Love At First Sight Read online Kelly Elliott (Southern Bride #1)

Categories Genre: New Adult, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Southern Bride Series by Kelly Elliott

Total pages in book: 89
Estimated words: 87170 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 436(@200wpm)___ 349(@250wpm)___ 291(@300wpm)

I chanced a peek, and Mike was right. Chloe was shooting daggers at me.

“How in the hell am I supposed to avoid her? We’re all hanging out, and I already told her I’d give her a ride home.”

Mike smiled. “You’re up a creek without a paddle.”

“Thanks for that, Mike.”

“Hey, it’s about damn time it all comes out.”

“No, it’s not about damn time. Chloe is happy. She’s moved on. She is engaged to another man.”

“Yes, but would she be if you’d been up front with her?”

“I don’t play what-if games.”

Mike shook his head. “You’re still scared. Jesus, you’re about to lose her for good, and you’re still fucking scared.” He tossed his hands up and let them fall to his side. “I give up, man. I don’t think you even know what in the hell you want anymore.”

I felt a tap on my shoulder. Turning, I found Chloe. I went to talk, but she cut me off.

“I’d like to leave now. Is your offer still on to drive me home?”

I chanced a look at the exit. If I jumped a few chairs and frantically made my way through the crowd, I could probably get away clean. Then I looked down at her.

Oh yeah, she was pissed.

“Um, of course. Let’s go.”

She spun on the heel of her boot and started walking off. I handed my beer to Mike.

“Looks like I’m leaving.”

“Good luck, bro.”

Rubbing the back of my neck, I sighed. “I’m gonna need it.”

The ride to the ranch was filled with silence. Chloe stared out the window, not once looking my way. I figured the closer we got to ranch the more she’d finally say what was on her mind.

I was wrong.

When I pulled up in front of her house, she opened the passenger door.


She looked over her shoulder at me.

“Have a good night.” I softly said.

Her eyes narrowed while her mouth opened slightly. Then she made a growling sound, jumped out of the truck, and slammed the door. When she got halfway up her steps, she turned and shouted, “You asshole!”

My eyes widened in shock.

“What did I do?” I called out.

When she got to the door, she shook her head and looked back at me.

“Nothing. That’s the problem, Rip.” She slammed the door, ending our conversation before it even began.

I looked around, stunned.

“What in the living hell is that supposed to mean?”


AS I SAT on the back porch swing, I stared down at the empty notebook. My mother had asked me to start making a list of things I wanted for the wedding. Colors, theme, bridesmaids, etc. I couldn’t think, though. My mind was filled with nothing but doubt. I wasn’t sure I was making the right decision. Easton and I had yet another fight this morning. His mother had taken him to look at houses. Something I said we should do together, just the two of us, when I was in town. I wanted something farther out, with at least a big yard. He wanted something completely different. If it were up to him, he would be in a condo in downtown Houston. He said that three times today on the phone. I finally gave in and told him that was fine. It was the only thing I could do to end the disagreement and get him off the phone.

Was this what my life would be like? Caving in to Easton because I was too prideful to admit I had possibly made a mistake by saying yes? Was I really going to settle?

Looking back over the months we had dated, it had never been that way. The moment he slipped a ring on my finger, I became something else to him. And a part of me—a large part of me—didn’t even want the ring on my finger.

“Chloe, you haven’t written a single thing down?”

I looked over to find Aunt Waylynn. Smiling, I shrugged. “I can’t seem to focus right now.”

“Doubts?” she asked. That was Aunt Waylynn. She was a straight shooter and didn’t have time to dance around a subject. There was definitely no doubt as to how Liberty turned out the exact same way.



I slowly shook my head and glanced down at my ring. “Why I said yes.”

“That is one hell of a doubt. So tell me, Chloe Cat, why did you say yes?”

Letting out a deep exhale, I laughed.


Then she laughed. Soon we were both laughing and had tears streaming down our face.

“I don’t…even know…what we are laughing at!” Aunt Waylnn said.

Once I got myself under control, I let out a groan. “Oh God, Aunt Waylynn. I don’t know. Caught up in the moment, maybe? Trying to make our failing relationship work? Finally ready to leave things in the past?”


I buried my hands in my face. “I’m so confused. I am so damn confused.”

“Chloe, you need to take a deep breath and ask yourself, is this guy worth giving up everything for? I’m going to be honest, sweetheart, you don’t seem like the enchanted, excited bride who cannot wait to plan her wedding and marry the love of her life.”

