Level Up – Franklin U 2 Read Online Max Walker

Categories Genre: Contemporary, M-M Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 79
Estimated words: 73940 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 370(@200wpm)___ 296(@250wpm)___ 246(@300wpm)

I pressed myself against him, holding the back of his neck and letting the kiss carry us up through the clouds. He gave a little moan that set my entire body on fire. We were out in public, surrounded by people, and we were kissing.

This shit was next level. I thought I must have grown wings on my ankles and started flying because the floor was no longer underneath me. We floated through the sky while an Ariana Grande song vibrated through the speakers and into the clouds.

I’d never felt this free. This invigorated. Even placing first in rowing didn’t give me this kind of rush. I wasn’t big on smoking weed, but I figured this had to be what being high felt like. Just all loose-limbed and floaty and happy.

The lights started to dim, but I didn’t want to stop kissing him. If it wasn’t insanely disrespectful to the performing drag queens, I would have continued kissing him for the entire show.

Kissing him was like seeing daylight after having your eyes closed for far too long.

Somehow, I managed to pry myself off him as the first queen took to the stage. I reached for Jay’s hand, and we watched the opening lip sync. The queen—named Maliboob Barbara—came out wearing a huge chest plate and a sparkly pink dress, her long blond hair falling down to her ass in silky waves. At one point in the song, she spun around and pulled her hair over her shoulders, revealing two large cutouts in the pink dress, her peachy ass sparkling the same as her face was.

She turned back around and dropped into a split right on beat to the song. The crowd went wild, cheers and clapping and dollar bills raining down onto the stage. She soaked it all up, effortlessly getting back onto her feet and giving a wave as her song came to an end. One of the barbacks came out from behind the bar with a large red bucket and started to collect all the tip money.

“She was so fucking good,” Jay said before the second queen came to the stage.

“For real. How did she do that split? It was so smooth.”

“Lots of stretching, probably. I think I can do the same thing.”

I arched a brow and licked my bottom lip. “I’m going to need some proof of this special ability.”

“Maybe I can try it later tonight,” Jay said, head cocked and those bright hazel puppy eyes looking so fucking devilish.

“You’re already making me hard.”

“Good,” he said.

The crowd was packed around us, everyone chatting with their own group of friends or making out with their dates (or random hookups).

No one paid any attention to us, so no one saw Jay reach down and rub my stiffening dick.

My toes curled inside my sneakers.

“Naughty boy,” I growled into his ear.

He smiled. I made myself throb against his palm. His smirk turned to a smoldering fire.

I licked my lips. “Want to put the show on hold? Let’s go fuck like rabbits in a bathroom stall.”

“As hot as that sounds… I do kinda want to watch the show with you.”

I grinned wide. Kissed him, drinking in his taste. “Honestly, that does sound perfect. I’m having way too much fun being out with you. I figure blowing my load all over your ass can wait.”

“Yeah, but don’t wait too long.” He kissed me back, his lips curled into a smile. My hands went to his cheeks, holding him.

This. This was paradise.

We watched the queens perform, all of them making the crowd go equally as wild. We stayed embracing the entire time. Sometimes switching around so that we both got to experience each other’s boners.

The energy in the room was electric. The dance moves were impressive, the lip-synching was spotless, and the contagious feeling of freedom spread through the room.

When the show was over, Jay and I decided to drift to one of the bars surrounded by fake palm trees. The leaves were a mixture of pastel pink, baby blues, and whites. I ordered us another round of drinks, and we leaned against the bar, talking about the show. It felt so easy and effortless between us.

“Have you ever done drag?” I asked him.

“Twice. Once was obviously Halloween, the drag queen’s national holiday, and another was for a friend’s birthday.”

I smiled at that. I could already see Jay stealing the show. “What was your drag name?”

“Rosey Bush.” He flashed a wide smile and started cracking up. “I ended up having a reveal where I lifted up my skirt and showed a tiny little rosebush right above my tuck.”

That had me breaking down. I could already picture it. And then another question popped into my head. “Whoa, wait, how does that work? Because I’ve seen you naked. That looks very hard to hide.”

“And you better hope it doesn’t get hard when you’re trying to hide it.”

