Listen, Pitch Read Online Lani Lynn Vale (There’s No Crying in Baseball #3)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Romance, Sports, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: There's No Crying in Baseball Series by Lani Lynn Vale

Total pages in book: 64
Estimated words: 64352 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 322(@200wpm)___ 257(@250wpm)___ 215(@300wpm)

My arms literally felt like fucking Jell-O, and tomorrow I likely wouldn’t even be able to do a goddamn push-up.

But it’d be worth it.

“All right, well, since you’ve gone through your rounds with Cedrick, now it’s my turn.” Sway, the athletic trainer, as well as our catcher’s wife, clapped her hands excitedly. “I’ve been waiting for you to get back!”

If anything, she was just as excited as I was.

“Thanks,” I said. “Just don’t hurt me too bad.”

Sway snorted. “It won’t be too bad.”

Forty long, agonizing minutes later, I was walking out of the Lumberjack complex and thanking God that Henley was there to pick me up today, because if I had to drive, I might surely die.

“Thank God you’re here,” I whined as I dropped down into my seat.

She stared at me like she’d never seen me before.

“You’re wearing shorts.”

I looked down at my legs.


“I’ve never seen you in shorts.”

I frowned.

I didn’t often wear shorts at home because I liked to keep it cold…and I didn’t really like wearing shorts all that much anyway.

But, when I was working out, shorts were acceptable because I was going to get hot.

Which I did.

I was drenched in sweat, and swear to God, I couldn’t think about anything but my fucking Jell-O legs and arms.

Which was a lie.

Something in which I figured out moments later when the skirt she was wearing started to ride up her thighs.

She wore skirts often.

She also wore shorts…and sometimes no bottoms at all.

But, that was because for some reason she had an aversion to them.

Seriously, the one and only time I’d seen her in pants, actual fucking pants, was when she’d gone to work one of the times before my accident.

Honestly, I wasn’t sure the woman even owned any that she could comfortably wear around the house.

“What are you thinking about?” Henley asked, interrupting my thoughts. “You’re looking mighty ferocious over there.”

I grunted. “I’m thinking about whether I should get you to run me over to Sam’s or not.”

Lies. So many lies. And they were always there when it came to her.

It wouldn’t do to tell her that she was getting on my every nerve—those nerves not doing anything but turning me on even more.

I was so going to hell.

“Sam’s isn’t going to be too much for your Jell-O legs?”

I shrugged.

“I don’t fuckin’ care,” I said. “I need the protein. Can’t get the protein without going, because I only know it by the shape and color of the jug.”

She looked at me oddly, then only shrugged. “Whatever.”

I should just confess to my sins now…but I was getting too deep.

I wouldn’t be able to crawl myself back out if I continued down that path for too long.

Subjecting a woman to my world was a bad idea. Women tended to die.

However, for some reason, I knew without a shadow of a doubt that I could protect this one.

That I could protect Henley and would do it with my life if it came down to it.

Chapter 15

I had such a great weekend. I didn’t see anybody I knew.

-Henley to Rhys


There was a time and place for everything.

Except, that was, my crush on the man that I was supposed to be helping.

However, it’d been exactly three months since he’d gotten out of the hospital.

That was six weeks past when he really needed me, and at this point, it felt like I was twiddling my thumbs during the day.

However, I had a healthy bank account balance, and Rhys let me watch my niece whenever my sister needed help. I was back on a schedule that didn’t give me constant migraines. I slept when normal people slept, and honestly, it was the best thing that had ever happened to me. Everybody loved him.

Including me.

Yes, you heard that right.

I was in love with my employer.

The only thing I could say I had going for me at this point.

I was back at my own place, doing a whole bunch of nothing.

I was also highly aware that the man watched porn at night.

Why, you ask, was I aware of that? Because I could see him through my bedroom window.

The way that the duplex was positioned, the layout of the house had the master suite on the end with a small shared covered porch area with a private entrance. Both doors from each suite faced each other…and neither of us had blinds.

His bed was up against the wall that bordered the back porch with his TV on the wall across from it. My bed was up against the larger wall, because during the winter, the opposite wall was freezing.

Meaning, I could see his TV, and he couldn’t see me watching.

I wasn’t sure if he knew what was going on, and whether or not I could see him…but it didn’t matter.

I found him and his porn fascinating.

Lucky for me, when I took the transmitter off at night, I couldn’t hear a single thing. Including the moans that I knew probably spilled from his mouth each night.

