me as we both tumble to the ground. As we land, his weight crushes down on top of me.

“Fuck,” I groan, but even with the pain, as our bodies are mashed up against each other, there’s a rush of sensation. Not as intense as when he grabbed my wrist the week before, but still fucking electric, exhilarating. It drives me so wild, I can’t even bring myself to get the fucking guy off me. I’m gasping, and I know it’s not because he knocked the wind out of me.

Something hard presses against my pelvis, wedged between us. As he raises himself up on his elbows, he grunts. “Fucker, look what you did to me.”

“Which thing are you talking about? I can’t control your boners, dude.”

“I meant running into me. And you don’t have any room to talk about the other thing.”

As he shoots me a glare, I notice I’m as stiff as he is, and it’s not helping that our bodies are still tight against each other, neither of us making a move to pull away.

This is definitely gonna show in gym shorts.

God, he has a fucking pretty mouth. I could just kiss him right now.

Stop it. He’s doing this to you!

