Level Up – Franklin U 2 Read Online Max Walker

Categories Genre: Contemporary, M-M Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 79
Estimated words: 73940 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 370(@200wpm)___ 296(@250wpm)___ 246(@300wpm)

My eyebrows rose, my heart skipped a whole handful of beats.

“That sounds fun,” I said. “I love surprises. Let me go change. I’ll meet you outside the theater.”

“Perfect.” He stepped forward, almost as if he was going to lean in and kiss me, but stopped himself. Fuck. I wanted to kiss him. But that interruption by Tim made me feel like everyone’s eyes were turned to us. Maybe it was for the better this way.

Although the sinking feeling in my gut as he left told me that maybe it wasn’t for the better. Maybe this way sucked major fucking donkey dick.

I changed out of my costume in record time, putting on a pair of short black shorts and an oversized T-shirt I’d gotten from a Lana Del Rey concert. It wasn’t the best first-date attire, but I didn’t exactly have tons to work with.

It hit me as I pushed open the stage door and stepped out into the street.

First date.

Holy shit.

That was an interesting development. I really didn’t expect this to be happening, but I also wasn’t exactly complaining. It felt like I was still dancing, every step some choreographed move that pulled us closer and closer together.

There he was, leaning against a light pole, casually scrolling on his phone. His sleeves were rolled up so I could see those sexy forearms.

He looked up as I approached. “There’s the star,” he said.

I waved a hand in the air. “I’m far from the star,” I said, smiling as he wrapped me up in the tightest, warmest, and most comfortable hug I’d ever gotten. His cologne washed over me, making me feel a rush of endorphins.

“Ready?” Ryan asked me. “It’s a little bit of a walk.”

“Let’s go,” I said. I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face if I wanted to. Not only was I riding the rush of having an incredible show, but now I got to celebrate it with the man who’d somehow managed to snag my attention and affection even when I had my walls up.


Together, we walked through the streets of FU, the evening air alive with the buzz of excitement from the successful show. Ryan led the way with a confident stride. His hand brushed against mine every now and then, sending sparks of electricity dancing up my arm. He was discreet about it, but that only made it a little hotter. My dick began to react, growing in my shorts.

All from being close to Ryan.

“So, where are we headed?” I asked, unable to contain my curiosity as we turned a corner onto a quieter street. We were still on campus but closer to the edge now, away from the theater.

Ryan glanced over at me, his eyes sparkling with excitement. “Remember it’s a surprise?” he teased.

The streets grew quieter. The hustle and bustle of the college faded into the background as we chatted about the show. The conversation between us always flowed as easily as a river babbled over a bed of smooth rocks and pebbles.

It was nice.

Really, really nice.

Finally, we arrived at our destination. My eyes widened in surprise as we found ourselves standing before an old bell tower that loomed tall against the twilight sky. Its smooth white stone and spiraling staircase gave it an air of mystery.

“Here we are,” Ryan announced with a flourish, gesturing toward the tower’s entrance. “I know the maintenance people. They gave me a key.”

“You’re wild,” I said, feeling so damn excited. He unlocked the heavy wooden door and pulled it open, the joints creaking loudly.

“After you,” he said, smiling from ear to ear.

My heart raced as I climbed the winding staircase, the sound of our footsteps echoing off the stone walls. With each step, the anticipation built until finally, we emerged onto a small platform at the top of the tower.

I gasped in awe as I took in the breathtaking view spread out before us. San Luco stretched out in all directions, its twinkling lights painting a mesmerizing scene against the darkening sky. The campus was alive underneath us, with buses taking kids home and lights from the different buildings revealing that some were still studying. I could see the ocean from here, too, but didn’t stare too long in that direction.

It wasn’t the landscape that blew me away, though. It was the scene that Ryan had created atop the tower that truly snatched my breath right out of my lungs. Picnic blankets were spread out on the floor, adorned with flickering candles and an array of delicious foods. A bottle of wine stood chilling in a bucket of ice, its pastel pink label glistening in the soft glow of lanterns.

“This is incredible,” I murmured, my voice filled with wonder as I took in the romantic setting Ryan had prepared.

Ryan beamed with pride. His green eyes sparkled with excitement. “I wanted to create something special for us,” he confessed, his gaze never leaving mine.

