Lock Me Out – The Locked Duet Read Online Cassandra Hallman

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, BDSM, Dark, Erotic Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 102
Estimated words: 95453 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 477(@200wpm)___ 382(@250wpm)___ 318(@300wpm)

When she’s finished eating, she looks down at herself and wrinkles her nose. “I need a shower.” Her smile slips, and pain touches the corners of her eyes. Maybe she thinks I don’t notice, but it’s too obvious—and when I shoot a quick look at Nix, it’s clear he sees it, too. She’s remembering yesterday.

“Yeah, do that,” I tell her. Am I being over the top? Trying too hard? I honestly don’t know. “Or take a bath, even. Light a candle, act like you’re at the spa. We can get the living room set up for you.”

The sight of tears in her eyes is like a kick in the chest. So much for that idea. The whole point was to keep her from crying today.

But there’s a smile, too, even if it’s shaky. “Thank you. Both of you. This is just what I needed.” She actually seems excited when she gets out of bed and heads for the bathroom.

Once the water is running, Nix leans against the wall and lets out a sigh. “That was a close one. I thought we lost her there.”

“I know. But she’s strong.” That doesn’t mean we can’t be careful with her, though, since there’s still that fragility underneath. I would kill to protect this woman. I would stop at nothing for her happiness. All I want or need is for her to believe that… and maybe forget the past, though I know that’s not easy. It might be asking for too much.

By late afternoon, the three of us are sacked out, and nobody really needs to say anything. It’s enough to be here, hanging out, pretending the rest of the world has gone away for a while. Leni watches TV with her head on my shoulder, twirling a strand of hair around her finger. How can something so simple fill me with so much relief? Knowing she feels like she can be normal around us after the way we broke her down—it’s like a gift I don’t deserve. I don’t deserve her at all.

Between episodes of the baking show she chose, I pause the TV and get up, stretching after sitting in the same spot for so long. “I think we have some popcorn. Anybody want some?”

“Oh, definitely.” She gives me a grateful smile, drawing her legs up under the blanket before pulling her phone from the pocket of her hoodie. “I should check in with Piper. She’s probably wondering where I am.”

“Try not to burn it,” Nix adds, lying on his back with his ankles crossed over the arm of the sofa. I’ve seen him like that so many times—there’s something so familiar about all of this, and it’s almost enough to make me wonder if I needed this as much as Leni did.

“Why don’t you come in here and pop it yourself if you don’t think I can handle it?” I ask him. “Maybe get off your ass and help out a little bit.”

“Boys, boys.” Leni clicks her tongue and shakes her head with a giggle. “You better be careful, or I’ll have to separate you.”

I can see us doing this for a long time. It’s a surprising thought. Planning on forever with Leni is one thing, but bringing Nix into it? When I search myself, waiting for the microwave, it feels right.

I just don’t have the first fucking clue how we would make it work. I don’t share—passing her back and forth in bed is one thing, but in real life? I don’t know how I could handle that. But I see the way he looks at her. He wants her.

Maybe as more than somebody to control and humiliate.

“Oh, my god!” I spin around in time to see Leni drop her phone and cover her face with her hands. “Why? Why are they doing this?”

Nix is next to her in a heartbeat, putting an arm around her shoulders. “What is it?” Meanwhile, I pick up her phone to look at whatever freaked her out.

You’re going to die, bitch. Count the minutes before it’s all over.

“What the fuck?” I hold it out for Nix to read and watch rage settle over his features.

“But they’re dead!” Leni sobs behind her hands, rocking back and forth. “How? How are they doing this?”

“They’re just assholes behind a keyboard,” Nix murmurs, though the look he gives me from over the top of her head isn’t nearly as comforting as he’s trying to be. “Nobody’s going to hurt you.”

“I don’t understand! What did I ever do?” When I sit on her other side, she looks at me through tear-filled eyes. Her face is flushed, her cheeks shining from what’s already flowed down them. “Why are they doing this? I thought it was Deborah. Was I wrong?”

I wish I knew. I thought this part was over, too. I thought for sure she wouldn’t have to deal with this anymore.

