Leith (Mountain Men #1) Read Online Jane Henry

Categories Genre: Erotic, Mafia, Romance, Suspense, Virgin Tags Authors: Series: Mountain Men Series by Jane Henry

Total pages in book: 96
Estimated words: 91786 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 459(@200wpm)___ 367(@250wpm)___ 306(@300wpm)

My phone is buzzing with message after message. I look at the screen and see Leith’s name over and over again. I shake my head and shut it off. I almost throw it out the window, consider throwing it into a trash bin, but I can't. I shove it in my pocket in case of an emergency, but I don't read his messages. If I do, I might lose my resolve.

I take the thin rope around Bailey’s neck, and we quickly head to the Cathedral.

What if they’re looking for me right now? What if they do go to the Cathedral after all? I don’t know what I’ll do with myself. I don’t know how to get away. And with that knowledge, I quicken my pace. I’m running all the way to the Cathedral, my trainers slapping on the ground in front of me.

The bells chime. Is it time for mass? What will I do if Father MacGowen isn't there? What will I do if he can't help me? I have no idea.

Bailey instinctively knows that I'm on the run, for he doesn't slow but keeps pace beside me, and somehow the sound of his little paws slapping the pavement beside me comforts me. Maybe I'm not alone. Maybe I can find a place for the two of us.

There are cars in front of the Cathedral when I arrive, but I don't look at them. I go back to the cemetery.

Where it all began.

But I quickly realize I'm not alone.

These men look vaguely familiar. Who are they? And then it hits me with a sudden, sickening realization. These are some of the men that attacked that first night. When Leith came.

One turns to the other. "You find the body?"

“No luck. I don't know who is responsible for this, but I know we were witnessed. And if we find the girl, we’ll kill her before they do. We could prevent her from repeating anything."

Bailey begins to whine beside me. I hold my finger to my lips. And I'm so afraid that they will hear him.

I wish I could convince him to be quiet, but instead I put my hands around his mouth like a muzzle, even though it hurts me to do it. I can't risk either one of us being hurt. I'm so focused on keeping Bailey quiet, that I missed where the conversation was going. I pick up when I hear the name Paisley. No.

“They fell for it." And then laugh at each other. "The Cowen family is on its way, I know it. Earlier today they sent a spy out to the empty house. And you know they won't let this lie. They have no idea we're behind the attack. I know exactly where the girls are, where we can find them.”

I have no choice. With a grimace, I turn on my phone and go to send Leith a text. His come flooding in before I can send my own.

Where are you? Mom texted. Are you all right? She said she can't find you. Cairstina, where are you?

My heart aches reading the words, and I wish I could let myself reply, but I can't. It's too dangerous. Instead of answering any of his texts, I send one of my own to him.

The Aitkens men are in town. They were behind Paisley's attack. It was a set up. They are going after your sisters. Your sisters are at their friend’s house. You have to go get them. You have to make sure they're okay.

But the texts don't go through. I can see they’re hung up because I'm in the cemetery with little signal.

I have to go save them myself.

Go, go, go, I plead at my phone. I need to reach him.

The only way for me to get away from them is to go through the church, the closest door is right here. I sneak as quietly as I can, careful not to make a noise. I hear a shout, and I think they’ve heard me and freeze, but they aren't coming after me. They're running to the other end of the cemetery. I take this opportunity to open the door to the parsonage.

And run smack dab into my brother.

* * *

Chapter Seventeen


We're nearly at Inverness when I get a text from Mum.

Your father’s had a fall. He’s okay, son, but you need to know that Cairstina’s run. She thinks herself to blame, but she isn’t.

I call her immediately. “What are you talking about? This isn't possible. What do you mean she's gone? Did you have anyone follow her?”

“Leith, I didn’t realize it at first. I was too busy making sure your father was okay.”

“What happened? Was there a row? What the hell happened, Mum?”

She’s crying on the other end of the line, I can tell. "Cairstina was in the kitchen with me. Your father came in in a temper, so I had her hide in the pantry. I didn't know he'd hear her, but he said a few things that made her angry and she came out of hiding. She’s very loyal to you, son. He…" Her voice trails off. “He grabbed her, and I got in between, and… she shoved him away. He hit his head on the corner of the table.” Her voice is choked.

