Jegudiel (Deadly Virtues #2) Read Online Tillie Cole

Categories Genre: Dark, Romance, Suspense, Taboo Tags Authors: Series: Deadly Virtues Series by Tillie Cole

Total pages in book: 161
Estimated words: 146722 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 734(@200wpm)___ 587(@250wpm)___ 489(@300wpm)

Diel pressed his nose into her neck, then he moved his head until his face hovered before hers. “You were taking too fucking long.”

Noa smiled and dragged her hands through his hair, her nails scraping along his scalp. He growled. “Poor pretty monster,” she mocked. But she kept a smile on her face.

Diel’s eyes twitched, then on a long groan, he crushed his lips against hers. His tongue plunged into her mouth, and Noa became lost to his taste, to the control he exerted. Her back scraped against the wall and she yanked on his hair.

His hands dropped to her ass. He squeezed, and she felt his hard cock pressing between her legs. She moaned into his mouth as his hand lowered from her ass cheek to her thigh. Gripping the back of her leg, he hoisted it up around his hip. She couldn’t take any more. The heat between them was rising to scalding temperatures.

Ripping her mouth from his, Noa grabbed his cheeks to stop him from taking her lips again. Diel’s pupils were blown, his skin flushed and damp. “Take me to your bed,” Noa said. Diel didn’t even pause, not a single second of deliberation as he scooped her other leg around his hips and headed toward the manor as if Noa was as light as air.

Noa slid her arms around his ruined neck and laid kiss after kiss along his scarred skin. She could feel his hardness against her pussy. She ground her hips against him, and pins and needles spread over her skin, lighting her up like a torch. Diel groaned, a snarling, savage sound. She ground harder against him. She glanced behind her and saw the door to the manor just in reach.

But they never made it that far.

As Noa pushed against Diel’s cock, he turned and lowered her to the ground, ripping the leathers off her legs. Noa yanked open the fly of his jeans. There was no waiting, no foreplay, no sucking or licking; Diel lined himself up at her entrance and slammed inside her.

Noa’s nails sliced at his back, making him bleed. But she knew Diel lived for it. His inner monster would be yearning for more, for the heady mixture of pleasure and pain.

She could feel him everywhere. It was as if he wasn’t just a body. As if it was not only his cock that was inside her, thrusting and fucking and blowing her previously guarded world apart. In that moment, Diel became the sixth element to Noa. His energy was more than air, fire, earth, water and the spirit. He was the very center of the pentagram; he was its throbbing heart.

Diel crashed his lips to Noa’s, and she savored his tongue against hers, the feel of his stubble against her cheeks. They were a cocktail of grunts and groans and slapping flesh. Warmth wrapped around her as her orgasm began to build. Diel pulled back and looked directly into her eyes. She was trapped in his gaze—he was all she could see.

“Noa,” Diel whispered as his jaw slackened and his eyes lost focus. Noa’s skin burned, then as she broke apart, he spilled inside her, and she felt complete. Her tensed body relaxed, and she fought for breath as she lay on the cold stone floor.

She closed her eyes, and all she saw was a full moon in her mind’s eye. She could smell incense; she could see flowing gowns of white. She heard the crackling of a roaring fire, gentle feminine chanting and laughter, and feet padding on soft grass.

Then there was red. There were screams, fear and desperation.

Blood … so much blood …

Noa snapped open her eyes. Diel was watching her with furrowed brows. “Where did you just go?” he asked.

Noa’s heart thudded in warning, and she cleared her head as she had been so accustomed to doing throughout her life.

She ran her hand down his damp cheek. He was so beautiful. “Take me to your room, Diel. We need to shower.” His head tilted to the side and his eyes blinked too fast, tics she guessed he would never shed, conditioned movements from too many years of fighting with the collar.

Diel stayed watching her for a moment, and she prayed that he wouldn’t ask her any more questions. She wasn’t sure if he saw something on her face or if her deflection worked, but he finally pulled out of her, yanking her leathers back up her legs and fastening the button. He tucked himself back into his jeans, then lifted her off the floor.

He kept her in his arms, wrapping her thighs around his waist, breasts to his chest. “I can walk, you know,” she said, yet let herself feel a flicker of warmth at his firm hold.

Diel just held her tighter. Noa rolled her eyes. She wasn’t the type to rely on a man in any way. She wasn’t the romantic kind. But as Diel held her, his arms like iron around her back, she didn’t fight him, nor the strange, indescribable sensation that swept through her very being.

