Lucky Obsession – Endless Obsession Read Online ChaShiree M

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Crime, Dark, Erotic, Insta-Love, Mafia, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 30
Estimated words: 27465 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 137(@200wpm)___ 110(@250wpm)___ 92(@300wpm)

My wheels are still turning. Mind going over everything I know when another message comes through. The message is from my intel guy. “What do you have for me?”

“His name is Stepan Popov. His family is..”

“I know who the fuck his family is.” Shit. How the fuck did she get tangled up with him? Fuck. This is worse than I thought. The Popov’s are sinister. They are the grime at the bottom of the dirt on your shoes. They don’t have morals or souls. They traffick, rape and kill women and children, without blinking. They are under the radar, so far in the ground even the FBI can’t find them right now. Stepan is a new name though.

“Seems he is the nephew of Fidel. His father was Fidel’s brother. He has been simmering in Moscow until his uncle brought him here six months ago.” Fuck. So he is a loose cannon basically. “It gets worse. '' he says into the phone. I can hear the tension in his voice and I know I am not going to like it.

“Tell me.”

“His modus operandi is to hire assistants, wait a while, blackmail them with being present when he conducts his dealings. Then he threatens their families and forces them to sleep with him. He gets them strung out and they become working girls for him.”

“What the fuck!?” Over my dead fucking body.

“There’s more.”

“What the fuck Coda. Don’t fucking spoon feed me. Give it all to me at once. Shit.”

“He secretly bought her parents' mortgage and I can see a file on her phone. He cloned it and has a tracker in it.”

“Can you do anything about the phone tracer?”

“You are going to have to give me a few days. I might be able to fix it. I am going to have to make it look like nothing has changed. His address is on your phone though.” Hanging up, I look at the address he sent me and save it into my phone. I find myself looking up at her window, scared and pissed for my girl.

“What the fuck baby? What have you done?” I get out of the car slowly and try to appear distracted, cognizant of the fact she has eyes on her. I make sure not to show I know they are there and use the spare key to walk in giving the illusion I live in the building.

Ear on her door, I hear nothing. Checking the cameras from my phone, I see she is asleep. Quietly, I walk in and stand over her for a second longer than I can handle. Leaning, I kiss her mouth softly not really trying to wake her, but fuck I need her so much.

I am standing here trying to convince myself I can have this one time and then back off until I get her problem under control. Right? Even as I have the argument with the possessive asshole in me, I know once I get back inside of her, there will be no more space.

She moans when my mouth touches hers. Her soft sweet breath brushes against my face and my dick starts salivating, remembering his momma's scent. Lifting her shirt, sniffing her tits, reacquainting my senses with her smell. She always smells like strawberries and cream. I lick over her nipples and moan as her taste once again fills me with warmth and longing. Shit. I thought I could control myself but fuck this.

“Wake up baby. Wake up and look at me.” I tell her as I bathe her nipples in my spit. Her moans become louder as she wakes and realizes this is not a dream

“Zef?” Her lust ladened voice, capped with surprise, makes me smile.

“It's me my love.” Then suddenly, the world ends. Everything begins to crash and burn. She cries. Fucking liquid begins leaking from her eyes and I feel like I am drowning in them. What the fuck? Her tears are lethal. They are acid melting the skin from my body. Even to a tough bastard like me.

I take a moment to pull her into my arms and kiss her all over her face. She is wrapped so tight around me they probably couldn't fit a string between us. Breaking my damn heart. “Don't cry baby. I know. I missed you too. Come on. Let me love you right now.” I beg her, gripping her ass. It has the effect I was looking for. Her hips buck and her open mouth touches my neck.

“Please Zef. I missed you so much. I need you.” she whines into my ear. I pull her shirt over her head and her sleep shorts down, kissing her mouth before pulling back to remove my clothes. Her squirmy, wet body is fucking calling my name right now.

I love moments like these when we need no words. Our eyes and our need for one another speaks louder than anything we can say. I take my clothes off and kneel between her legs. Pushing them further apart, I spread her wet, swollen lips open and take my first whiff in months. “Jesus, baby. You smell like fucking caramel ice cream.”

