Kiss Me in this Small Town Read Online W. Winters, Willow Winters

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Forbidden, Insta-Love Tags Authors: ,

Total pages in book: 63
Estimated words: 57043 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 285(@200wpm)___ 228(@250wpm)___ 190(@300wpm)

The first thing I do when I get downstairs is tidy up. I pick up our coats and Renee's purse from the floor.

When everything's in its place, I go to the kitchen. A burst of air comes out of the fridge when I open it, and I shiver at the cold.

Pancakes. I'll make Renee pancakes.

My mom taught me how to make good pancakes years ago, so I take the milk out of the fridge and go to get a bowl and pancake mix. There are a few other ingredients if you want them to taste amazing, so I get some sugar and vanilla extract and put those out on the counter, too. It reminds me of home to put the mix into the bowl and add milk, stirring until it's at the right consistency and then adding the eggs.

Once I've done that, I go and hunt down my phone. I left it in my coat pocket last night. I don’t think I’ve done that in years. It’s a bit reckless in case something happens with Brody or the bar or my family, and I'm relieved to pick it up and see that nobody called.

I text Brody on the way to the kitchen.

Griffin: You awake?

My phone goes off with a short buzz of vibration on the counter just as I get back to the pancake mix.

Brody: Yeah? Everything okay?

Griffin: More than okay

I finish putting together the pancake mix so I don't add anything twice, then get out a pan and put it on the stove to heat.

Brody: Was last night movie night?

Griffin: It ended up being more than movie night. She stayed at my place

Pride fills my chest as I pour some of the batter into the pan, grinning like a fool. By the time I pick up my phone again, there are three new messages from Brody.

Brody: Holy shit, dude

Brody: You move quick

Brody: Did you even stay until the end of the movie?

I stifle a laugh, doing my best to keep it quiet so I don't wake Renee. I don't know what time she normally gets up, but at my place, she can sleep as long as she wants.

Brody: Congratulations, man. I knew it would work out with you and Renee

His message makes me pause. Staying at my place overnight is a step in the right direction, but I don't know if it's a sign that things are smooth sailing forever. She might even joke that it’s still a pretend date, knowing how she’s been so far.

Griffin: I'm hoping it works out in the long run

Griffin: I really, really like her

Brody: I can tell. She likes you too

I flip the pancakes in the pan, then pick up my phone again.

Griffin: You and Mags doing okay?

Brody: Yeah, pretty much. She's focused on the baby room and getting everything in there

Griffin: Anything you guys need? Anything I can bring for you?

I pour some more batter into the pan after piling up the first pancakes.

Brody: We're just lying low this morning, waiting for her to pop, everything's good

I huff a laugh at that before responding.

Griffin: You tell me if you need anything, okay?

Brody: I will, thanks man

With that I leave him alone. I know he’s got a lot on his mind. They already have Bridget, but this experience is different for him. I expect when the little one arrives I’ll see him less often but at the same time, I can't wait for him to be holding that baby. I’m happy he got his happily ever after and then some.

I flip the last few pancakes and arrange them onto two plates, butter them, and then heat up some syrup in a mug before pouring into the middle of each stack. I find two cloth napkins that my mom gave me as a housewarming gift when I moved in and wrap them around a knife and fork for each of us. I’ve never used them before, but it seems like something that might impress Renee.

Knowing Renee will want coffee, I find the grounds and start a pot brewing, thinking I can come back down for it after I give her the pancakes, still hot and fresh.

And then I climb the stairs, trying not to smile too hard. I make it up to my bedroom without spilling the plates and nudge the door open with my elbow.

Renee's standing at the foot of the bed, pulling her shirt on over her head. She sees me when her head pops through the neck, and her eyes go wide.

“Good morning,” she says in a rush, her face going red.

My heart sinks fast but I try not to show it. “I didn't know you were up. Are you all right?”

“I'm fine. I'm good,” Renee says, running her fingers through her hair and shaking it out. “I just have to head out.”

