Kill Shot Read Online Lani Lynn Vale (Code 11-KPD SWAT #6)

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Erotic, Funny, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Code 11-KPD SWAT Series by Lani Lynn Vale

Total pages in book: 59
Estimated words: 73824 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 369(@200wpm)___ 295(@250wpm)___ 246(@300wpm)

“Sounds freakin’ perfect to me,” I admitted. “Let’s eat!”

Although I’d be paying for the Pizza later.

Chapter 6

Bearded for her pleasure.



“I honestly cannot believe they’re still going at it!” I said in awe. “How does one have that much stamina?”

“Don’t even get me started,” she shook her head before walking up her front walk. “It’s like he doesn’t know how to control himself.”

I blinked.

I wasn’t a slacker when it came to the bedroom, but I literally couldn’t go for six hours.

I might be able to do three or four, but six was just ungodly.

Didn’t one need a water break…or something?

That question was answered minutes later when the same man I’d seen at the restaurant, when Lennox had stolen my jacket, came out Lennox’s front door with a Gatorade in his hand.

“Paxton!” Lennox gasped. “What are you doing in my house?”

The man, Paxton, grinned. “I was all out of Gatorade.”

I blinked.

That was a good reason, I suppose.

“Then why are you in the front yard when you should be cutting through the back? This is a family neighborhood,” she admonished, looking pointedly at the boxers Paxton was wearing and nothing else.

Paxton grinned. “Am I corrupting your prudish sensibilities, Lennie-Lou?”

I snorted. “Lennie Lou?”

Lennox turned her glare on me. “Don’t start. I hate that name.”

I held up my hands in surrender.

“Yes, ma’am,” I agreed.

She then turned back to Paxton and raised her brow. “Well?”

He laughed. “Heard you out here. Wanted to see who you were talking to. And low and behold it’s the sexy cop. The same man you called an ass not even a week and a half ago.”

She looked like she wanted to throttle him.

When no one said anything more, Paxton grinned, then started walking across the lawn to his front door.

Lennox, nor I, said a word until we heard his front door open and then close behind him.

“Colorful neighbors,” I admitted softly, turning my gaze back to her.

She smiled.

“Paxton is my best friend. Sometimes, though, he can be a handful,” she admitted. “But he always has my back, no matter what. And he’s the reason I finished school. I owe him.”

I moved closer to her as she smiled wistfully at Paxton’s house, and was nearly toe to toe with her, when she finally realized I moved.

She jumped, and pressed into the door at her back, but she didn’t show fear.

No, what she showed was hunger. Anticipation.

Which was why I made the move I’d been wanting to make since I’d seen her for the first time in the hospital when I got stitches in my face.

My lips met hers, and the moment they touched, she ignited.

Her hands found purchase in the collar at my neck, pulling me closer while she pressed her lower half into me.

My mouth felt on fire as I took possession of hers. Her tongue tangled with my own, and suddenly my ‘little problem’ turned into a ‘big one’ as my cock throbbed in anticipation.

“Come inside,” she breathed against my mouth.

She didn’t have to ask me twice.

Grasping the keys in her hand, I started to fit random ones into the lock while I pressed her against the door.

Her legs came up, circling my hips as she started to work her pussy up and down against the length of my cock.

It was on the fourth key that I finally found the right one, and threw the door open.

We stumbled inside, her plastered to my front, and me holding her up with my left arm under her ass.

My fingers started to curl underneath the short fabric of her shorts, playing with the seam of her sex as I worked frantically to hold onto my control.

She disengaged from me for a few short moments to shuck her tee over her head before she was right back to me, kissing me like her life depended on it.

“Fuck,” I breathed.

My cock was ready to explode, and we hadn’t even gotten to the good stuff yet.

Once we were over the threshold, I kicked the door shut carelessly, and it slammed home with a mighty bang before I took her down to her back right there in the foyer.

She didn’t complain, only moaned into my mouth when her exposed back hit the cold tile floor.

“You sure about his?” I panted, pulling back slightly so I could see her eyes.

She nodded. “Just don’t expect me to be at your beck and call. I have a very busy life, and I don’t have time for a boyfriend.”

I grinned. “Well, it just so happens, honey, that I have a busy life, too. So that works out perfectly for me.”

She smiled, and then put her hands between us as she slowly hooked her fingers in her shorts.

I growled as I went up on my arms, moving my lower body so I could look down and watch the sexy way she shimmied out of her shorts.

Her panties went as well, and suddenly I found her bare to my eyes, and I was seconds away from drooling.

“I’m on the pill,” she said as she tossed her pants away and then moved to my belt. “Are you clean?”

I nodded. “Passed a physical not even three weeks ago. I haven’t had a sexual partner in at least four months, either.”

She grinned. “Good. I had to pass my own physical for my insurance. I’m clean as well.”

With that, she yanked my belt off, tossing it over her head, and then started on my buttons.

They came loose with a pop-pop-pop-pop, and she grinned as she pushed my jeans and underwear past my hips.

My cock burst free of its confines, slapping against her pussy and causing us both to groan.

“Jesus,” she breathed as she wrapped her hand around my cock. “I was wondering if your cock would be in proportion to your size. And color me surprised to find out it is.”

I snorted and went down, jeans around my ankles as I hooked my hands around her hips and brought her up to my mouth.

She gasped in surprise as my mouth found her clit, and I gave a groan of my own as the flavor of her burst across my taste buds.

