Just One Fling (The Kingston Family #9) Read Online Carly Phillips

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary Tags Authors: Series: The Kingston Family Series by Carly Phillips

Total pages in book: 69
Estimated words: 64406 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 322(@200wpm)___ 258(@250wpm)___ 215(@300wpm)

She slid the envelope into her large satchel, and they headed to her apartment. After thanking Dana, Winter unlocked her door and stepped inside, where she was greeted by an excited Panda, who barked and jumped up and down, wanting attention.

Winter picked up the pup and carried her to the kitchen. “Did you miss me?” she asked, waiting for the lick on her nose before putting her down. She glanced at her water bowl, seeing it was half full, then turned her attention to the mail.

“I’ll talk to Dana about going out for a walk in a few minutes,” she told the pup, talking to her as she usually did. “Let me just open this and see what I’m dealing with.”

Picking a butter knife from the drawer, she sliced open the top of the envelope. “At least this came through regular mail, and nobody showed up at my apartment to hand deliver it.”

* * *

She pulled out the contents and stared in shock at a sonogram. Not hers, this fetus was too far along, and she hadn’t had an ultrasound yet. She could make out the shape of the baby’s head and body. But the scary part, the more horrifying one, was the big X made of red tape over the photo.

A piece of paper had fallen onto the counter. She picked it up and unfolded it. Once again, the words were written in red crayon:

Some babies aren’t meant to be born.

It would be better if you lost yours.

She let the paper drop to the counter and her stomach, which was always low-level queasy at best, threatened to revolt. This was a lot scarier and a more personal written attack than the last.

She strode to the door and flung it open. “Dana.”

“What is it?” the woman asked, her hand instinctively going to her waist for her gun, immediately on guard.

“Come on in. Please.”

The bodyguard, a pretty woman with pale-blonde hair and a confident demeanor, stepped into the apartment, then shut and locked the door behind her.

Once in the kitchen, Winter gestured to the envelope and its contents.

Dana took one look and scowled. “This is no joke.”

“I didn’t think it was.” Winter wrapped her arms around herself and ignored the sonogram on the counter.

“It’s a threat. You know I need to call it in, right?” Dana asked, already reaching for the phone in her pocket.

Winter nodded. “And I need to tell Harrison.” He wouldn’t take it well if he heard from Dana or her boss and not Winter herself.

Dana tipped her head, deferring to Winter. “Go ahead. I’ll call from the living room.” She stepped out, and Winter glanced down at her dog. “Don’t sleep with a famous canine,” she told Panda. “If they knock you up, you’re only going to have more trouble.”

Winter picked up her cell from the counter where she’d left it and pressed Harrison’s name.

He answered immediately. “Hi. Everything okay?” he asked because he usually called her around bedtime.

“No.” She gripped the phone tighter in her hand. “I received another note. This one came through the mail, and I think it’s what television shows and profilers call escalating?” She heard the tremor in her voice and wished she’d been able to hide her emotions.

“I’ll be there ASAP.”

“You don’t need to—”

“I said I am coming over.” His tone brooked no argument, and she’d be lying if she said she wasn’t relieved.

“Bring Dana inside with you,” he said, his voice hard, his anger at whoever was tormenting her obvious.

“I already did.”

“Good.” He let out a long breath. “I’m sorry you’re caught up in shit because of me,” he muttered. “Now stay put and I’ll see you soon.” He ended the call, and she blew out a rough breath.

Once again, she looked at her dog. “Unless that famous canine is sexy and has a really gruff bark. Then you might reconsider,” she told the Havanese.

Then Winter walked into her family room and sat down on the sofa to wait for Harrison to arrive.

* * *

Harrison had been with Zach when he got the call from Winter. Though he was grateful she’d thought to contact him immediately, he was pissed as hell his life was impacting hers at all.

No sooner had he hung up with her than the head of Alpha Security called, filling him in on the details of today’s mailing. The sonogram and the note. Some babies aren’t meant to be born. It would be better if you lost yours.

His stomach had lurched, and his hands curled into fists at his sides.

Zach left Raven in charge of the bar, and they headed for Winter’s. He’d heard the panic in her voice when she’d called him, but she’d held it together. She’d even tried to convince him not to come over. As if he’d leave her to deal with a stalker on her own. She was going to have to get used to him being there for her, he thought, drumming his fingers on the side panel of the door.

