Just Jack (Aqua Vista #1) Read Online Christina Lee

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Erotic, M-M Romance Tags Authors: Series: Aqua Vista Series by Christina Lee

Total pages in book: 76
Estimated words: 73107 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 366(@200wpm)___ 292(@250wpm)___ 244(@300wpm)

“I’d be happy to alert you when something comes up.”

“I’d like that. Thank you,” Aaron says as Uncle Chuck hands him his card.

I push aside the idea that he might own property near me someday. Likely, it’s a passing fancy on his part. I rub at a stitch in my chest because this feels too close for comfort. The last guy I dated was only a temporary resident, and look where that got us. He left, and I never saw him again.

“I like how close you all are.” Aaron’s breath wafts over my ear, and it makes me shiver.

I clear my throat. “Yeah, I suppose it’s pretty cool.”

I glance around the table at my family members talking, laughing, teasing each other, and I feel blessed even if three of them are missing. We could’ve all gone our separate ways and allowed our grief to push us apart, but we didn’t.

When I catch Aaron’s eyes, I see a flash of earnestness there too, making me wonder what I’ve missed. He’s said it’s only him and his mom and the relationship with his father is strained. Does he wish for more? For what we have?

I suddenly feel guilty for being so salty about his arrival tonight. If he doesn’t get opportunities to experience being around family like this very often, then, of course, he’d agree to be part of it. Small towns are supposed to be welcoming, yet I continue treating him like an outsider. It has more to do with my defenses being up because I like having him around a little too much, but that’s no excuse.

Story of my life. But I can’t fault him for happening upon Aqua Vista the way he did. Even if he returned with ulterior motives.

It’s best I just enjoy my time with him and say my goodbyes. Maybe I’ll be in his area someday, maybe he’ll be in mine again, and if neither of us is in a relationship, maybe we’ll hook up. If not, it’ll be a good memory of some of the best sex of my life.

After dinner, we dig into the pie I brought while Uncle Chuck answers Aaron’s questions about keeping bees. He seems genuinely interested, and my uncle is eating it up. He loves talking about his bees.

Aaron moans around a bite of pie, and I want to kick him under the table for making me have impure thoughts around my family.

“I tried to get some of this pie today, but they’d run out.” He points his fork at me. “You took the last one.”

I scoff playfully. “It’s obviously good I did.”

June winks. “Jack must’ve had a feeling you were coming tonight.”

Johnny asks Aaron about San Jose, and I mostly stay quiet to listen.

“It’s a mix between Los Angeles and San Francisco but on a smaller scale.”

“Isn’t it like the third largest city in California?” I throw out. “I wouldn’t call that small.”

The table grows quiet as Johnny and Frank try to hold in their smirks. It’s obvious I’ve looked it up. And recently too. So sue me.

Thankfully, the obvious seems to slip by Aaron. “True. The traffic still sucks, but we have lots of restaurants and diversity. A big LGBTQ population.”

Johnny arches an eyebrow at me as if reading my grumbly thoughts about Aaron having plenty of men to choose from.

Am I really jealous of Aaron having more opportunities to hook up? Listen to me. In another few days, he’ll be gone, and I won’t have to deal with seeing his pretty ass all around town.



I help the McCoys with the cleanup, thank them for having me, and then we all head to our cars. It was a good night, and unfortunately, it only makes me like Jack more.

Just as I’m opening my mouth to say good night, he blurts, “Still interested in seeing the film develop?”


His smile is almost sad like he wonders if it’s just the wine talking, and it makes me feel like I did when I first arrived tonight.

“Meet you there.”

As I drive to his place, I wonder if maybe it goes deeper than that. Maybe it’s about having me over again. I make a mental note to be respectful of any of his wishes. I’m lucky enough to have been invited a second time.

I pull alongside the curb, and when I exit my car, he’s waiting on the porch for me with a bottle of wine and two glasses.

“You’re free to park in my driveway, you know.”

“I thought you didn’t want any gossip.”

“Believe me, people know already.”

“Let me help you.” I grab the wineglasses and follow him around back to his studio. A tingling sensation, from the top of my head to the base of my neck, comes over me—I can’t believe I get to be in his space again.

He sets the bottle on the coffee table, then gets to work opening it and pouring us substantial servings. We do a mock toast and then some sipping before getting to the reason I was invited here.

