Just Jack (Aqua Vista #1) Read Online Christina Lee

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Erotic, M-M Romance Tags Authors: Series: Aqua Vista Series by Christina Lee

Total pages in book: 76
Estimated words: 73107 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 366(@200wpm)___ 292(@250wpm)___ 244(@300wpm)

“That checks, I suppose. Not that I know what I’m talking about, but it sounds fascinating.”

“It is, honestly. My work is what keeps me going.” Sadness filters through her eyes, and I wonder if she has some tragic backstory as well. “Anyway, it’s nice to meet you.”

I’m so busy overthinking what she’s said that I don’t notice she’s put out her hand to shake mine. When our hands touch, I feel a warm, prickly energy in her grip. Unless I’m losing it.

“Has your stomach been bothering you?” she asks as she releases her hold.

It certainly has, but I don’t say anything, just nod.

“You’re nervous about something. Holding it all in your abdomen.” She touches her belly. “In your shoulders and in your back. A decision you have to make, or breaking some sort of news to someone.”

She could pretty much predict that for anyone. But she doesn’t ask me if it’s true or if she’s off base. She just seems sure of herself.

“If you don’t let out whatever is eating you up, it’ll inevitably make you sick.”

I swallow thickly, not sure what to think of this unsolicited advice, though I’m sure she means well. “Oh, um, thanks.”

“If you’d like me to help you relieve some of the tension in a session, I can certainly help.” She glances toward a doorway leading to the back, likely where she holds one-on-one meditations or whatever else.

“Maybe another time,” I reply, and she nods. “Do you have a lot of customers in Aqua Vista?”

“I have regulars, local and non-local.” She looks off in the distance. “Some folks around here think I have a few screws loose. That I engage in witchcraft and hexed the town. They thought that of my grandmother too, God rest her soul. I might not be perfect, and my life’s work is unconventional, but I assure you I’m not out to hurt anyone.”

I chuckle in discomfort. “I don’t doubt you for a minute.”

“Anyway, follow me.” She heads toward a shelf, where she lifts a pink crystal.

“Keep this one in your pocket. It’s on the house.”

I take the offering. “What does it do?”

“The rose quartz is known for relieving stress and balancing emotional energy.”

“Thank you.” I slip it into my pocket as if it’s the most natural thing in the world to walk around with a crystal on your person. For some, I’m sure it is.

“And if you need some natural help with stress, here is my tea blend with chamomile, ginger root, and peppermint.”

“Sounds awful,” I say without thinking. “Sorry, I didn’t mean⁠—”

She winks. “Nothing a little sugar won’t solve.”

I thank her again and offer to pay, but she shoos me toward the door. I walk out of the store in a daze, wondering what the hell just happened.



I lace up my boots, throw on a ball cap, and because of the morning chill, a denim coat, and head out the door for my hike. It’s the type of exertion I absolutely need to release all this tension in my body from running into Aaron yesterday at the diner. He was in my thoughts all day, and I even went to my brother’s bar on the off chance he showed up for dinner. Truth is, I’m a chickenshit but also stubborn and would prefer to accidentally run into him than seek him out.

I hop in my truck and drive to the hiking trail. It’s never busy this time of morning, so it’s hard not to notice a familiar car as I park and exit my vehicle.

Aaron rolls down the window. “Mind if I join you?”

“How did you know I’d be here?” I decide to leave the jacket in the car.

He winces. “Your sister mentioned you hike in the mornings and that I should have someone with me my first time out.”

God, June. What else had she told him?

“I’ll make sure to tell June not to discuss my personal business with strangers,” I tease, which he takes as an affirmative to climb out of his car. “What if you were a murderer?”

I head toward the trail, and he follows. “You’d already be dead and rotting in a motel room.”

“Bad planning because you would’ve left a paper trail. I thought serial killers were smarter and more calculated than that.”

“You’re right. Killing you out here works better.”

I shake my head and smirk. “She was right about having someone with you. People have gotten lost out here.” I won’t mention how one incident ended in tragedy.

“That’s what she said. Plus, the whole town curse.” He shoves a hand in his pocket as if searching for something, but I avert my gaze so he doesn’t think I’m groping him with my eyes.

“Christ, what didn’t she tell you?” I mutter as we round a curve.

“Let’s see…how old you are and why you keep yourself single.”

I scoff. “Does any of that matter? You still fucked me in a motel room.”

