Leith (Mountain Men #1) Read Online Jane Henry

Categories Genre: Erotic, Mafia, Romance, Suspense, Virgin Tags Authors: Series: Mountain Men Series by Jane Henry

Total pages in book: 96
Estimated words: 91786 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 459(@200wpm)___ 367(@250wpm)___ 306(@300wpm)

“Or your leg, lass?” I bend my mouth to her thigh and suckle the sweet, sensitive skin. Her knees come up, she parts her legs, and I groan at the sight of her glistening arousal and swollen pussy.

"Do you want me to touch you?” She nods vehemently, and swallows as she grabs at my hand again.

“Ah, ah,” I tease. “You were a naughty girl today. It won’t be that easy.”

She frowns and gives me a questioning look.

“Did you give me the book when I asked earlier?” She bites her lip and shakes her head. “Did you smack me in the kitchen when I teased you?” She squeezes her eyes shut.

“Look at me, lass.”

I’m not angry with her, but I have been waiting for an excuse to punish her. I want to feel her skin beneath my palm. I want to see her cry out in pain before I make it better.

She obeys, opening her wide blue eyes to capture mine.

“You know what I’ve told you.” She nods. The next thing I know, she’s scrambling up onto her knees, practically throwing herself over the arm of the couch. She wriggles her little heart-shaped arse, offering herself to be punished.


“You think I should give you the spanking you’ve earned?”

She nods, pretending to be repentant, but I can tell how badly she wants this.

“It must not be proper punishment if you want it. I ought to do a better job this time.”

I stand beside her, place my palm on her lower back, then slam my hand against the fullest part of her arse. Her head snaps back, and I spank her again. My handprint blooms against her pale white skin, a pink-shaped mark that makes my cock throb.

I rub the place I’ve just spanked. “I think you like your spanking, don’t you?”

She wriggles her arse again in response. “I think you need more.”

She nods eagerly.

I slam my palm across her arse again and again, giving her the spanking she craves, until her bottom’s painted red, the skin hot to the touch. I bend and kiss my fingerprints, dragging my fingers between her legs to touch her pussy. She’s soaking wet and swollen, parting her legs in a silent plea for relief.

“You were a naughty girl on purpose, weren’t you?” I cluck my tongue and shake my head before I drag my tongue along her lower back. I watch her fingers tighten on the edge of the sofa, and she squeezes her eyes shut. She wants to come so badly. She will, and when she does, I’ll make it so fucking good.

I bend my mouth to her arse, licking a path along her punished skin, suckling her sweetness, savoring the way she pants. I’d love to take her arse, but the woman’s barely past virginity. In time.

I drag my fingers between her legs, lubricating her swollen clit, and her back arches like a bow. The only sound in the room is the flickering hearth. I never imagined making love in silence like we do, but somehow, I’ve come to crave it.

I take my place behind her, kneeling on either side of her. My cock’s a steel rod in my boxers, throbbing with the need to take her. I reach for my trousers in a heap on the floor, take out a condom, and vow I’ll take her ungloved at the first opportunity. I want her skin against mine.

I move her hands wider so she can brace herself, line myself up at her entrance, then glide into her warm, slick folds with a groan.

Her pussy clenches around me, so tight I nearly fucking come at the first stroke. I grip her hips hard as I glide into her, and the way she pushes back up against me I can tell she loves this as much as I do. I build a perfect rhythm, stroking in and out of her, while I tell her how much she means to me.

“You’re so lovely, Cairstina,” I grate in her ear, relishing the way her heated skin feels against mine. “The most beautiful fucking woman I’ve ever seen.”

Her eyes flutter closed and her head drops, as I thrust again, my cock pulsing in her.

“You’re so brave, my bonnie lass. Bloody brilliant.” I thrust again, and she clenches around me, milking pleasure as I seek my own. The need to come ratchets higher and higher until I’m on the cusp of losing myself. I bend and kiss her shoulder.

We move together in a silent dance of surrender, joined together in this moment of ultimate vulnerability. I know she’s on the cusp of a shattering orgasm when she closes her eyes, grips the sofa, and clenches around me. I come, blinding, brilliant ecstasy exploding in me like fireworks, as her whole body spasms with pleasure.

I can’t think, I can barely breathe, I’m seized in this moment of utter bliss, as she rocks beneath me, gripping the arm of the couch for support. I love that she gave this to me.

