Kendric Read online Bella Jewel (King’s Descendants MC #4)

Categories Genre: Biker, MC, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: King's Descendants MC Series by Bella Jewel

Total pages in book: 71
Estimated words: 69155 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 346(@200wpm)___ 277(@250wpm)___ 231(@300wpm)

He rips the condom off and tosses it in the trash as he moves closer. His cock is red and a small droplet of cum rolls off the end of his cock and onto the floor. I don’t know why that turns me on so much, but it does. I can’t move. I’m completely transfixed, not sure what the hell to do but stare at the god of a man walking toward me. He stops when he reaches me and takes my wrist in his hand. I’m still holding my hand up, frozen on the spot.

He brings my fingers up to his mouth and slides them in, closing his lips over them. I shudder and my entire body trembles as he swirls his tongue around the tips of my fingers, taking every ounce of me off them. He’s sucking my pleasure off me, like it’s the god damned fruit of life. When he’s done, and I’m struggling to not throw myself at him, he releases my wrist and leans forward, eyes locked on mine, voice husky and deep. “You’re fuckin’ welcome.”

With that, he turns and walks off.

My god.

That is literally all I have.

My. God.



By the time I get home it’s around two AM. I’ve had way too much to drink, and my body is aching with the pent-up need that built inside me after what happened with Kendric tonight. I want nothing more than to have someone fuck me until I can’t think anymore, but alas, I’m home alone with nobody to do that. My entire body is aching, my pussy is still throbbing, and I’m a little too drunk to make sense out of what just happened.

I reach my front door and when I see the light on inside, my heart flops into my belly. There is only one person who has a key to my place, and it’s the one person I really don’t want to see right now. Reece is in there, I just know it. I should have gotten my keys back sooner, I know that in this very moment, but instead I danced around it. Tonight, I made a big call, I should have known he wouldn’t take it well.

What the hell was I thinking?

I take a deep breath, wondering how in the hell I’m going to diffuse this situation.

I don’t want to fight; I certainly don’t want to have to explain myself. I’m not comfortable being alone with Reece and I’m not sure that me being drunk, coming in at two AM, and finding him sitting there is a good combination for anything. Still, I have to go inside because I really need to lie down and the only way I’m going to be able to do that is to get him out as fast as I can.

I’ll say whatever I have to, to get that done.

I open the front door and step inside, and, as suspected, Reece is sitting in my kitchen on a stool, staring at the front door. He’s been waiting for me. He has a beer in his hand and his eyes are red, he looks tired. God only knows how long he’s been waiting. That’s not my first thought, though. My first thought is wondering where my son is. I hope he’s okay, and the instinct in me comes out before Reece even says a word.

“Where’s Jayden?”

“I dropped him off to my sister’s house, he’s safe and asleep. He had a great time with his cousins.”

I don’t know if I like that. If tonight doesn’t go well, I need to be able to get to my son.

I take a deep breath. I’m just going to have to make sure it does go well. If that means I have to diffuse this situation then I’ll do that.

Anything to get my baby boy back safely with it.

“Why are you here, Reece?” I ask, trying to keep my voice calm.

“You didn’t think I wouldn’t come after you told me it was over and hung up on me?”


“I said we’d talk about it tomorrow, which is now today. I’m not sure why you couldn’t wait.”

He stands and walks around the kitchen counter toward me. I take a step back, shaky on my legs. I’ve had a little too much to drink and that makes me nervous when it comes to Reece. I don’t like not having my wits about me. “Please, can we do this tomorrow?” I ask. “Or later today. I need to sleep.”

“Who were you with, Zariah?”


“You’re lying to me. I can smell the musky scent of your fuckin’ pussy. I know the smell of sex. Who the fuck were you with?”

This is bad.

God, this is so bad.

“Reece, please. I was with nobody. I swear.”

“You fucking liar. You break up with me over the phone, and now you’re lying to me.”

“I didn’t break up with you over the phone, we were already over!” I cry.

