Kendric Read online Bella Jewel (King’s Descendants MC #4)

Categories Genre: Biker, MC, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: King's Descendants MC Series by Bella Jewel

Total pages in book: 71
Estimated words: 69155 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 346(@200wpm)___ 277(@250wpm)___ 231(@300wpm)

His eyes lock onto mine. “You want to storm out like a fuckin’ child, I’m goin’ to punish you like a fuckin’ child.”

I open my mouth to argue, but his hand goes up around my throat and I find myself immediately at his mercy, wanting it without hesitation. “I’m not helping you, so you’re punishing me?”

“Yeah,” he growls, his free hand going down to my pants where he undoes my belt with one swift movement.

Everything falls to the ground. He takes my pants and undoes them, his other hand still on my throat, his grip not tight but definitely using slight pressure. I love it, god do I love it.

“You look fuckin’ good in uniform. Shouldn’t want anything to do with a cop, but you do things to me, Zariah ...”

Oh, boy.

He shoves my pants down, and I wiggle them the rest of the way. My hand goes to his jeans, and I undo the button, slip down the zip and then let them slide down. His cock springs free, and I curl my fingers around it, loving how warm it feels in my hand. How hard. How fucking delicious. I bite my lip and meet his eyes. “Are you going to fuck me or did we come here to play?”

He growls and then releases my throat, spins me around, and bends me over the sink. His hand goes back to my neck, only he’s hanging onto the back of it this time. He takes my hip roughly in his other hand and then he slams his cock into me without warning. I cry out, not caring who hears, because it feels so damned good. The pain. Everything that comes with it. I moan as he starts fucking me, so roughly his balls slap against my bare pussy.

“Oh, god,” I cry out, loving the way my nipples immediately get hard and my entire body coils, ready to explode with pleasure.

Pleasure I crave.

Pleasure I need.

“Kendric,” I cry, arching. “Oh, god, yes.”

I cum with a force that has me shoving my ass back into him as hard as I can, needing every single centimeter of him inside me. He growls, low and feral, and then he’s cumming, hard and deep, cock pulsing. I whimper and my entire body trembles as I come down from the most incredible release. It feels like heaven—like I imagine heaven, anyway.

Kendric pulls his cock out, releasing me. His cum drips from my pussy as I stand and it’s only then that I realize we didn’t use protection. That’s fine, I’m on the pill, but it’s not pregnancy I’m worried about. It’s the fact that he’s a biker, he has plenty of women, and he could have anything. I pull my pants up, get myself dressed and neat, and then turn to him.

“I’m clean,” he says, before I can even ask the question. “Never go without a condom for random bitches, and I get checked once every six months. Only did it a month ago. Used condoms since except then. You’re good.”

Well then, that clears up everything.

“Me, too,” I say my voice still shaky from sex.

I catch a glimpse of us in the mirror and pause. What a sight we are. Two of us, him all dressed in leather, looking wild and dangerous, and me, in uniform, looking clean cut and good. It’s quite a match. His eyes meet mine, and he murmurs, “Thought you weren’t workin’ after what that motherfucker did to you.”

“I’m working with Blanche, nothing strenuous,” I tell him, holding his gaze in the mirror.

He turns and walks to the door, looking back at me when he reaches it. “When you’re sittin’ with him later, make sure you’re thinkin’ about whose cum is dripping’ out of you.”

Then, just like that ... He’s gone.



“You wait in the car and I’ll get the check,” Steven tells me once we’ve finished our lunch at the restaurant.

We’re going to his house to keep working on the case tonight and hopefully we’ll get a little closer to finding out where the missing girl is and what happened to her. I love working on this; it takes my mind off the bad things going on around me and makes me feel like I’ve got something to work toward. I am enjoying every second of it.

I thank Steven and then go to his car and slip into the passenger seat. As I wait, I look around. Not for any particular reason, just purely because that’s what you do when you’re in someone’s car, right? I mean, that’s what I do anyway. I notice a piece of paper sort of squashed into his seat, and I reach over and pluck it out, opening it up. There is some scrawled handwriting on it, that reads Steven, things to go as planned. We’re set up for transport. You know what to do from here. Peter.

