Lost on Oblivion – Kindred Tales Read Online Evangeline Anderson

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 115
Estimated words: 108211 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 541(@200wpm)___ 433(@250wpm)___ 361(@300wpm)

Please be still! Intimate depilatory in progress! Sensitive areas are being serviced!

“Yeah, I know they’re sensitive—they’re my areas!” Andi snapped, but it seemed she had no choice but to hold still as the mechanical hands continued to work on her.

It was over pretty quickly, though Andi thought even a few seconds would have been too long to be fondled by the handsy shower. All the arms withdrew back into the walls and she was sprayed with jets of water again.

Then the holo letters appeared for a last time.

Shower complete—enjoy your day!

“I’ll try, I guess,” Andi grumbled stepping out of the stall. She would have to be sure not to let Cade go in there—he would probably get upset and break all the robot arms in his current state. No, if she wanted to wash the big Hybrid, she would have to get him in the tub, she thought. But they could wait and do that later.

She examined her legs and saw that they were extremely smooth—and so were her armpits. Unfortunately, so was her pussy mound. Andi made a face. She had tried shaving there exactly once, back in college but the resulting itchiness of the hair growing back for the next two weeks had convinced her never to try it again.

“Well, I guess I’m going to be itchy for a while,” she muttered to herself. It was a nuisance but one she was willing to deal with to feel clean, she supposed.

She was wrapping one of the fluffy towels around herself when she saw the sign on the side of the tall, round cylinder beside the shower stall. It was labeled simply, hair dryer.

Andi’s hair was so thick and wavy it always took forever to dry so she decided to take a chance on the cylinder.

It had a round door which swung outward, so she stepped inside and closed it behind her. She was waiting for holo letters like the ones in the shower to tell her what to do—however none appeared. There was just a click from the door, which seemed to mean it was locking itself.

This made Andi rather uneasy, but she reasoned with herself that Goodie Bo-long wouldn’t have anything really dangerous in her bathroom. She made herself hold still and waited to see if mechanical arms would come down to dry her hair.

Instead, a gust of warm air started at her feet and then swirled up around her body.

“Oh!” Andi said, looking down. It felt rather nice but now the wind speed seemed to be increasing. The warm gusts started below and swirled upwards around and around her body at greater and greater velocity until she began to feel like she was standing in the center of her own personal tornado!

A moment later the wind, which had started so gently, got strong enough to tear the towel from her body. Andi tried to clutch at it, but it was gone, whirling up and over the top lip of the drying stall to go flying across the bathroom. It smacked into the mirrored wall and felt limply to the marble floor below.

“Hey!” she gasped. The wind was making a howling noise in her ears and her hair was standing straight up and whirling above her head in a tower at least three feet high, since it was so long. “Hey, help—this is too much!” she exclaimed, pushing at the door. But it wouldn’t open—she was stuck in the middle of the cyclone!

Suddenly the bathroom door burst open and Cade was there. When he saw Andi stuck in the drying cylinder with her hair flying and whipping above her head, his eyes turned red and he began to growl. Bounding across the room, he began trying to pry the cylinder open.

Oh no—he thinks I’m in danger and he’s going into Rage!

Andi tried to reassure him.

“It’s all right, Cade—I’m okay!” she shouted, but her voice was lost in the fury of her own personal storm. She was really afraid the big Hybrid was going to break into the cylinder—he was raining blows on the clear sides of the stall and she could feel it shivering all around her. If it broke—

But that moment, the wind suddenly died away to nothing and her hair fell in a floppy mess around her face.

“It’s okay—I’m okay, Cade!” she called, pushing her hair out of the way and fumbling for the door. Now that the drying cycle was over, it popped open easily.

The big Hybrid was breathing hard when she finally stepped out of the drying stall. He took Andi by her upper arms and looked her over, as though searching for injuries.

“I’m okay,” Andi said again, trying to soothe him. “Really I am—I was just scared, that’s all, but I’m not hurt.”

Suddenly Cade gathered her in a fierce bear hug, dragging her close to his naked, muscular body and holding her to him in a desperate display of relief and possession.

