Just Jack (Aqua Vista #1) Read Online Christina Lee

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Erotic, M-M Romance Tags Authors: Series: Aqua Vista Series by Christina Lee

Total pages in book: 76
Estimated words: 73107 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 366(@200wpm)___ 292(@250wpm)___ 244(@300wpm)

“Well, he probably has good reason this time. I offered to buy Jack of All Trades.”

She nods. “That didn’t go over too well.”

“It did not.”

“You think you’re the only person who’s marched into town and made us an offer on one thing or another?”

Why is that surprising? Possibly due to Jack’s reaction. “I suppose not.”

“We happen to like our small coastal vibe around here. We don’t want it commercialized, and neither do the other residents.”

“I can see why,” I mutter as I pick up a shoe and study the rugged sole.

“Can you?” The question stops me cold.

“Absolutely.” I meet her eyes. “There’s a reason I decided to come back to Aqua Vista for some R and R. It wasn’t only for business.”

She holds back a smirk, and I wonder if she’s chomping at the bit to say something about Jack. My face feels hot. No way he shared our hookup with his aunt. But what the hell do I know?

I sit on a bench to try on a few different styles before settling on the pair that feels most comfortable. I pack them back in the box and meet Aunt Dina at the cash register.

“Thanks for your time,” I say, handing her my card.

“Thanks for your business.”

I head for the door with my bag, then abruptly turn around. “Do you get much turnover of residential property around here?”

“You looking to buy more than a service station?”

I hitch a shoulder. “You never know.”

“Chuck would be the one to ask.”

Makes sense. “Thanks for the heads-up.”

What am I even saying? Suppose this town has me more than a little curious.



I can’t seem to shake Aaron. He showed up again for a sunrise hike, and though I barely talked to him, he kept up with me. He and his new boots.

Aunt Dina told me he’d been in the store to buy them and seemed to regret our earlier conversation. But I didn’t know him well enough to figure out if he was only being patronizing to all of us. With that sexy, smirky grin, of course.

And now, here he is for his scheduled tune-up with Frank.

“Will your vacation be cut short once your car’s serviced?” I ask as I slide him the paperwork. I can’t help myself.

His eyebrows draw together. “Why would it?”

“Because you didn’t get what you came for?”

“That wasn’t the only thing I came for.” His eyes burn into me, and I look away. It sucks that I still want the man. “June told me at breakfast that Aqua Vista hosts a huge art fair every fall, which sounds amazing. She also said you have a booth because, apparently, you’re a photographer in your spare time. You really are a jack-of-all-trades.”

No, I’m not. And I definitely need to have a chat with my sister. Again. Last time, she blew me off and sang Aaron’s praises instead.

Still, I nod because the information is true enough. “Plenty of tourists show up, which helps boost the local economy.”

I can see his brain working, but he keeps his mouth shut. He’s no doubt thinking of telling me what else could help the local economy—raising the prices at the pump. In reality, he’s looking for a way to line his own pockets. So disappointing.

He may have nice things, like that BMW, but I have more than that. A close-knit community, a family I see most days, even if they get on my nerves from time to time. We’ve lost so much, so it’s important to hold on tight to what’s left.

“I see you’re busy making assumptions about me again,” Aaron says, scrutinizing me.

I fold my arms. “Can you blame me?”

He hitches a shoulder. “Suppose not, but my intentions are good.”

“How so?” I ask, incredulous.

“It’s business. I buy and sell commercial properties, and not everyone is as snippy about it as you are. Some want to sell, some don’t. I’ve never had someone hold it against me.”

I scoff. “I’m not holding it against you.”

“You wouldn’t even look at me the entire hike this morning.” He huffs out a frustrated breath. “Your aunt did say you’re stubborn.”

I open my mouth to tell him he wasn’t invited on the hike in the first place, but Frank interrupts by calling to him from the garage entrance. “Your car will be ready this afternoon. Need a ride someplace in town?”

Goddamn him for offering. My stomach tightens all over again. “I can take him. You’ve got a whole day’s worth of cars to service.”

“Okay, then.” Frank smirks as he grabs a water.

Aaron is watching him, trying hard not to smile as Frank walks back to the garage.

“What?” I snap.

He sobers immediately. “Nothing.”

All the fire drains from me. The man has a way of turning my thinking on its head. And being sexy as hell while doing it.

“Where do you need to go?”

“Back to the inn if that’s okay,” he replies as I grab my keys. “I’ve got some emails to respond to.”

