Kill Shot Read Online Lani Lynn Vale (Code 11-KPD SWAT #6)

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Erotic, Funny, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Code 11-KPD SWAT Series by Lani Lynn Vale

Total pages in book: 59
Estimated words: 73824 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 369(@200wpm)___ 295(@250wpm)___ 246(@300wpm)

“Are you okay?” He asked worriedly.

I tried to take another sip of my juice but only managed to spill it on my shorts.

Luckily they were black and wouldn’t show the huge red stain.

“Can you help me drink this?” I asked, gesturing to him weakly with my Gatorade.

He took the drink from my hand, but before he could get it close to my lips, Bennett’s shout had me turning weakly to see him running towards us.

“Don’t let him scare you. He’s a teddy bear,” I told the boy who was slowly backing away as if he could see that Bennett was intimidating.

“He doesn’t look too happy,” the boy said warily.

Bennett didn’t waste any time dropping down onto the dirt beside me, taking my head in his massive hands.

“What’s wrong?” He asked worriedly, scanning my body.

I blinked. “Low blood sugar. I was trying to drink that when you scared the poor boy.”

Bennett looked over his shoulder at the boy he’d effectively dismissed as a threat, and held out his hands. “Give.”

The boy gave.

I tilted my head back slightly and opened my mouth as Bennett helped me drink.

He watched me avidly, eyes fastened on my throat as I drank deeply.

“Have you not eaten anything today or something?” He asked anxiously once he removed the bottle from my lips.

I licked them, bringing his attention back to my lips, before I answered.

“I have diabetes.”

He blinked.

“And?” He said.

I grinned. “I have diabetes, and this happens from time to time. My insulin makes my blood sugar drop into the toilets every once in a while, and I have to drink juice to get it to come back up.”

He exhaled and offered me the drink once again.

“This isn’t a sudden thing, is it?” He asked.

I shook my head. “No. It’s takes a while to come on. I can usually circumvent it before it gets too bad.”

By now we’d gathered a crowd, mostly of the people trying to get food at the concession stand I was currently passed out in front of.

“Help me up,” I breathed, offering Bennett both hands.

He placed the half empty Gatorade on the ledge, then ignored my hands and placed both of his into my armpits before lifting me up completely.

I swayed slightly on my feet, but was feeling a lot better already.

It was amazing how well the human body bounced back from certain things.

Bennett stayed silent as he grabbed my things, paid for my food, and then walked me over to the bleachers.

Apparently, while I’d been ailing, the game had let out, and the only ones left were Bennett’s family.

And they were all looking at me with worry.

“Do I look that bad?” I asked apprehensively.

Bennett snorted. “You look like you got hit by a freight train, minus the bruising.”

I winced.

“I’m sorry,” I said. “I also meant to tell you about this tonight.”

He snorted. “Not sure why it was some big to-do. It’s a common disease. And I already knew you had it. Your father told me about it offhandedly. I just didn’t realize you didn’t pay attention to what your body was telling you.”

I shrugged. “Well, I don’t like it; however, it makes men freak out. Usually, I do listen to what it tells me.”

He sighed.

“I’m not those assholes you dated, Lennox,” he said through gritted teeth. “And maybe you should figure that out before we go any further.”

He didn’t say another word as he walked with me to the bleachers. Not even when I had to explain to them all that I had diabetes, and this happened from time to time.

Not when we went to dinner afterwards, and I followed in my own car.

Not when we were saying goodbye afterwards.

And not even when I said goodbye to him personally.

With only a quick kiss and a muttered, ‘See you later.’ He was gone.

And I was left standing in an empty parking lot watching him drive away.

Chapter 13

Men suck. And most of the time not in the good way.

-Coffee Cup


“What’s your fucking problem?” I screamed to my phone.

I was in the driveway of my work, watching my phone and willing the fucker to light up when I damn well knew it wouldn’t.

He’d been ignoring me for three days now, and here I sat thinking that today would be different.

Well, fuck that!

He could kiss my lily white ass.

Tonight, I’d enjoy myself if it was the last thing I’d do.

And fuck Bennett and his asshole self.

When I was about to pull out of the lot, Paxton came barreling out of the exit towards my car, and slammed himself onto my hood dramatically.

I blinked as two nurses and a couple paramedics laughed at Paxton’s theatrical fall.

So what did I do?

I turned on my windshield washers and sprayed him with it.

He scrambled off my hood quickly, brushing his face and shirt off as if he could will the water away with swipes of his hand.

Then, just for good measure, I sprayed him again as he walked to the passenger side of my car.

“You’re such a bitch,” he said as he dropped down onto the seat next to me.

I smiled.

“What’re you doing?” I asked, looking down at his clothes that were now stained yellow with the pollen that had previously been covering my hood.

“My car won’t start,” he said tiredly. “Take me home with you.”

“I wasn’t planning on going home,” I muttered darkly.

His eyes flared, and a smile started to slowly grow on his face.

“So…what were you going to do?” He asked casually.

I smiled back. “Get drunk at a bar.”

Not really. Maybe just a few drinks.

“Excellent,” he said running his hands together briskly. “Let’s do it.”

Two hours later, and we were most definitely drunk.

And I was barely holding onto the seat with my ass.

“Why do you have such,” I hiccupped. “Loud sex?”

Paxton, who was drunk, but wasn’t to the point where he was hiccupping or slurring his words, replied with, “Because it feels good.”

I shook my head exaggeratedly.

“That’s just so wrong. You know Cola barks as loud as you moan. And nobody can have sex that feels that good,” I muttered.

