Kept by her Daddies – Harem of Daddies Read Online Laylah Roberts

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, BDSM, Contemporary, Erotic Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 173
Estimated words: 174632 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 873(@200wpm)___ 699(@250wpm)___ 582(@300wpm)

“Too cold.” She batted at it.

“Stop that,” Ian commanded. “You’re too hot. You need to cool down.”

“It’s not that hot out here,” she mumbled.

“No, it’s not,” Ian said. “So, why are you already dehydrated?”

“Am not. Take that back.”

“You are,” Jack added.

Someone grabbed her arm, and she felt a chilly substance touch her hot skin.

Opening her eyes, she gaped at Ian as he started putting sunscreen on her.

“What are you doing?” she asked.

He just shot her a look. Right. It was obvious what he was doing.


“You’re going to get sun-burned without sunscreen.”

“I already put some on.”

“Hours ago,” he pointed out. “It’s probably worn off by now.”

“Here. Drink this.” Jack handed her an open bottle of water. She stared at it.

Maybe she was delirious. Perhaps she’d fainted and this was some sort of strange dream.

Usually, she dreamed about horrible things. Death. Disfigurement. Being a disappointment to her family.

Oh, yeah.

That last one wasn’t a dream.

If she ever had happy dreams, they were about being left overnight in a candy or a toy shop. Or becoming a world-famous yodeler.

You know . . . regular stuff.

Not this.

Not where two gorgeous men were doting on her, acting like they cared.

Something welled in her throat. It felt like fear. Sadness.

Because this wasn’t her life. People didn’t want to look after her like this. They expected her to be strong. To toughen up. To act her age.

What was so good about being twenty-five? She’d rather be three. Sassy and carefree. Where no one expected anything of her and she could eat chicken nuggets and chips for every meal.

Now, that was a good dream.

“Open up,” Jack said.

Why was he being so bossy? Wasn’t that Ian’s gig?

“Baby girl,” Jack said. “Open your mouth for me. Now.”

Yikes. That was said in such a dark, delicious tone that it sent a shiver up her spine, and she automatically opened her mouth.

Both men shared a look that she couldn’t decipher as she drank several mouthfuls of water. As she started drinking, she realized how thirsty she was.

Jack drew the bottle away and she reached for it. He lightly pushed her hands away. “You need to take it slow.”

“But I’m thirsty.”

“Because you were dehydrated,” Ian said as he finished with the sunscreen. “When was the last time you drank something? Ate?”


Interesting question.

Jack swore. “If she has to think about it this much it was too long ago.”

Ian nodded grimly. “Agreed. I’ll get her an electrolyte drink.”

“I’m fine with water.” Electrolyte drinks tasted gross.

But Ian didn’t answer, he just walked off.

“Jack? Jackie? Jackster?”

Jack stared down at her. “Uh, yep?”

“Are you still mad at me?” she whispered. “Please don’t be mad at me.” She sniffled and gave him big puppy eyes.

His own eyes widened, then narrowed. “Are you trying to play me?”

“Who, me?”

Reaching out, he grasped hold of her chin. “Don’t ever lie to me, baby girl. Understand?”

“I . . . I wasn’t lying. I just . . . don’t want you to be mad at me.”

He grinned suddenly. “Luckily, I’m not. Well, not about you telling me no, anyway.”

“You’re mad about something else?” The tears that threatened to fall actually weren’t fake. She felt like she was at the edge of what she could take. The rollercoaster of emotions over the last two days was getting to her.

“What did you say to her?” Ian snapped as he kneeled next to Jack, facing her. “Why does she look like she’s about to cry?”

“She’s upset because I’m upset with her.”

“Well, of course we are.”

She took in a shaky breath.

“Look at how she’s neglected her health,” Ian grumbled. “Unacceptable, Little girl. If it wasn’t equally our fault that you’re in such a state, then you’d be over my knee getting your butt spanked.”

She groaned, closing her eyes. “I can’t believe you just said that.”

“Why? You deserve it.”

Was that really the only reason he thought she might protest? Opening her eyes, she looked up at Jack. He looked like her Jack again. Except for the sternness in his eyes.

“Jack? Can you tell Ian that he’s nuts,” she implored.

“And why would I do that when I agree?” Jack asked.

Holy. Heck.

What was happening right now?

“You guys can’t spank me. We’ve had this conversation, Ian.”

“If you put your safety or health at risk, then you should be punished. It will deter you from doing something similar in the future.”


She should be reacting in anger. Outrage. Right?

She might be a Little, but that didn’t mean she wanted a stern Daddy Dom. She wanted an indulgent one who let her get away with whatever she wanted.

Or at least she thought that was what she wanted.

However, the way she was reacting to their words was telling a different tale. Something was wrong with her.

Perhaps she actually was dehydrated.

“Unless spanking is a hard limit. We can always come up with another punishment,” Jack added.

Hell’s bells.

“Open up,” Ian said, holding up the electrolyte drink.

