Lucas Read Online Sawyer Bennett (Cold Fury Hockey #8)

Categories Genre: Erotic, New Adult, Romance, Sports Tags Authors: Series: Cold Fury Hockey Series by Sawyer Bennett

Total pages in book: 96
Estimated words: 91213 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 456(@200wpm)___ 365(@250wpm)___ 304(@300wpm)

I take a sip of my tea, more as a stall tactic than anything. After setting the cup down, I decide to admit frankly to Jules why it’s troubling that Luc is into me, as she says.

“You know how some guys aren’t into relationships?” I say. She nods and I continue. “And they really don’t want to get close to a girl, so they’re only in it for the sex, because that’s all they got to give?”

Jules appears confused. “Luc isn’t like that with you.”

I give her a sad smile because she’s not looking at this the right way. “No, he’s not. But that’s the way I am with him.”

“What?” Jules asks, pulling her chin in as she looks at me skeptically.

“I’m like a dude when it comes to commitment,” I tell her gravely. “I’m relationship averse. I’m afraid to trust. I’m into hookups and one-night stands because that’s all I have to give someone.”

Jules is shaking her head disbelievingly before I even finish. “No way. Don’t believe it.”

“Believe it,” I mutter.

“Good joke, though,” she says with a cute smile.

“Not a joke,” I deadpan.

The light from her eyes dies and her smile turns into a frown. “Wait. Are you serious?”

I just stare at her and her frown gets deeper.

“So you’re saying that you’ve never been in love?” she asks hesitantly.


“Never had a long-term relationship?”


“Never wanted to have a relationship?”

My answer doesn’t come readily and she seizes on my hesitation, yelling at me across the table as she points her finger. “Aha. You want a relationship with Lucas.”

“No way,” I say as I shake my head at her denial.

Absolute false denial, but I don’t correct it.

“Totally way,” she throws back at me.

“You’re completely off base,” I tell her as I cross my arms over my chest.

She doesn’t fire back at me right away, but instead appraises me with her finger tapping against her chin. Then she looks like she has some major revelation because she puts her forearms on the table and leans forward to murmur, “You want something more with Lucas but you’re afraid.”

“Bingo,” I grumble in complete and quick defeat, my cheeks flushing with warmth that I admitted my weakness. I’ve never had a conversation like this with another woman and it’s totally uncomfortable, and yet I know deep in my heart I need it.

“So what’s the hang-up?” she asks pleasantly, then takes a sip of her coffee.

Before I can even think to answer or tell Jules to mind her own fucking business—which I would actually never do because she’s as sweet as the day is long—someone is pulling out a chair and sitting down at our table. I turn my head to see the beautiful girl who had served me my tea at the counter when I came in. She turns her silvery-blue eyes my way for a brief smile and then turns to Jules. “Sorry. I was just now able to take a break.”

“A break?” I ask, wondering why this waitress feels like she can sit here with us.

My confusion is alleviated when Jules smiles brightly and says, “Stephanie, this is Lexi Robertson. She’s Brian Bannon’s daughter and also is dating Roman Sýkora.”

It hits me all at once and I actually recognize her. There was an article in the paper about the car accident she’d been in a few months ago and how Brian didn’t know she was his daughter until recently. And yeah, I remember that she was dating a Cold Fury player. I like Roman Sýkora a lot on the ice because he’s always stirring the pot out there.

“Nice to meet you,” I say with a hesitant smile.

“I thought it would be nice for you to meet some of the Cold Fury better halves,” Jules says with a wave at Lexi. “Figured everyone could use more friends.”

I just stare at Jules blankly, unsure of what to say. I was on the verge of spilling my guts to Jules, but now I’m sealed up tighter than a clam because Lexi is a complete stranger to me.

Jules continues to chatter. “And since you’ll be around for the long term and have a Cold Fury kid on the way, I thought it would be nice for you to start meeting the others.”

My jaw drops open and I look to Lexi to see her smiling at me, then back to Jules. “You told her about my pregnancy?”

There’s no mistaking the ice in my tone and Jules is clearly taken aback. Her hand reaches across the table and she lays it on top of mine. “God, no. That’s not my place.”

“Roman told me,” Lexi says softly, and I turn to look at her as Jules pulls her hand away. “Lucas told the management and team at yesterday’s practice.”

“He did?” I ask, stunned to be hit with this without any preparation. I’m a private person and pregnancy is about as personal as you can get. Add the fact I was basically a one-night stand that got me pregnant and it’s just not something I’m prepared to discuss with strangers.

