Lost on Oblivion – Kindred Tales Read Online Evangeline Anderson

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 115
Estimated words: 108211 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 541(@200wpm)___ 433(@250wpm)___ 361(@300wpm)

“Oh, Cade,” she’d whispered when her eyelids cracked open and she saw her big Protector bent over her breasts. It was so exactly like all her fantasies and dreams of him, that she’d been certain she was dreaming until he took her right nipple deep into his mouth and sucked hard, sending a bolt of almost painful pleasure right through her.

“Oh!” she’d gasped and arched her back in surprise. “Cade—what are you doing?”

Her only answer had been a growl and then the events of the day before had come rushing back and Andi had realized it was no dream. Her huge Hybrid Protector really did have the mind and desires of an animal and the only way she had to control him was to let him do exactly what he was doing right now.

She’d let Cade suck her nipples for almost half an hour before the door suddenly banged open and Goodie Tight-azz was standing there.

“I thought I told you no Manimals on the furniture! I could kick you out for this, you know!” she snapped as Andi gasped and tried to cover herself—a difficult proposition since Cade was still holding her possessively close to his side as he sucked and licked her.

“I…he…Cade needed comfort,” she said, trying to think of a good excuse. “He was upset because we’re in a strange place.”

“Well—at least I see you’ve still got your panties on,” Goodie Tight-azz sniffed. “Manimals ain’t too good at getting around underthings—keeps ‘em out, which is as it should be!”

“Er…yes. Yes, it does,” Andi agreed.

But only if you don’t open your panties and let them in, whispered a guilty little voice in her head.

Andi pushed it away and tried not to moan as Cade continued licking and sucking her nipples. He gave Goodie Tight-azz a glare and growled possessively deep in his throat without relinquishing the peak he was currently bathing with his tongue.

“Well, hurry and finish giving him your Sweet Drops and then make him get off the bed! Letting a Manimal sleep with you leads to the wrong kinds of activities—and like as not, a big belly,” the landlady lectured. “First Meal is in fifteen minutes—don’t be late!”

And then Andi had been forced to get up and try to persuade Cade that he’d had enough of her Sweet Drops and he ought to let her get dressed.

“So you say he broke your door?” Flow-da said, breaking into her train of thought.

“Oh—yes! The bathroom door,” Andi replied. “Goodie Tight-azz says it’s going to cost me another gold piece so she can fix it.”

Flow-da frowned.

“Stingy old bitch! Why, you could buy a whole door for a silver piece! Asking for gold to fix a crack is robbery!”

“Well, I don’t want to make her mad, since this is the only boarding house in town,” Andi said carefully. “I just hope I still have enough to buy a ticket for the Moon Shuttle.”

“Oh, that’s only two silver pieces,” Flow-da assured her. “They don’t run it for profit, you know—all the money goes into the upkeep and fuel and that’s it. Back before the men all turned into Manimals, it used to cost a fortune to go to the Moon colony! But now it’s cheap—so everyone can enjoy it.” She grinned. “We have a lot fewer corporations and a lot more social safety nets since The Incident—you know?”

“It sounds like a good situation,” Andi agreed.

She was feeling relieved. She had plenty of gold and silver pieces left and more than enough to buy a ticket for the shuttle. That reminded her of her other plan.

“Flow-da, I was wondering if you’d like to go shopping with me after breakfast—er, First Meal?” she asked. “I mean, if you don’t have anything else to do. I only have these same clothes I had on when we crashed yesterday and I’d like to buy something else to wear.”

“Oh, shopping! I’d love to!” Flow-da clapped her hands excitedly. “And I know all the best shops in town! You’ll see—we’ll get you tricked out in style! You’ll look like a true Zo’rathian!”

“Down to the shopping district is it?” Goodie Tight-azz came stumping out of the kitchen, carrying a wide wooden tray filled with steaming plates. “Good. The two of you can come with me and attend my NO meeting then.”

“Oh, um…” Andi didn’t know what to say to that. She didn’t want to go to the meeting of the New Order—it sounded very strict and judgmental. But she didn’t see how to get out of it, either.

“We couldn’t infringe on your meeting, Goodie Tight-azz,” Flow-da protested—clearly she didn’t want to go either. “It just wouldn’t be right!”

“Nonsense—it won’t be infringement at all. Anyway, you girls need a little guidance in your lives and the New Order is just exactly where to get it. You two will be my guests—I insist.”

