Lovers Like Us Read Online Krista Ritchie, Becca Ritchie (Like Us #2)

Categories Genre: M-M Romance, New Adult, Romance Tags Authors: , Series: Like Us Series by Krista Ritchie

Total pages in book: 138
Estimated words: 136025 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 680(@200wpm)___ 544(@250wpm)___ 453(@300wpm)

I click into the @maximoffdeadhale account.

Farrow watches me, our silence more uneasy. I thought that tension would disappear.

“You don’t need to worry,” I tell him. “I’m not afraid of stalkers.”

“I didn’t think you were.” He combs a hand through his white hair. “There’s more.”

I frown at him before looking at the account. 52 photos. Most recent one shows me lying bloodied on a neon Cleveland sign, their Photoshop skills top-notch.

My first and only thought: I’m happy it’s me and not Farrow, not Jane, not my siblings, not my family, not anyone I love.

And I think about that. How I’m staring at dozens of pics where I’m dying or already dead and the only thing I feel is gratitude. Happy that the user didn’t choose to mock-kill someone else.

Farrow adjusts his earpiece, gaze drifting like another bodyguard is speaking. When his attention returns to me, he says, “It’s likely the account belongs to someone you personally know. Someone who hates you. Someone you’ve intentionally or unintentionally pissed off, and since I’m closest to you, I need to narrow down a list.”

I think back. Who did I piss off? “Most of my fistfights with hecklers made the news, so those names are somewhere online. That should help.” I stare faraway. “I can’t think of anyone else who’d want me dead besides anonymous trolls.”

Farrow slowly edges into the next question. “What about any of your hookups?”

Blood just drains out of my head. I’m not an idiot. I rapidly connect all the pieces and fully comprehend his reservations.

He needs to search my old NDAs for possible suspects.

And by search, I mean discover the names and number of people I’ve fucked.

I start shutting down. Brick upon brick upon brick. I climb off the bed and grab a pair of boxer-briefs.

He stands. “Maximoff—”

“I’ll go through my NDAs,” I say confidently, pulling my underwear to my waist. “I’ll give you the names of anyone that I think could be capable of creating an account like that.”

His jaw tics. “That’s not how this works. I’m your bodyguard. I protect you, Maximoff. You can’t do this yourself—”

“Why not?” I shake my head, my neck stiff and hot. “I’ve met these people. You haven’t. I can filter out the ones who would never—”

“How the fuck do you know they’d never hurt you?” he snaps, not backing down. “You were only with these people for one night. How much do you even know about them?”

I cast a glare at the wall. Not much.

“Omega wants to research all of your NDAs, and I agree—”

“No,” I say out of impulse and step back from him. Two feet. Three and four. Hands up. “You don’t need to know the faces of every person I’ve ever slept with.”

Farrow laughs out a pained smile. “Man, you think this is easy for me? I don’t want to rifle in your past when I know it hurts you for me to be there.”

“Then don’t.” I gesture to his chest. “Give the job to me or if not me, then Akara—”

“I’m your fucking bodyguard.” His narrowed gaze drives deeper into me. “Not Akara. Not anyone else. And as your bodyguard and your boyfriend, I want to protect you. It’s my job to take care of your NDAs, your safety, and if you don’t let me help you, then I’m hurting you by being a worse bodyguard than what you need.”

I set my hands on my head, almost out of breath. Like I just swam a 400-meter IM without coming up for air. I just stop. I breathe, and I try my best to understand him. Because I don’t want to fuck with his job.

My mind reels, and I just say what hits me. “I want to not care about the fucking NDAs, the faces, the names,” I tell him. “I get it. If our positions were reversed, I’d hope you’d value your life over something trivial. And that you’d let me sift through papers about your one-night stands and let me help…” I cringe at the thought of anyone stepping into a sex life that I kept private from the world.

From you.

How do I open a door that I padlocked, chained, and bolted shut? “Fuck,” I breathe, glaring at the ceiling.

“It’s not trivial,” Farrow says, swiveling the knob to his radio.

“What do you mean?”

“What you feel, what’s important to you—it’s not trivial,” he clarifies and sits half on the desk, casually stuffing his hands in his black pants pockets.

I can’t unglue my feet from the middle of the room. “I’m not ashamed of my number, but if you learn about all of this—I don’t want it to affect our relationship.”

“It won’t,” he says strongly. “I promise you, Maximoff. I don’t give a flying shit about your number or who you’ve fucked. I’ve never judged anyone for being promiscuous.” He shrugs. “It’s a personal choice, and that’s your business, not mine.”

