Lost on Oblivion – Kindred Tales Read Online Evangeline Anderson

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 115
Estimated words: 108211 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 541(@200wpm)___ 433(@250wpm)___ 361(@300wpm)

“Ohhhh,” Andi had sighed softly, feeling lost in the golden depths of his gaze. No man had ever talked to her like this in her life and she could have sworn she felt sparks flying between herself and her huge new Protector. Her heart was pounding and her nipples were tight little points. It felt like a moment right out of a romance novel…

But then, nothing had ever come of it.

She and Cade had gone on twelve missions together so far and though Andi could have sworn she felt some kind of attraction between them, nothing had ever happened.

Often she turned and found his golden eyes following her and sometimes he would hold her gaze with his…but he never spoke at such times. He caught her when she tripped and fell—which was embarrassingly often—and it seemed like he sometimes held her for a moment longer than was strictly necessary before putting her back on her feet. But again, he never actually said anything.

Well, except for that one time on Cle’bo’lot Three…

Cle’bo’lot Three was a jungle world, which meant it got pretty steamy. Andi had been hip deep in a marshy area, pulling up huge purple plants that looked like giant pussy willows and her glasses had gotten all steamed up.

“Oh…crap,” she’d muttered to herself, as she tried to swipe at the foggy lenses with her forearm since her hands were all covered in plant muck and mud. This move wasn’t very successful and only smeared the lenses more.

“What’s wrong?” Cade had asked. He was standing right behind her with his arms crossed over his broad chest looking over the jungle landscape like a bouncer at a club keeping an eye out for trouble.

Andi had uttered a muffled curse as she tried to clean her glasses again.

“Nothing, it’s just that I can’t see,” she said grumpily. “This humid weather! My glasses are all fogged up and I—”

The words died in her mouth as her glasses were plucked off her face by a big hand. Turning, she saw the blurry profile of her huge Hybrid Protector. He had pulled the front of his uniform shirt out of the tight black uniform trousers and was polishing the lenses of her glasses carefully. Which incidentally, showed an expanse of flat abdomen and chiseled abs which made her wish everything wasn’t quite so blurry.

“There you go,” he’d murmured, when he finished. He had started to put the glasses back on her face…and then paused a moment. “Why haven’t I seen your eyes before?” he’d rumbled, frowning.

“Oh, well…I, um, I don’t know.” Andi wasn’t sure what he meant.

“I mean it—why are you hiding them behind these thick oculars?” he’d asked, gesturing to her glasses, which looked like a toy in his huge hands. “They’re fucking gorgeous, Andrea—you shouldn’t wear these things all the time.”

“But…I can’t see without them,” she’d reminded him, though her heart had been pounding in her chest. She had that feeling she often got when she was around him—the feeling of being helplessly aroused, though she was trying not to be. Her nipples were throbbing and her pussy was wet—maybe it had to do with his scent which was incredible, she speculated distractedly.

Cade had leaned towards her and she had wondered just for a moment if he might kiss her…but then he’d simply placed the glasses carefully back on her face.

“You shouldn’t hide your eyes,” he’d rumbled softly. “Fucking gorgeous.”

And then he had simply tucked his shirt back in and gone back to keeping a look out.

Andi’s heart had been beating like a drum and she’d had a hard time concentrating on finishing her task. Her whole body was throbbing with sexual tension and she couldn’t help wondering if Cade felt it too…or if this problem she had when she was near him was entirely one sided. At last she’d given up on harvesting the purple pussy willows and simply taken the pile she’d already collected back to the shore.

Though what Cade had said about her eyes was the nicest compliment anyone had ever given her, nothing had ever come of it, she thought sadly as her Protector withdrew to buckle himself into the pilot’s chair of the long-range shuttle.

It wasn’t like she’d never dated before—she had. But no one had ever made her feel small and feminine and protected like the big Hybrid. And no one had ever made her feel beautiful either—not even her ex-fiancé, Herbert, who she’d broken up with prior to moving to the Mother Ship.

Herbert had also been a scientist—a Molecular Biologist who wore glasses even thicker than Andi’s. He’d had a very curious mind…but only when it came to science. When it came to anything physical, he was awkward—much like Andi herself. At first, she’d believed that would make them a perfect match. But after a few years of being engaged, it became apparent that it only made them extremely boring in the bedroom.

