Just Jack (Aqua Vista #1) Read Online Christina Lee

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Erotic, M-M Romance Tags Authors: Series: Aqua Vista Series by Christina Lee

Total pages in book: 76
Estimated words: 73107 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 366(@200wpm)___ 292(@250wpm)___ 244(@300wpm)

I pull onto the road. “I hope it wasn’t too much.”

“It was perfect. I can see why you like the people here so much. Especially Jack. You two fit, honey. I’m happy for you.”

“Yeah, yeah, we do.” It’s the first time I’ve allowed myself to admit that aloud.

“So…did you tell him? About the property?”

“I did better than that. I showed him.”

I walk Mom to our room, where she uses the bathroom and then lies down.

“You go back to help Jack.”

“No, that’s okay.” I sink down on the edge of the bed. “I can stay here with you.”

“Don’t you dare. Go enjoy yourself.”

Mom slips into a peaceful slumber, and I watch her breathing for a minute, making sure she’s not struggling, before I head out.

On the way back to the fair, I call Chuck. It goes to voicemail, which doesn’t surprise me on such a busy weekend, so I leave a message.

I help Jack load his car when the fair ends, and then we stop at Johnny’s bar for food and drinks. I call Mom on the way. “Can I bring you home something?”

“Mae invited me to dinner. She’s going to pick me up shortly.”

Jack arches an eyebrow, and I say, “Guess you two have hit it off.”

“Suppose we have. Must be the dogs.”

I chuckle. “Have fun.”

“You too, and don’t worry, I won’t wait up.”

It feels good to take a load off at Johnny’s place. We shoot the shit with June and Cain, who showed up to eat too. I speak to Beth for a bit when she shows up to order takeout. She actually takes a seat beside me at the bar instead of trying to avoid Jack and the McCoys. Jack greets her and asks how the fair went for her. It’s nice to hear them exchange pleasantries.

“I told you you’d be here this weekend,” she muses around a sip of wine.

I smile and shake my head.

“Here you go,” Johnny says, placing a bag of food in front of her.

She takes the last sip of her wine and stands to leave. “Love looks good on the both of you.”

She passes by Dina and Chuck as they come through the door, looking as exhausted from their day as everyone else.

“I got your message,” Chuck says in greeting, thumping me on the shoulder.

“Cool,” I reply as he follows Dina to a booth. “Talk soon.”

“What was that about?” Jack asks, pushing his empty plate away.

I wink. “Exactly what you think.”

“I…holy shit. So this is actually going to happen?”

“Obviously, we need to figure out all the logistics.” I peck his lips. “But right now, I just need you to take me somewhere we can be alone.”

He throws money down and stands. “Don’t need to ask me twice.”

“I’ll meet you outside. Gonna have a quick word with Chuck.”

I tell Chuck I’m interested in the cottage and that I’ll call him tomorrow, and when I get outside, Jack has the truck waiting for me at the exit.

There’s a mix of small talk and comfortable silence on the way to his house.

Finally inside, no time is wasted making a beeline to his bedroom and getting naked between needy make-out sessions.

Once we’re skin to skin, with precome leaking and mixing between our hard shafts, Jack leads me to the mattress. I pull at his arm to join me, so he straddles my waist and owns my mouth with deep, passionate kisses. I love the feeling of being possessed by him like this.

We make out until my jaw hurts, as if we’re trying to make up for lost time. And in a lot of ways, we are. Because when it comes down to it, I still have to leave again at the end of this weekend. But this time, it’ll be with the promise of returning for good.

My heart batters around in my chest when I think about how he said he would consider moving with me. For me.

His face at my neck, he whispers kisses across my throat before heaving a deep, long sigh. “God, I missed your smell.”

I hook my legs around his thighs. “I missed the feel of you against me.”

“I want you so much,” Jack says against my mouth.

“Want you too.”

I miss Jack’s weight and warmth instantly when he rolls off the bed and reaches for supplies. He makes quick work of opening the condom and rolling it down his stiff cock. I open the lube and coat my fingers before curling my hand around his dick and stroking. “Damn, feels good.”

I jerk my cock a little with my other hand, but I’m afraid of coming too soon. “Need you inside me.”

He stills my hand on his shaft as he trembles. “Need it too.”

His eyes are soft and pleading, and I can’t help reaching up and gathering his face in my hands to deliver a bruising kiss. “Then take me. Please fucking take me.”

