Love Him Like Water Read Online Jessica Gadziala

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Contemporary, Mafia, Suspense, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 87
Estimated words: 84446 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 422(@200wpm)___ 338(@250wpm)___ 281(@300wpm)

“Been wondering what Renzo got a taste of to make him lock this down,” the driver said.

Then he was reaching for me, grabbing at me, fingers sliding across skin, yanking at my pants, dragging them down.

I reeled back, kicking out, striking, then sucking in a big breath to scream.

“Hey,” Michael snapped, making the driver release me, his hand still holding my pants, leaving me on the cold floor in my bare feet and panties. But it wasn’t the cold that had a chill moving through me. “Knock that off,” Michael said, and that little flicker of hope inside of me grew a bit as I scooted back until I hit the wall, pulling my knees in, and wrapping my arms around myself. “You can have all the fun you want when Renzo is here to watch,” he added, making my belly bottom out.

“Bet she’s got a great little cunt,” the driver said, leering at me, and I glared back, refusing to give into the desperation inside of me and cry.

“Must if she’s got Renzo being fucking monogamous,” Michael said, turning to look at me. “Maybe we’ll both take a turn. Renzo will fucking love that.”

I wanted to run, to scream.

But, honestly, the idea of one of them coming closer to me, touching me, made my belly twist, had bile rising up my throat.

Better to stay as far away from them as possible.

Maybe Renzo would come with force.

Maybe none of those things would happen.

That’s too many maybes, a voice in my head whispered. And I swear it was the voice of all the heroines in the books I read. Many of them just girls. Like me. Put in impossible situations. Like me. Forced to find their own inner strength.

And that was what I needed to do.

I waited until the men were distracted, Michael texting on his phone, the driver, bunching up my pants in his hands over and over, lost in thoughts I didn’t care to know about.

Then I slowly, one inch at a time with long moments between, started to scoot toward the office door.

If they noticed, they showed no signs.

And while it was impossible to actually tell time, I was pretty sure a solid fifteen or twenty minutes passed before I was closing in on the door, having moved completely across the open, empty space.

My gaze kept slipping to the men, both of them now on their phones, and my stomach twisted again, thinking of them calling in other reinforcements. Other men to abuse me. To kill Renzo.

I started unfolding one of my legs, ready to slip it under my body, press my weight onto it, and run for my freaking life into that room, slamming the door, then shoving the heavy desk in front of it. Up close, I was almost certain that it would work as a great barricade if I turned it and wedged it between the door and the wall across from it.

Then, well, I didn’t really know after that. It seemed to have a window, but I had no way to tell if it had a fire escape, or if it even opened at all.

All I knew was that a door between me and these monsters was far better than being out here in the open and fully at their complete lack of mercy.

But just as my knee pressed against the cold concrete, there was some sort of loud, shrieking noise that had the men stiffening. Michael, in his surprise, dropped his phone, and it skittered across the floor. Halfway toward me.

I could make a grab for it before running into the office.

I didn’t have Renzo’s number memorized. Or any of his family, for that matter. But I knew mine. Sure, they were way too far away to be of any real help in this life-or-death sort of situation. But they could get in touch with Avery, who would likely know peoples’ numbers, and could tell them what I knew.

I needed that phone.

My focus was so complete, that I missed whatever it was that had Michael and the driver reaching for their weapons.

I was in a lunge position when, suddenly, the door freaking flew inward.

And there was Cage, a dang battering ram like the ones cops had in his hands.

I was kneeling as, suddenly, Cinna and Dav flew inside, armed with military-style automatic weapons that had both Michael and the driver thinking better of trying to engage in a shootout.

“Kick them over,” Cinna snarled, her gaze laser-focused on the men, as was Dav’s.

It was only one set of eyes that landed on me instead.

Renzo strolled casually into the space, looking calm and collected.

Until his gaze landed on me, taking in the damage to my face that was, in all fairness, my own doing from the airbag.

It wasn’t until his gaze traveled downward, though, and took in my bare legs that I watched a vicious kind of darkness overtake him.

