Lost on Oblivion – Kindred Tales Read Online Evangeline Anderson

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 115
Estimated words: 108211 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 541(@200wpm)___ 433(@250wpm)___ 361(@300wpm)

“They’re a cult,” Andi whispered loudly. She didn’t want anyone from the New Order to hear her call them out for what they were. But wait—they weren’t here, were they? Her thoughts felt rather muddled.

“Yes, a cult—that’s exactly what they are!” Goodie Bo-long nodded vigorously. “They’ve taken the beautiful gift they were given—complete sexual freedom for the first time in their lives—and twisted it into a cult of shame and pain and suffering! Beating themselves with Pain Leaves, just because they feel desires they can’t control! It’s sick, I tell you—sick!”

“Ssssssick,” Andi agreed, the word hissing in her mouth. Suddenly her eyelids were feeling extremely heavy. She slumped back against Cade, who pulled her closer. “So sick…” she murmured, still agreeing with Goodie Bo-long.

Goodie Bo-long frowned.

“Are you quite all right, my dear?”

“I’m fine,” Andi assured her. She frowned. “’cept my glass is empty,” she added, waving the glass mournfully.

Goodie Bo-long laughed.

“My dear, I think you’ve had quiet enough for tonight. The main thing I want to know is, if I help you get back to your people and you do find a cure for Manimalism, will you promise not to bring it back here? We women are much better off as we are,” she added.

“I promish,” Andi said promptly, putting down the empty glass. “Not gonna cure the Manimals. They’re better off like they are. At leasht the women are better off.”

“We certainly are. Thank you—I’m glad to have your word on that.” Goodie Bo-long nodded firmly. “And now, I think it’s time you got to bed. Will your Manimal carry you if you tell him to? I don’t think you’re fit to walk.”

Andi turned rather laboriously and put her arms around the big Hybrid’s neck.

“Cade, up!” she told him. “Can you pick me up? Can you get up?”

He tilted his head to one side and a frown came to his face—to Andi he looked very much like he was trying to understand her—maybe almost understanding her, but not quite getting it.

“Never mind, dear—I’ll help you.” Goodie Bo-long put down her own glass-which was still mostly full—and came over to Andi. “Up, you get,” she said, looping an arm around Andi’s waist and helping her stand on wobbly legs.

Cade made a sound in his throat and got up at once. Reaching down, he lifted Andi into his arms and held her protectively close to his broad, bare chest.

“Oh, now he’s got the idea!” Goodie Bo-long exclaimed. “He’s a smart one, your Manimal—he just wants a bit of training.” She nodded at Cade. “All right—come along then. Come.”

“Follow her, Cade.” Andi pointed as the other woman walked away. “You can do it—go!”

Her brain still felt fuzzy around the edges, but she was pleased nonetheless when the big Hybrid followed directions and carried her up the stairs to the second floor where Goodie Bo-long was leading them.

“I’ll put you in my nicest guest suite—goodness knows I don’t have many visitors these days. Not since that dreadful New Order has taken over this town and they all see me as some kind of ‘Scarlet Woman’,” Goodie Bo-long remarked.

She led the way into a bedroom that was twice as big and ten times as luxurious as the one Andi had been renting from Goodie Tight-azz.

“Oh…this is beufidal! I mean beautiful,” Andi murmured, leaning her head back against Cade’s arm to look up at the crystal chandelier hovering near the ceiling. The sight made her dizzy—like the whole room was spinning.

“Yes, it is—isn’t it?” Goodie Bo-long smiled. “Wealth might not buy one happiness, but it can give one a rather lovely place to be miserable in.” She sighed. “I hope you and your Manimal will be comfortable here. First Meal is whatever time you get up—just ring the bell and the girl will bring you whatever you need.”

“Girl?” Andi asked, looking around. She didn’t see any girl—though there was a vast round bed covered in a luxurious gray satin bedspread and a furry white rug underfoot. Well, under Cade’s feet, she amended to herself, since he was still holding her.

“The maid I’ll assign to you,” Goodie Bo-long explained. “She’s still asleep right now—most of the household staff is. Though goodness knows it’s getting harder and harder to get good help lately! What with the New Order telling everyone it’s wrong to work for a ‘Manimal Whore’ like me.” She sighed. “Still, we struggle on! Anyway, I’ll say goodnight, my dear.”

“Good night. Oh, wait!” Andi called, as the other woman turned to go.

“Yes?” Goodie Bo-long raised her eyebrows.

“Can…can Manimals be in the bed?” Andi said. “I mean, can Cade sleep with me? He wasn’t s’posed to at Goodie Tight-azz’s,” she added as explanation.

“Of course he can sleep with you, my dear! Just as my darling Gobi sleeps with me every night,” Goodie Bo-long exclaimed. “Tomorrow you’ll learn that Manimals are given free reign around here. As long as they’re well behaved, nothing is off limits—not a thing,” she added, her eyes flashing. “But for now, I’ll leave you. Good night and sweet dreams.”

