Love You Always Read Online Lucy Darling

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Insta-Love, Romance, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 159
Estimated words: 148188 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 741(@200wpm)___ 593(@250wpm)___ 494(@300wpm)

I pick up my phone, sending off a text, knowing it's for the best. I’m going to rip the Band-aid off. It might hurt today and tomorrow but it would be a million times worse if I fell in love with him. If I gave myself to him in a way that I’ve never given to anyone before.

I was already lightly stalking the man. I’m not sure what would happen if I fell even more for him. I know I’ve done what’s best for me, even if it feels as though my heart is shattered into tiny pieces.



“Don’t.” My brother grabs me by the shoulder, pushing me back into my car. My sister-in-law, Amelia, slipped inside the store moments ago. Her best friend, Mia, is with her. I glance over to see two black unmarked SUVs sitting a little way down the road and I have no doubt Mia’s husband, Max, and a shitload of bodyguards are inside them. I am really starting to understand why these two men go to such great lengths to protect their wives.

Alyssa isn't even my wife yet and I’ve already put a call out about getting her security. I think someone already alerted her about us being in the paper. It is the only reason she would have sent me that text cancelling our plans tonight. It felt as though she had plunged a knife into my chest when I read her words. That empty feeling had threatened to creep back in.

I offered to at least take her home if she was busy. She shut that down, too. She is stone-walling me. I know any text I send is going to end with her coming up with a reason why she can’t do whatever it is I ask. My only saving grace is that she hasn’t blocked my number and that she is still replying to my messages. It’s not much but it’s something.

“I need to talk to her.” I shake off my brother’s hold. He only sticks his arm out, blocking my path.

“Let the girls do their magic,” Ethan tries to reassure me. “I told Amelia that if you’re into this girl enough to get caught kissing her, then she’s the real deal for you.”

“I didn't let myself get caught,” I correct him. The last thing I wanted to do was put Alyssa in the paper. I know my girl has a shy side to her. That she wouldn't like the attention on her. It was inevitable, but I was hoping I could ease her into it. She didn't have a clue who I was last night and I was hoping to fill her in on everything tonight.

“No, I don’t think you meant to get caught. What I do think is that you were lost in the moment and forgot who you were and where you were. That alone tells me everything that I need to know.” He makes a good point. I sigh, running a hand down my face.

“Get your man to find out everything you can about my girl. I want to know it all.”

“You sure about that?”

I look over at my brother. “Are you trying to tell me that you didn't do the same thing when it came to Amelia?”

“I never said that. I was greedy for anything I could get my hands on when it came to my wife. That said, my wife is different. She rather enjoys that I was so invested in knowing all I could about her. How would your girl feel about that?”

I think about it for a moment. “This might make me an asshole but what do I have to lose? She’s already pushing me away. I need any advantage that I can get my hands on to find a way back into her life.” Plus, I don’t think she would mind, based on the fact that she outwardly admitted to lightly stalking me herself. My brother pulls out his phone, sending off a text. I feel a small amount of relief.

Could one picture really have changed everything? I know my girl is shy. Maybe it’s the gossip that’s bothering her. I never gave it much thought before except when it gave my clubs publicity. But now it’s all coming back to bite me in the ass.

“Let my wife work her magic. No one can say no to her.”

“What is she going to do?” I look back to the bakery, where all the women are now sitting at a table. There's an assortment of desserts and cupcakes spread all around them. They are all trying a bite of different things.

“My guess is that Amelia is going to befriend her and get her to help with her bridal shower.”

“You’re already married. Doesn't a bridal shower happen before the wedding?” Ethan smiles.

“I didn't give her much time to do anything before I got my ring on her finger and had her signing on the dotted line.” He has a point. The man was married before anyone knew what the hell happened. Not only married but expecting a baby. It was the first time in my life that my brother had to chase after a woman. I rather enjoyed watching it. Now, I am getting a taste of it for myself.

