Loving You Always – The Bennetts Read Online Kennedy Ryan

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Contemporary Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 72
Estimated words: 68033 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 340(@200wpm)___ 272(@250wpm)___ 227(@300wpm)

“I have to go back to Saudi.”

Kerris turned the stove off and slumped her shoulders an inch.

“When do you leave?”

“In the morning.”

“Oh. I just thought we’d have more time.”

“I planned for us to have a week together.” Walsh pulled her hair into one fist and smoothed the length of it. “I didn’t count on a stubborn sheikh needing me to hold his hand until this deal is signed.”

Kerris loaded food onto their plates and moved away to set them on the table. She blinked back foolish tears. She was the one who had sent him away for a year. And here she stood, puddling on the floor because he was leaving.

“I understand.” She put forks down and poured orange juice, not looking at him in case he saw how disappointed she was.

“Baby, if I could get out of this I would.” Walsh sat down to eat. “Dad’s flying through to pick me up in the morning, and we’re flying straight there.”

Kerris was once again reminded how vastly different his life was from hers. She’d never even been out of the country, and Walsh hopped private jets like they were city buses. All her doubts that she could live in his world and share his life flooded her mind.

“Maybe it’s a blessing in disguise.” Kerris looked up, fiddling with the charm at her neck. “Things are moving fast. A little space might be good.”

“Space?” Walsh wrapped an arm around her waist and slid her chair as close to his as possible. “We had a year of that. The last thing we need between us is space. Why don’t you come with me?”

“Oh, yeah. I can see the headline now. ‘Small-Town Girl Torn Between Two Lovers.’ The press would have a field day.”

“Baby, I’m not going to hide us.”

“Walsh, I’m not asking you to hide.” Kerris pulled back an inch to look at him. “I just want to be discreet.”

“Discretion is a habit for me, Kerris. I’ve been living with media attention for a long time.” He lifted her chin, his eyes resolved. “But I won’t pretend we’re not together, and anyone who sees us in the same room will know I’m completely whipped.”

“You’re not—”

“I am.” He left the words on her lips. “I so am.”

Kerris closed her eyes, unable to hold back from him when he was giving her so much.

“I don’t want you to go.” Kerris dropped her forehead to his chest before looking up. “I’m tired of missing you.”

“Come with me.” His earnest eyes trapped hers. “I want you with me.”

“I can’t just leave Mama Jess and Meredith with all the responsibility.” Kerris gave a definitive shake of her head. “They’ve done so much while I recovered. It wouldn’t be fair.”

“But if we—”

“Please don’t tempt me.” She supplicated with just a glance. “I want to pull my weight at the shop, and it would be irresponsible just to drop everything and go. This is hard enough.”

Walsh’s head dropped back until he was looking at the ceiling. He brought his eyes back level with hers.

“Okay, I won’t make it any harder. But don’t expect to leave this houseboat today. We still have a lot of catching up to do.” He pulled her into his lap. “Do you have any idea how many times I’ve imagined you like you were last night? Not just your body. You across a dinner table from me. Us in bed laughing and talking. It was perfect.”

Kerris walked her fingers up his chest and around his neck. She met him halfway for a knee-weakening kiss.

“Everything far exceeded my imagination, Walsh.”

“Oh, so you’ve imagined me?”

His eyes teased her, but the memory of having only her imagination sobered her. Daydreaming in the tub. Drifting off while cooking dinner to meet Walsh in her mind. Only having him in her dreams, and feeling guilty every time.

“As much as I dared, yes.”

Walsh’s eyes lost the laugh, but held on to the tenderness.

“I’m right here now. Save your dreams for our future. I wanted our first night together to be…what it was.”

“Some first date. The fireworks. This beautiful necklace. The dress. The kimono. Are you trying to buy my affections, Mr. Bennett?”

“Pretty sure I already have your affections.”

Kerris hit his bare chest.


“Pretty sure you already knew that.”

“You’re right. I did. So do you treat all your first dates that way?”

He dropped his lashes, shielding his eyes before looking back at her, eyes serious and probing.

“Only my last first date.”

Her divorce wasn’t final. They’d just had their first date last night. She cleared her throat. What was she supposed to say to that?

“Um…your food’s getting cold. Aren’t you hungry?”

He laid his lips against hers.

“I’ll let you get away with it for now. And yes, after waiting all this time to be with you? Starved.”

“Food, Walsh.” She smiled into their kiss. “I meant for food.”

