Just Jack (Aqua Vista #1) Read Online Christina Lee

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Erotic, M-M Romance Tags Authors: Series: Aqua Vista Series by Christina Lee

Total pages in book: 76
Estimated words: 73107 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 366(@200wpm)___ 292(@250wpm)___ 244(@300wpm)

“Hey there,” Mae says with a wave. “Are you enjoying your accommodations?”

I nod. “Mom, this is Mae, who owns the motel where we’re staying.”

“Oh yes, I remember now.” Mom smiles. “Your rooms are very comfortable.”

“Thank you.” Mae zeros in on Minnie. “And who is this?”

Mom leans toward Mae. “Say hello, Minnie.”

When Mae reaches out a hand, Minnie licks her fingers.

“You’re the woman who also runs the rescue?” Mom asks, reaching for a pamphlet. “Aaron sent me photos.”

“I am.” She motions behind her to a makeshift enclosure where a couple of dogs are relaxing. “You’re free to let Minnie get some water and a rest.”

Mom’s eyes light up. “Oh, that would be greatly appreciated.”

That’s when I notice Mom leaning her weight against the table. I again feel guilty for not having her rest every few feet, no matter how interested and animated she seems.

Mom turns warily to me. “Do you mind?”

“Not at all.” I won’t suggest that she could probably use a nap too, but I’m grateful to Mae for the offer. “As long as you don’t mind my heading off to see Jack?”

She grins. “Maybe it’s best you sneak up on him first.”

“My thinking as well.”

As Mae engages Mom in conversation about Minnie, I make my escape. I can’t help feeling impatient to see Jack, regardless of his response to me showing up like this. I just need to be near him again and see his art on display.

As I edge past more tents and finally spot Jack, a spark ignites in my gut, the tingling, aching feeling traveling up to the center of my chest and erupting into an inferno of affection and appreciation. I can do nothing except attempt to pull air into my lungs. That’s how damn strong my draw to him is.

He’s wearing a black T-shirt that reads Just Jack in white letters, and I feel a strange emotion tug at my gut. Part pride that he’s decided to make a name for himself and his art, part deep, endless admiration.

He’s speaking to a customer holding up a print, and as my unsteady legs carry me closer, I want to tell him that Just Jack has a nice ring to it. My gaze snags on the displays, on the newer art, and it makes me feel unexpectedly misty-eyed and pleased, as if I had anything to do with it. My lips part to call his name, but I hold myself back, needing to get my bearings before making a spectacle of myself.

But it’s no use because Jack’s head twists in my direction, as if he’s sensed my presence, and our eyes connect and hold. Neither of us looks away as those flickering flames consume my heart.

A moment of shock in his expression transforms into deep elation, and I blow out a ragged breath. A wash of color spreads across his cheeks as he throws me a crooked smile. I have the urge to reach for him, to plant a wet one on his lips in front of the whole of Aqua Vista. That’s how fucking alive he makes me feel.

A customer steps inside the tent, effectively blocking my view of him. As he greets them and answers their query, I enter through the side to get a closer look at the photos he has displayed.

My gaze is drawn to the turtles and the sunset on the beach—taken on the night that’s burned into my memory. They’re all amazing.

A breath lodges in my lungs as I take in a shot of me on the towpath, my eyes toward the ocean. My expression is obscured because of the night sky, but also because he used black-and-white film and varying degrees of exposure. The effect is avant-garde, modern and innovative.

I suck in air as I turn to him, but he’s not looking at me, still in conversation with the same customer, so I move on to the prints of the cliff and the eagle’s nest, and there I am, flaws and all, mooning for the camera, the blazing sun and a vivid blue sky framing the shots.

I’m struck by the expression on my face. I look so damn…I don’t know. Full of life, happy. All because of him. And this place that feels like it’s part of me.

I hear him thank the customer for stopping by, and then there’s silence. Before I can rein in my breaths and thoughts enough to greet him properly, I feel Jack’s body heat behind me. I shiver as his breath wafts across my nape. “Fucking hell, it’s good to see you.”

His arms wind around my waist, and he pulls me against him. I interlace our fingers as I twist my head to meet his gaze. “Surprise.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?” he asks as his lips find that spot right below my ear.

“It wouldn’t have been a surprise if I did.” I tilt my chin. “My mom is here too, but she’s taking a rest in Mae’s tent with Minnie. She’s excited to meet you, but I couldn’t resist finding you first.”

