Just Jack (Aqua Vista #1) Read Online Christina Lee

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Erotic, M-M Romance Tags Authors: Series: Aqua Vista Series by Christina Lee

Total pages in book: 76
Estimated words: 73107 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 366(@200wpm)___ 292(@250wpm)___ 244(@300wpm)

“I am.”

“Does Jack know about this?”

“Hell no. I wouldn’t want to put pressure on him or…disappoint him.”

“Pretty sure that wouldn’t happen.” He barely keeps from rolling his eyes. “Dude, he is all about you.”

Hearing him say that makes my stomach feel funny. But Rocco doesn’t know Jack’s history, though he’s certainly gotten a taste of how stubborn the man can be. “Except we’re long-distance. Who knows what would happen if we were in the same city.”

“You have been. And he visited you too.”

“But we always knew there was an end date.”

“Which made the sex all the hotter?” he teases.

I flush. “Maybe.”

Maybe that’s what I’m afraid of. That somehow we’re fooling ourselves. But my gut tells me differently.

“Anyway, I might drive up there next weekend with my mom.”

I can leave right after we close our deal on Friday afternoon.

“Your mom?”

“She’s been requiring more oxygen lately, especially after a long day at work, so I thought maybe getting out of the city would do her good.”

The only good thing about her office job at the nursing home is that she’s surrounded by nurses and doctors who will easily offer medical advice if she needs it.

“It might.” He stands and raps his knuckles on my desk. “Just…keep me in the loop.”

I drive straight to Mom’s house after work.

“Well, this is a surprise,” Mom says when I let myself inside.

Seeing the oxygen tank again only solidifies my decision.

“How about a weekend away in Aqua Vista? There’s an art fair coming up.”

“I’d love to,” she replies without hesitation.

I sit across from her. “There’s also something else. I’ve been looking at properties in Aqua Vista.”

“Something you and Rocco can invest in?”

I shake my head. “Something I want to do for me.”

Her eyes light up. “That’s a fantastic idea. You’ve been relatively happy in San Jose, but there are times we all need something more or different.”

“That tracks for you too,” I point out.

“I know…” She sighs. “I took yoga at your suggestion, and I enjoy it. It’s true that I need a little kick in the pants from time to time, so maybe that’s an assignment for both of us.”

Doubt and fear balloon in my chest. “I just don’t want to make any rash decisions or get anyone hurt, including myself.”

“That makes sense. But how will you know unless you try?”

Right on cue, Minnie wakes, stretches, and leaves her corner pillow to come sniffing. “Can I bring her with me?”

“You’re a package deal. How can I say no?” I lift Minnie to my lap, noting yet again she’s practically weightless. “Besides, their accommodations allow dogs.”

“That’s right!” She claps her hands excitedly. “My sweet girl will love it.”

“I can’t wait to introduce you to Mae and show you the rescue and, oh, the bakery with the dog cookies too.”

I want Mom to like the town and the people, but I don’t know why it matters so much. It just does.

“I love how excited you are.” She smiles. “I look forward to meeting your grumpy Jack too.”

“He’s not my⁠—”

“Honey, relax. I’m only teasing.”

I puff out a breath because I’m acting hypersensitive.

“I may not know him yet, but there’s an obvious, undeniable pull between you two. I’m sure he’s a good man.”

“He is.” Of that, I’m certain. He’s protective and trustworthy, loves his family, and works hard. “But that doesn’t mean any of this will work out.”

“Oh, honey. You haven’t been lucky in love, but maybe this time will be different.”

I’ve never felt this way about anyone. The last serious boyfriend I had was years ago, only lasted a year, and I didn’t feel like my heart would crumble from sheer longing if I didn’t see him again.

“I don’t want to make any wrong moves. He’s been burned before, and I…well, I have a business here, a life…”

“You used to live in San Francisco,” Mom points out.

“But I always knew I was coming home after graduation.”

“What if you hadn’t, though? What if life there had suited you better?”

“I’d feel guilty and a little sad.”

“Because of me?”

I nod. “And Rocco. We’ve built a business together.”

“You can’t live your life like that. I’ll be just fine. And so will Rocco.”

I screw my eyes shut. “We’re getting ahead of ourselves here.”

She chuckles. “Maybe a little. I’m looking forward to our trip. I bet Jack will too.”

Unless I decide to surprise him. Might be better that way. No room for excuses or emergency cancellations.



“It feels likes ages since I’ve been back here.” Johnny steps inside my studio, where June and I are already rummaging through my photos and deciding what to sell at the fair this weekend.

“I appreciate the help.” I look up from the newest batch I’ve developed. “It’s been a while since I took this many shots or even had the motivation.”

June smirks. “Hmmm, I wonder what caused that motivation.”

“Shut it.” Even if it is true that Aaron lit a fire under my ass.

