Lost on Oblivion – Kindred Tales Read Online Evangeline Anderson

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 115
Estimated words: 108211 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 541(@200wpm)___ 433(@250wpm)___ 361(@300wpm)

“Get in the house!” Goodie Bo-long ordered Andi tersely, not taking her eyes from the Manimal pack. “This will only hold them off for a minute—you and your Manimal both—go!”

Andi unfroze. Grabbing Cade’s arm, she tugged at her Protector.

“Cade, come on—come on!” she exclaimed. But the big Hybrid clearly didn’t want to go. He was still standing there, growling, his eyes red with Rage as he glared at the Manimals.

Meanwhile, the Manimal pack was slowly getting over their fear of Goodie Bo-long and her weapon. They were starting to creep forward again, their eyes gleaming in the dim moonlight.

“I’ve only got one more shot left,” Goodie Bo-long warned. “And as soon as I shoot it, I’m going back. Get your Manimal in the house or he’ll die out here!” She cocked the weapon with a click-click sound and added, “You have five seconds.”

Andi felt terror fill her chest like live coals.

“Cade—Cade! Look at me!” She came to stand in front of the big Hybrid. Reaching up, she put both hands on the sides of his face and forced him to look at her. “I know you want to protect me,” she said, looking into those red eyes of his. “But this isn’t the way to do it. We have a safe place to go and I need you to come with me—now!”

At last the red began to fade from his eyes and Andi could tell he was focusing on her instead of the Manimal pack.

“Come on!” she urged and then Goodie Bo-long shot again.


Cade jerked and Andi couldn’t help jumping as well, even though she’d been expecting the shot. Then she was running, dragging Cade by the arm as they followed Goodie Bo-long up the steps to her big, round, three-layer-cake mansion.

Andi kept a firm grip on the big Hybrid’s arm. Of course, she knew Cade was coming with her of his own accord—she wouldn’t actually have been able to drag him along with her if he was unwilling to go. But she didn’t want him to get distracted with the Manimal pack again—which was howling behind them.

“Come on—in the house—hurry!” Goodie Bo-long panted, holding the door open for them.

Andi ducked past her and Cade came right behind. A moment later Goodie Bo-long was slamming the door shut and sealing it tight with several locking mechanisms.

“There!” she said, leaning the long, cylindrical weapon against the curving wall beside the door before she turned to face them.

She was wearing a short, pink, diaphanous gown that only came to her mid thighs and was cut low enough to show both breasts. She also had on a short robe that matched and was trimmed with tiny, fluffy, dark pink feathers. The shoes on her feet looked like kitten heels and they had the same fluffy feathers around the toes. Andi noticed that her toenails were painted bright pink—presumably to match her hair.

“That was a close one!” Goodie Bo-long said, looking at Andi, who was just standing there in the middle of the large foyer she found herself in. “I wouldn’t have known anything was going wrong out there if one of my Manimals hadn’t alerted me. Isn’t that right, Gobi?” she cooed at a Manimal who came over on all fours.

He must have been a handsome man before he lost his mind, Andi thought, watching as Goodie Bo-long offered him her breasts to suck—presumably as a reward for alerting her to trouble. He had thick, dark pink hair that was nearly red and deep, spruce-green skin. His body was muscular and fit and between his legs she could see a shaft dangling down which looked almost as big as Cade’s.

“We certainly owe him a debt of gratitude for letting you know we were stuck out there,” she said to Goodie Bo-long, who was ruffling her Manimal’s thick hair affectionately as he sucked her nipples.

“Yes—Gobi is my favorite! He’s the Manimal I’ve had the longest and he’s the only one allowed out after everyone else is in their kennel for the night.” She looked up at Andi. “What happened, anyway? Did Goodie Tight-azz have a problem with you?”

“Oh, well, she…” Andi felt suddenly tongue-tied with embarrassment. How could she admit that their former landlady had walked in on them while Cade was going down on her?

“Come into the living area and tell me about it, why don’t you?” Goodie Bo-long suggested. “Enough now, Gobi,” she added, tapping the eager Manimal on the head. “You can have more Sweet Drops later.”

Obediently, the large muscular Manimal stopped sucking her nipples and headed for the living area on all fours. Goodie-Bo-long followed him and Andi and Cade followed her.

Andi caught her breath at what she saw when they turned the corner. The living area was truly grand. It was filled with heavy furniture upholstered in exotic looking black and white spotted leather. On the black marble floor was a striped black and white carpet that matched. Three huge bay windows looked out on the street below, where the Manimal pack could be seen wandering off now that there was no one to attack.

