Loved Enough (Love In Montana #5) Read Online Kelly Elliott

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Erotic Tags Authors: Series: Love In Montana Series by Kelly Elliott

Total pages in book: 80
Estimated words: 77730 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 389(@200wpm)___ 311(@250wpm)___ 259(@300wpm)

I nearly groaned. “Not Johnnie. He doesn’t know the difference between a horse and a cow.”

She covered her mouth to keep from laughing.

Sighing, I added, “I’m sure I’ll only be down for the one day. I can work Monday to make up for it.”

Her brows shot up. “What day do you think it is?”

“Um, last night was the wedding, so…Sunday?”

The corners of her mouth twitched. “It’s Wednesday morning.”

“What?” My voice still sounded a bit gravelly, but I must have spoken louder than I thought because Lily stirred and curled up more on the chair. With a shake of my head, I lowered my voice and looked at Timberlynn. “I’ve been in bed for four days?”

She nodded. “You were pretty sick, Mav. Dr. Waters thinks it was most likely the flu.”

I closed my eyes. I was going to be so far behind on things. Who the hell got the flu in June?

“The horses—who’s been exercising them?”

With another smile, she said, “Nathan and Johnnie. Don’t worry, Hunter has stopped by a few times to help out, and so has Ryan. Tanner needed his help with a rescue that came in. Ryan ended up taking the horse to his ranch since you were laid up. Everything’s been fine, but I do believe the horses are pretty worried they haven’t seen you.”

I looked back over at Lily. “Has she been here the whole time?”

Timberlynn cast a quick look at her daughter. “She wouldn’t leave your side. She cares about you, Maverick. We all do. You’re a part of this family, and I’ve told you that time and time again. Nothing will ever change that. Tanner was beside himself when he first got here. Said he’d never felt anyone so burning hot. You gave him a good scare. He was ready to take you to the hospital, but Dr. Waters got here in time to stop him from carrying you to the truck.”

My chest squeezed tightly, and I couldn’t pinpoint the exact emotion that came with Timberlynn’s words. I’d never in my life had anyone take care of me, much less when I was sick.

No, that wasn’t true. Mindy and Justin had the one time I’d gotten sick. Mindy never left my side, and she even slept in the same bed as me.

“Thank you, for, um, taking care of me while I was sick.”

With a sweet smile, she stood. “You can thank that one in the corner. She was the one who made you drink water and bone broth and wouldn’t stop forcing ice cubes into your mouth.”

A memory flashed through my mind of me holding an ice cube to Lily’s mouth. It must have been a dream during the fever because that would never happen.

“Would you like some crackers? Maybe more of Lily’s famous bone broth? It’s actually pretty good.”

I nodded. “I can get it,” I said as I attempted to sit up one more time, only to feel the room spin. “Or maybe I’ll let you get it.”

Timberlynn winked and made her way out of the bedroom.

I turned my attention to the sleeping beauty in the corner. Fuck if she wasn’t the most beautiful woman I’d ever laid eyes on. What in the hell was wrong with that stupid friend of hers? How could he not see the way she looked at him?

My heart ached with jealousy, and I tore my gaze away from the one thing I wanted more than life itself—and would never be able to have.

“You’re awake.”

Her soft words drew my gaze back to her. The braid in her brown hair hung to the side of her head, just over her shoulder. Those honey eyes twinkled with a brightness that was all Lily. Everything about her was sunshine. From her eyes, to her smile, to the way she lit up a room when she walked in. Or the way she focused solely on the person she was speaking to at that moment. It was like everyone else faded away when her attention was on you.

Leaning forward, she stretched, and the book fell to the floor. When she pushed the blanket away, I realized she wore one of my T-shirts. And fuck me, if she didn’t look good in it.


It was the only word that would come out of my mouth. I was struck yet again by the power she held over me. At the wedding, when we’d danced, I’d almost whispered into her ear all the things I wanted to do to her with my hands and mouth. She fit against me so damn good, like she was custom-made for me. Did she not see that? Blinded by her best friend who wanted nothing to do with her in that way?

I closed my eyes to rid myself of the memory of how she felt in my embrace.

“Maverick? Are you okay?”

She was closer. Next to me. The mattress dipped, and I had to concentrate on not thinking about her in my bed.

