Just a Little Secret (A Dare Crossover #2) Read Online Carly Phillips

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary, Erotic Tags Authors: Series: A Dare Crossover Series by Carly Phillips

Total pages in book: 63
Estimated words: 57407 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 287(@200wpm)___ 230(@250wpm)___ 191(@300wpm)

By the time they returned back to the cabin late Saturday afternoon, Georgia was blissfully exhausted and in need of a shower. Drew let her go first, and after changing into a pair of jeans and a light sweater for the evening, she laid down on the bed to wait for Drew to finish his turn in the bathroom.

With a deep, contented sigh, she closed her eyes, telling herself she was just going to rest for a few minutes…and promptly fell asleep.

Chapter Nine

After a hot shower, Drew dried off and then wrapped a towel around his waist before stepping into the bedroom, not all that surprised to find Georgia passed out on the bed. He’d worn her out with their fun day in the sun, along with him encouraging her to embrace her adventurous side, which she’d done with gusto once she’d gotten over her initial fears.

The memory made him grin. He loved that he’d been the one to introduce her to new experiences, that she’d trusted him enough to take that initial leap off the zipline platform when he knew how terrified she’d been. And how much she’d loved the wild, exhilarating ride. But then again, he knew that Georgia needed this, the opportunity to be wild and free and enjoy life to the fullest on her terms, and no one else’s.

He’d had one of the best days he could remember in recent memory. One where he hadn’t been absorbed in work, constantly thinking of clients, or mergers and billion-dollar acquisitions. Not to mention the European offer hanging over his head. All of which made him realize just how badly he’d needed that reprieve from his own constant daily grind.

He quietly dressed, then grabbed a lightweight blanket from the living room and brought it back to the bedroom to drape over Georgia. She was sleeping soundly curled up on her side, but he could see the sweet smile on her lips, her soft, pretty features, and the light, adorable smattering of freckles over her nose and cheeks from being out in the sun.

As he stared down at her, Drew felt an odd, protective tug in his chest that he valiantly tried to ignore, one that stirred up wants and needs that had nothing to do with anything sexual. No, those desires swirling around inside of him had an emotional component to them that were dangerous to even contemplate, considering they’d be parting ways tomorrow afternoon.

Exhaling a deep breath, he walked to the front room. Figuring he had at least an hour or two to kill before dinner while she napped, he sat on the sofa and yeah, workaholic that he was, he retrieved a contract he’d brought with him to look over if he had the time. But no matter how hard he tried to focus on the details of the agreement for his client, he couldn’t concentrate, and his mind kept drifting back to Georgia.

He couldn’t stop thinking about her delightful smiles, her carefree laughter, her bright, awe-filled eyes throughout the day. The silly selfies she’d insisted they take together, the flirting and teasing, and their easy, natural chemistry and connection. It was as though they’d been a couple for months instead of just being together a few days.

Through the front window, he noticed the sun falling over the horizon and dusk settling in, and since he couldn’t give the contract in front of him the attention to detail it required, he put it away to work on tomorrow evening. Instead, he decided to make himself useful and start prepping for dinner.

He turned on the outdoor grill to heat, then returned to the kitchen to season the steaks he’d had delivered the day before, then started making a salad. Just when he thought about waking up Georgia, she strolled out of the bedroom, still looking sleepy, her face pink from her day in the sun.

She gave him a contrite look as she joined him in the kitchen. “I’m so sorry for falling asleep on you.”

“No apologies necessary,” he said, putting the last of the cut-up tomatoes into the salad bowl with the lettuce and other veggies before tossing it all with Italian dressing. “How are you feeling?”

“Much better.” She came up beside him as he washed and then dried his hands. “Thank you for today. It was honestly a blast and something I never would have done on my own.”

“I’m glad you had a good time.” Loose strands of hair had escaped her braid, and he gently brushed them off her cheek, letting his touch linger while meeting, and holding, her gaze. “I wanted to do something memorable for your birthday.”

“Memorable, terrifying, and absolutely exhilarating,” she said with a laugh. “Best birthday ever. I can’t wait to do it again sometime.”

His stomach felt as though it had been delivered a gut punch, because some other lucky guy would be the one to take her next time. “I think I’ve created a thrill seeker.”

