Love At First Sight Read online Kelly Elliott (Southern Bride #1)

Categories Genre: New Adult, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Southern Bride Series by Kelly Elliott

Total pages in book: 89
Estimated words: 87170 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 436(@200wpm)___ 349(@250wpm)___ 291(@300wpm)

We walked into the dance hall, and Keith Urban’s “Coming Home” was playing. I smiled and wrapped my arm around Chloe’s waist.

“Okay, here we go!” Chloe said, looking up at me with a wide grin.

“I think we should give them something to talk about right off the bat.”

She giggled as she leaned up and kissed me. When she broke the kiss, her eyes were locked on mine. “I love you.”

“Oh baby, I love you more.”

Her nose wrinkled. “Impossible.”

“Good God, is this what we have to look forward to?” Mike said, reaching out to shake my hand. Alyssa wrapped Chloe in her arms and whispered something into her ear. Chloe blushed and said something back.

“Damn, dude, it was nice seeing the two of you walk in together like that,” Mike said. “Fucking finally.”

“Yeah, it feels right.”

The song changed, and Chloe and I exchanged a look. “Want to dance?”

She nodded and reached for my hand.

“As much as I would love to stand here and shoot the shit with you, Mike, my girl wants to dance.”

Mike laughed as Alyssa came up next to him.

Chloe practically ran onto the dance floor, dragging me behind her.

“Let’s show them how this is done!” she shouted over the song playing.

I took her in my arms, and we took off two-stepping. Throw in a little bit of swing, and we soon had a group of people watching us. The smile on Chloe’s face made my heart flip and flop in my chest. Especially after last night when I sat in in Patches’ stall and she cried until she fell asleep. I had carried her to my truck and up to her house, where Steed brought her in. It had been an emotional day, and I was glad to see her smiling.

After a few more spins around the dance floor, Chloe and I made it over to the table where Mike and Alyssa were sitting.

“Beer?” Mike asked me.

“Nah, not tonight.”

“I’ll take one!” Chloe said.

I kissed her quickly on the cheek. “I’ll go grab you one.”

As I made my way up to the little bar by the dance hall, I was stopped a few times by people wanting to talk. Lori Rhodes was one of them. I tried to move on, but she grabbed my arm and pulled me to a stop.

“So how would Chloe’s fiancé feel about the two of you being together like this? Folks are talking, Rip.”

I laughed. “Let ’em talk, Lori. They don’t know shit. Chloe is with me now.”

Her eyes went wide. “She’s not getting married?”

I smiled. “Oh, she’s getting married. Someday. And the guy she’ll marry is standing right in front of you. If you’ll excuse me.”

Lori’s mouth dropped open, but I didn’t give her another minute of my time. I ordered Chloe’s beer and a bottle of water for myself. The way back to the table went faster. I kept my eyes focused on the beautiful woman in my sights, and pretty much ignored everyone else.

Chloe was finally mine. Nothing and no one would ever change that again.


THE SOUND OF my father and Gage arguing outside woke me up. I couldn’t help the smile on my face. How long had it been since I’d started the day with a smile on face?


I swung my legs over the side of the bed. Drawing in a deep breath, I stretched. My phone went off, and I reached for it.

Alyssa: You’re on the prayer chain this morning after your appearance with Rip last night. Word is Rip beat up Easton and chased him away, eventually winning back your heart. It’s like out of a damn romance novel.

Laughing, I typed my response.

Me: Well, it could be worse. I could be the cheating whore who suckered her best friend into an affair while her poor fiancé was clueless in Houston.

Alyssa: Yeah, that would have been much worse.

My phone went off again, and I saw his name. My stomach fluttered.

Rip: Morning, beautiful. How did you sleep last night?

Me: Like a baby. I had fun last night. Thank you.

Rip: I did too. How about a picnic this afternoon? I have the perfect spot.

With shaking fingers, I typed my response. Why in the world was I nervous?

Me: I would love to. What time and where?

Rip: I’ll pick you up around noon? Sound good?

I couldn’t wipe the silly grin off my face even if I tried to.

Me: Sounds perfect. I’ll see you then.

He sent me back a heart emoji that said I love you.

Me: I love you so much more.

The knock on the door made me jump.

“Who is it?”

“Gage. Can I come in?”

I walked to the door, and smiled as I opened it. “What do I owe this little honor?”

“Folks are starting to talk about you, Chloe. Dad jumped all over me ’cause I came to your defense today in Lily’s.”

Lily’s Place was one of the best cafés in town. It was on the square, and my folks had been going there since they were younger than Gage.

