Koyn – Royal Bastards MC Read online K. Webster

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Biker, Dark, Erotic, MC, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 74
Estimated words: 72931 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 365(@200wpm)___ 292(@250wpm)___ 243(@300wpm)

“You ready to behave?” I ask, my palm sliding down her back to gently pat her exposed ass.

“I guess.”

It’s the best answer I could have hoped for.

“Good girl. Now go have fun. With Stormy. No one else. Stay away from those men.”

I knock back another shot, the world in front of me blurring. Ever since I had to take the belt to Hadley’s ass, my mind has been on my wife and daughter. Fuck, I miss them. Having Hadley around makes my heart yearn to have my little girl back. It’s majorly screwing with my head.

Bizzy started a huge ass bonfire and everyone that’s left is sitting around it getting shitfaced. The women have gone home with their children, leaving us Royal Bastards with a few stragglers, including Randy. Stormy is in Filter’s lap, straddling him, and dry fucking him for all to see. My eyes, though, are on Hadley.

After our come to Jesus meeting, she changed into a pair of sweats. She sits curled up in the chair, a blanket wrapped around her, staring into the fire. Bermuda sits close enough that his foot taps against her chair in a steady way that seems as though he’s rocking her. Dragon has lost his fire and animatedly tells a story about this orgy he was a part of when he was at church camp. There’s so much wrong with his story, I don’t even intervene. Just let him tell us some wild shit that’ll have us sent right to hell along with him.

“Prez,” Gibson says, passing me another shot.

I suck this one down and lick my lips. Hadley’s stare locks on me. When she yawns, a sense of fatherly duty washes over me.

She needs to get to bed.

I rise unsteadily on my feet and stumble. Stormy cries out when Filter grabs her hips, sitting her back in her own chair. He stands and stalks over to me. I try to shake him off, but he’s not having any of it.

“What’re we doing, man?” he asks, his voice low.

“My little girl needs to go to bed.”

His fingers bite into my bicep. “Koyn, man, that’s not her.”

I yank my arm from his grip, anger surging through me. “The fuck she ain’t.”

“That’s Hadley,” he says in a calm tone.


Not Blaire.

“She’s mine,” I argue, heat flaring inside me.

“Not your daughter, though.”

“I still want her in bed,” I snap.

“As long as it’s not yours, I can help with that.”

“The fuck you say?” I snarl, shoving his chest. “Did you just accuse me of some pervert shit with my little girl?” I shove him again, the liquor fueling me on. “I’m not some sick child predator, Ryan.”

Filter flinches at his real name.

“Koyn, dude, calm down.” He reaches for me and I swing at him.


There’s a scuffle of grunts and groans before I’m being dragged away by Payne. Halo helps Filter up off the ground, shooting me a penetrating glare. And Bermuda…I’m going to kill him.

Hadley is on her feet and Bermuda has her in a protective embrace.

I charge, hell-bent on ripping him away from her, but Payne yanks me back.

“Get her to her room,” Filter instructs. “Prez has had a little too much to drink. Get him some fucking water, Payne.”

I watch as Bermuda guides her back to the house. She looks over her shoulder at me, her features pinched. Payne slaps my cheek just hard enough to get my attention. I turn my angry glare on him.

“Water, Prez. Get some fucking water before you do something you regret.”

I regret letting that fucker walk away with my little girl.


I wake with him inside me. Him. Oh God. What is happening? I sob, confused and betrayed, but then his mouth is covering mine. Silencing me. Poisoning me. My world darkens as I check out. This is not my life. This is not my life. This is not my life.

A scream tears from my throat, jerking me awake for real this time. My clothes are drenched with sweat and I’m trembling. The room is dark, but I can feel even darker shadows lurking.

Is it him?

Has he found me?

A terrified whimper crawls up my throat as the door swings open. Heavy footsteps stalk forward. Despite sweating, I drag the blanket to my chin, blinking tears from my lids.

“Who’s there?” My voice is small and afraid.


Not my daddy. Koyn.

“I’m scared,” I admit in a whisper.

“Don’t be scared,” he says in a soothing voice. “I’m here.”

He crawls into bed with me, curling his strong arm around me. I expect for the anger to flare up, but it’s gone. Completely absent. All I want is for him to hold me and chase away the fear.

“You’re safe with me,” he vows. Somehow I believe him. “Go to sleep, baby girl.”

And I do.

I squint against the morning light and take stock of my situation. There’s a man in my bed. Not just any man, him. Koyn. And my needy ass is wrapped around him like I belong there. Worst part is, he wears nothing but a black pair of boxers. His body is on full display for my morning viewing pleasure.

