Just One Fling (The Kingston Family #9) Read Online Carly Phillips

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary Tags Authors: Series: The Kingston Family Series by Carly Phillips

Total pages in book: 69
Estimated words: 64406 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 322(@200wpm)___ 258(@250wpm)___ 215(@300wpm)

She took a long, hot shower, washed her hair, then took the time to blow dry it and put on some makeup before going back out to meet Harrison’s family. For the first time that morning, she picked up her phone and saw Nikki had texted her with a heads-up that the family was coming to the Hamptons. Asher had a business meeting, and she promised they’d be there later that day. And she’d be staying in a hotel.

Where was the rest of the family going to sleep? She drew a deep breath and walked into the kitchen where Serenity and Jade were making breakfast.

Serenity turned and a smile lit her face. “Winter! Come on in. I’m making eggs and bacon and pancakes. Because everyone likes something different.”

“Hi, Winter.” Jade waved from where she stood by the extra-large, overly stocked refrigerator. Winter probably should have realized the sheer amount of food meant company was coming but Harrison had said it wasn’t until the weekend.

Jade’s baby bump was big, giving Winter a glimpse of how her body would change.

“Morning.” Winter stepped into the kitchen and Panda ran for her water bowl. “I didn’t realize you were all coming today.”

Serenity piled more pancakes on a large plate. “It was a last-minute decision, to be honest. We have a surprise to tell everyone and… well, you’ll see soon.”

“Where are the guys?” Winter asked.

“In the family room talking,” Jade said. She shut the fridge door with her foot and carried an orange juice container to the already set table.

“Can I help?” she asked, wanting to feel useful.

Jade shook her head. “Serenity likes to do it all,” she said, love in her voice. “I’ve learned to let her.”

“I figured you’re all busy during the week with work, so if we’re going to show up and impose, I might as well be useful. The kids always love family breakfast, so… why not?”

Jade grinned and patted Winter on the shoulder. “You’ll get used to it,” she promised.

“Oh, I… I’m only here because I’m having a—”

“Stalker issue.” Zach appeared seemingly out of nowhere, strode over to the plate warmer and snagged a piece of bacon to crunch on.

Serenity smacked his hand and laughed. “Wait for everyone else and use the tongs, you savage.”

“He’s always been the animal of the family.” Jade snickered behind his back.

“It’s not a stalker issue, per se—”

“We don’t know what it is, so we’re being careful, yes?” Zach asked, as if confirming she understood the potential severity of her situation.

She nodded. “Yes, of course. I’m just…” Feeling like an intruder in the family despite having been here before them.

“We’re a lot,” Jade said, her hand on her belly.

“Nikki tells me you’re seven months along,” she said to Jade.

The pretty woman with her blonde hair pulled back in a ponytail smiled. “Yes, so you can ask me anything, and I’ll likely already have the answer.”

Winter’s cheeks flushed with heat. “I appreciate that. I’ve been reading books.”

Jade laughed. “Trust me when I tell you, there are things you may want to know you won’t get in a book. I’ll give you my number. Call or text me any time.” She poured a glass of orange juice which Zach immediately picked up and drained most of in three large gulps.

“Hey! That was for me and the baby!” Jade exclaimed.

“And I don’t have cooties.” He winked at his sister.

Jade’s ew expression was priceless. “I’m not drinking your backwash, Zach.”

They continued to bicker until Serenity stepped between them. “What are you, ten? Behave in front of company.” She smiled warmly at Winter, who was taking in the whole, big family dynamic.

She knew she was staring, but it was a combination of things that had her breath coming in shallow pants. She’d never experienced having siblings growing up. Having someone besides her adult parent to talk to and joke with. And she’d never realized what she’d been missing. Until now.

Then there was the sudden pang of loss she experienced while watching them. God, she missed her mother. If Juliana were here, Winter wouldn’t feel so alone with the pregnancy. Harrison had stepped up for her, and Nikki and Derek too, but her mother had been… her mother. Irreplaceable.

In so many ways, Winter was still getting to know her own siblings. They’d never shared… this.

Just then, the men walked in, talking to each other and laughing, the fun, teasing tones and closeness equally as evident.

And suddenly the shortness of breath became a minor panic attack that threatened to turn Winter into a crying mess. Out of nowhere. This had to be what the books meant by pregnancy hormones, she thought, horrified at the notion of breaking down in front of strangers.

“Winter?” Harrison had walked over to her, and she hadn’t noticed.

She forced a smile.

“Are you okay?” His concerned expression, eyebrows drawn together and the worried frown on his face, nearly did her in.

