Jegudiel (Deadly Virtues #2) Read Online Tillie Cole

Categories Genre: Dark, Romance, Suspense, Taboo Tags Authors: Series: Deadly Virtues Series by Tillie Cole

Total pages in book: 161
Estimated words: 146722 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 734(@200wpm)___ 587(@250wpm)___ 489(@300wpm)

Noa looked up and found Diel’s blazing stare capturing hers. There wasn’t a part of him she didn’t adore. There wasn’t one inch of him that didn’t draw her in, a magnet perfectly attuned to her soul. She wrapped her hand around his length and brought him to her mouth. Diel groaned aloud, his inner monster shining through.

Noa swirled her tongue around the tip, tasting him. The fire had been lit earlier that night, and the heat from the roaring flames kissed at the bare skin of her back as her head moved forward and back in a rhythmic motion.

Diel’s hands tightened in Noa’s hair as her pace increased. Then he pulled her off him and picked her up by her arms as though she weighed nothing at all. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he lowered her to the bed, his sapphire gaze momentarily catching hers.

Diel swallowed, and Noa’s heart melted behind the demolished walls that had once existed between them. No barriers, not a single brick kept the other at bay. Then his mouth was on her skin, kissing, worshipping her from her neck down to her breasts. Her eyes fluttered shut as his tongue flicked over her nipple, powerful volts electrifying her body from that simple, erotic touch.

Noa rested her hands on his head, pulling him closer to her breast, only for Diel to move down to her stomach. He kissed the edges of the pentagram brand, then dipped between her legs.

The first swipe of his tongue over her pussy made her back arch and a long cry soar from her throat. She clutched at his head, fingers tangling in his messy ebony hair. His pace was slow at first, soft and gentle and screaming at her how much he adored her. Then he gradually picked up speed, need growing between them until it was more than Noa could stand.

She pushed everything from her mind but the here and now. She grounded herself, feeling the soft cotton sheet at her back, the thick mattress like a cloud underneath. She focused on Diel’s breathing, on her breath crashing in waves with every swipe of his tongue. And she focused on the sensation of Diel between her legs, on the utmost trust she had in him. The love she harbored for him filled her heart so full that she feared its very walls would break.

Then she did break. On a loud cry, smothered by the sound of the whipping wind outside, Noa’s release rushed through her, eradicating anything but the feeling of pleasure, filling her senses with only Diel.

Her skin blazed, set alight by his touch. But like walking through flames, Diel shifted above her, bringing one of her legs over his shoulder and slipping inside her in one fluid motion. This time, Noa’s reaction wasn’t loud or uncontrolled; it was a mere hitch of breath as he filled her, as his face moved above hers. He leaned down and kissed her. He thrust inside at a maddening slow pace, his eyes never leaving hers.

Noa felt her eyes washing with tears, the room around them fading into oblivion. Her hands roamed over Diel’s skin, over every thick, toned muscle, over his wash of scars, up to his stubbled cheeks. And yet he didn’t stop kissing her. He kissed her as though it would be the last time his lips would ever touch hers. The final time he would move inside her, making them whole.

A stray tear escaped the corner of her eye; she felt it run into her hair, the evidence of her fears rushing away so that Diel wouldn’t see. His thrusts became harder, but all the time he kissed her, as if he didn’t have the words to convey how much she meant to him, so he was pledging his undying love for her with touch.

Diel worshipped her with his body. He told her that he adored her, that he treasured her above all else. And he told her that she had saved him, just like he had saved her.

Then he took them higher, to the farthest point of the precipice, until they shattered apart in one another’s arms, trembling, sweaty and fevered. Until a blazing light wrapped around them and cocooned them in their own heaven. The Brethren had repeatedly told Noa that she would never enter the pearly gates of paradise. Her heathen, heretical soul was beyond redemption. But safe in Diel’s arms, Noa believed she had achieved it nevertheless. This was rapture. This was the utter bliss that came with salvation of the soul.

Noa and Diel, in that moment, were all they could ever want.

Diel’s labored breathing slowed. Noa ran her hands up and down his back, just feeling.

He raised his face above hers. But they didn’t speak. The lovemaking had said everything they needed to say, expressed their love and devotion. Noa pushed back a lock of Diel’s midnight hair, and he lowered his head to her chest, still buried deep inside of her.

