Level Up – Franklin U 2 Read Online Max Walker

Categories Genre: Contemporary, M-M Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 79
Estimated words: 73940 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 370(@200wpm)___ 296(@250wpm)___ 246(@300wpm)

“I’m saying that this needs to be shut down, son.” He said the word as if he wielded it like a whip. I almost heard the crack in the air, felt the sting of it across my chest.

The police officer cleared his throat. “This is seeming to me like a family issue now. The permit checks out, and nothing about this seems like it needs to be shut down. If a real emergency happens, you can call us again.” My father appeared to be ready to argue, but the cops weren’t having it. They turned and left without another word shared.

I could feel the stares pinned to my back. The ocean was loud, the waves crashing on the shore creating a peaceful chorus to the absolute chaos raging inside me. Even then, the waves couldn’t drown out the whispers behind us.

Jay stood by my side, his presence as solid as an anchor holding down a ship. He appeared a little more at ease now that the police were gone, but there was nothing about this situation that said it was over.

“Ryan. This is an insult. To me, to your mother, to the entire family. Do you really want to show such a rift to the entire world? Channel Seven news is here, for Christ’s sake. And what is that backdrop on the stage?” He motioned at the stage, raising his hand and nearly missing my face by mere inches.

I didn’t flinch. “It’s a visualization of the damage your company is doing to our world.” I made sure to emphasize that I wasn’t part of his toxic empire.

“You’re falling for this propaganda. And worse, now you’re involved in spreading it.”

Jay spoke before I could untangle my words through the fog of anger. “It isn’t propaganda. It’s science. It’s fact. Why else would Redpine Global be number three on the EPA’s list of destructive companies?”

My father cocked his head. He looked like a hawk ready to stab his claws into an unsuspecting mouse. “Who are you?”

“His name is Jay. He’s my boyfriend,” I answered. “I would have introduced you by now if you and I were speaking. But since you chose to push me out, you don’t get to know what’s going on in my life.”

My father’s attention whipped back to me. But there was a crack in his armor, chipped by what I’d said. I could tell my words didn’t anger him… they hurt him. His brows pulled together, his chin rising. My dad and I never fought. Not like this. But our relationship had been building to a boiling point for weeks now, and the pot was now bubbling over.

I hated this. Not him, but the situation he’d put us in.


The silence behind us was growing. People were likely wondering what the hell was taking so long. Before my father could continue, I leaned over and got Maddy’s attention. “Can you tell them to start? We don’t have to keep everyone waiting.”

It was a question but also a clear statement: this show wasn’t stopping. No matter who showed up or how angry they were. Fuck it.

My father watched Maddy walk back to the stage while we shuffled a few feet away, where we could talk with a little more privacy. A few minutes later, some music began to play as a drag queen took the mic and started to introduce why we were all here. Her words didn’t get past the ringing in my ears or the anxiety and fear that crept toward me like dark gray storm clouds, thunderclaps booming like bombs.

“I had an entire empire for you. I made this all for you. Having a son was one of the proudest moments of my life, and seeing you grow into the man you’ve become has topped that… but this? This I never saw coming.”

I stood my ground, planting my bare feet in the warm sand. “If you were paying attention, you would have. You weren’t even at my race! At least mom apologized. I had no idea she had a show she couldn’t move. But I know exactly why you didn’t show up.”

My dad reeled at that. I must have struck a nerve. He was never a bad father; I hadn’t fought with him until recently, until this. I knew he considered himself to be a good dad, too. Even though his schedule was always packed, he always made time for me and Mom. But lately, he’d been so caught up in making me an heir that he forgot to ask me if I even wanted it.

“That’s… that’s…” His face grew red. He was getting angrier. I may have stepped over a line in the sand, but I couldn’t hold myself back.

Jay stepped forward, surprising me, and both my dad and I turned to look at him. He had a slight tremble in his hand.

