Just One Fling (The Kingston Family #9) Read Online Carly Phillips

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary Tags Authors: Series: The Kingston Family Series by Carly Phillips

Total pages in book: 69
Estimated words: 64406 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 322(@200wpm)___ 258(@250wpm)___ 215(@300wpm)

He groaned. “You make it hard to say no to you.”

“All set,” Morgan said, sliding his cell into his pocket and stepping back to them.

“Stick close,” Harrison told the security guard. “Just because he’s okay with us going to town because it’s been so quiet doesn’t mean I’m comfortable with it.” That comment was for her, and she knew it.

“I understand.” When they’d been with his family, they’d been dropped at the door and escorted right back out again. “We’ll be back here before you know it.”

Morgan drove his black SUV into town, finding a parking spot on a side road off the main strip of shops, close to the café where she wanted to eat. The weather was cool on the water, and she wore a light jacket with a pair of jeans, a long-sleeve thermal top, and a fun scarf she’d wrapped around her neck.

As soon as they met on the sidewalk, Harrison slid his hand into hers and they began to walk, Morgan silently close behind.

“I really do love it here,” she said, not wanting Harrison to think it was the Hamptons she didn’t enjoy. “It’s just been hard being cooped up.”

He squeezed her hand tighter. “I understand and I hate the fact that me being famous has any impact on you at all or puts you or our baby at risk.”

“I don’t blame you,” she murmured. “I’ve interviewed a lot of famous people and it’s something that comes with the territory, unfortunately.”

“Wait. A bookstore.” He came to a stop in front of a Ye Old Books.

“Do you want something to read?” she asked.

“Yes.” He turned to her, sliding his hands inside her jacket and holding her around the waist. “A baby book.” His cheeks turned a ruddy shade of red, and his embarrassment stole the last piece of her heart.

“That’s the sweetest thing,” she said, her gaze holding his.

“I can’t share this with you if I don’t know what’s happening or what to expect.”

God, he was going to make an amazing father, and she was beginning to believe a reliable partner, too. She didn’t know what fate had in store but suddenly she had more hope.

He kissed her forehead and she sighed with pleasure.

Releasing her, he stepped back, and she swayed, unexpectedly dizzy. She reached out and grabbed onto his arm for support.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

“Yes. Sorry. I haven’t eaten anything since breakfast.”

He scowled and grasped her hand, pulling her against him.

“I didn’t want to interrupt your meetings, and I had hoped you’d say yes so, I waited for you to be finished. I wasn’t hungry when we left the house,” she assured him.

His frown never wavered as he held onto her, leading her past the bookstore and to the nearest café. Tables sat empty outside, and he made sure she was sitting before he glanced at Morgan.

“I’m getting her something to eat. Keep an eye on her.” Harrison bent down and explained, “Normally he’d sit a table away and keep an eye from there, but I want him right by your side.”

The other man nodded and stepped closer to her chair.

Understanding Harrison’s concern, she didn’t utter a word of complaint.

“Do you know what you want to eat, or should I get you a menu?” he asked.

“Nikki said the chocolate chip pancakes here are to die for. She deprived herself for so long when she modeled, she’s been tasting everything she’s ever wanted. And she’s had these twice when they’ve come to check on the house.”

Harrison laughed. “Pancakes it is.”

He shot Morgan a warning glance, pulled open the door, and walked inside. Following him with her gaze, she glanced in the window and was surprised to see a line of customers at the counter.

Prepared to wait, she crossed one leg over her other thigh and looked behind her to Morgan. “Can you sit and talk, or would that be violating some kind of bodyguard rule?”

His lips twitched, and she sensed how much he wanted to chuckle.

“It’s fine. I won’t tell if you crack a smile.” She glanced around the mostly empty sidewalks. “And I don’t think anyone will notice if you do.”

He shook his head. “I’ll stand on the other side so you don’t have to crane your neck to talk to me.”

He stepped around her and settled with his back against the plate glass window, his eagle eyes hidden behind sunglasses, but she had faith there was nothing and nobody he’d miss.

“You know I’m a journalist—reporter, right?” she asked.

He inclined his head. “I’ve read the file on you.”

She wrinkled her nose. “I didn’t consider that you needed background on me, too, when it comes to protecting us and figuring out who’s behind it. Did you find out anything interesting? Besides the things the whole world now knows about,” she muttered.

Which reminded her. She pulled out her phone to call her fath—the senator after she was done talking to Morgan.

