King of Hawthorne Prep Read online Jennifer Sucevic

Categories Genre: Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 100
Estimated words: 94874 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 474(@200wpm)___ 379(@250wpm)___ 316(@300wpm)


“Hmmm.” His lips flatten. “I’m not sure how I feel about that.”

What does that mean?

Is the deal off?

“I guess I’ll just have to teach you.” With that, he places his index finger against my lips. “Open.”

I don’t think about what he’s asking. My mouth opens enough for his finger to slip inside. My heart pounds erratically beneath my ribcage as his digit rests against the velvety softness of my tongue. It’s such a strange feeling.

One hand lifts from my shoulder before he tunnels his fingers through my thick strands, cupping my scalp before carefully angling my chin upward. His grip tightens as he rocks my head back and forth so that my tongue can slide against the length until we fall into a natural rhythm. As I take over, his eyelids lower, becoming half-mast.

Why does this feel so erotic?

That shouldn’t be the case when he’s forcing me to perform this act. Although, if you want to get technical, Kingsley hasn’t forced me to do anything. He gave me a way to save my brother, and I took it. Even now, I could change my mind and leave. Confusion whirls inside me and I avert my gaze. The intimacy of the moment becomes almost too much to bear. I shouldn’t feel anything for him except loathing.

“Eyes on me,” he grunts.

I force my gaze to his. It only takes a moment before I’m drowning in his dark depths. Even though he keeps his fingers threaded through my hair, I’ve taken over completely. No longer does he guide my movements. My tongue curls around the blunt digit, sucking it into my mouth before releasing it.

Is this what it would feel like to suck his cock?

It’s not an unpleasant thought. Quite the opposite. Heat floods my panties as the image materializes in my mind. Only it would be much thicker. Longer. Without realizing it, my tempo picks up speed, and I suck with renewed energy.

A dark chuckle falls from his lips. “Greedy for the real deal?”

I whimper, my gaze locked on his. All I’m doing is drawing his finger into my mouth, but there’s something sensual about the act. When he attempts to withdraw, my cheeks hollow, trying to keep him in place. A wicked grin spreads across his face as if he’s pleased by my reaction.

The hand threaded through my hair tightens and I wince. My mouth opens and his finger slides free. His grip stays firm. My breath comes out in short pants as he carefully traces my parted lips with his wet digit.

“I can’t wait to fuck that pretty little mouth of yours.” His gaze glitters in the moonlight. “I’m going to destroy you.”

I think he might be right.

He will destroy me.

But not in the way he intends.

Those thickly muttered words have arousal exploding in my core.

Without warning, he sinks the same finger deep into my mouth before pushing it down my throat. My gaze widens but stays locked on his.

“Relax your muscles and breathe through your nose.”

I do as he instructs and focus on drawing air in through my nostrils before forcing it out again.

“Good girl.”

Kingsley has given me no reason to trust him and yet, for some inexplicable reason, I do. It makes no sense and part of me wonders if I can trust myself to make smart decisions because of it.


The muscles in my throat contract around the blunt digit.

“Fuck,” he hisses. “Again.”

I slow my movement, swallowing with more exaggeration. It’s a strange sensation to feel my muscles constrict around him.

He groans and slips his finger free from my mouth before his hand settles on the tented material of his shorts. I watch in fascination as he carefully strokes the covered length. My thighs clench with need as a whimper escapes from my mouth. Anticipation and curiosity rush through my veins. I don’t realize I’m straining forward until his grip on my scalp tightens to hold me in place.

“Your eagerness is a real turn-on,” he murmurs.

I’m embarrassed to admit that eagerness doesn’t come close to what’s crashing around inside me. With his gaze locked on mine, he drags the waistband of his black shorts down until his thick erection can spring free. The muscles in my throat convulse at the thought of taking his hard length into my mouth. He’s so big. A shudder of unease slides through me before pooling in my core. I flick my concerned gaze to him.

The edges of his lips quirk as if he senses my nervousness and is feeding off of it. “The only thing you need to remember from now on is that I’m your king.”

He wraps his hand around his girth and gives it a few slow pumps before bringing the mushroom-shaped head to my lips. His fingers tighten in my hair as he brings the tip of his cock to my mouth before tracing over it. Hot licks of need engulf me, threatening to singe me alive. How can something so benign be so damn erotic?

