It Happens Read online Lani Lynn Vale (Bear Bottom Guardians MC #6)

Categories Genre: Biker, Contemporary, Funny, MC, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Bear Bottom Guardians MC Series by Lani Lynn Vale

Total pages in book: 74
Estimated words: 73683 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 368(@200wpm)___ 295(@250wpm)___ 246(@300wpm)

He snorted. “Can you imagine if we go home and everyone sees us together?”

I couldn’t.

Eitan and me? Annmarie and Ezekiel?

Shit. We were the town sweethearts.

When you thought of one of us, you wouldn’t be able to stop yourself from thinking of the other.

Shit, but the one time that I’d had Zee pick me up off the side of the road where my car had broken down and take me to get my school schedule, everyone in our classes had lost their shit. Rumors had spread that we’d cheated…all over a stupid ride.

I couldn’t imagine what would happen now if we were to go home and actually announce ourselves as a couple.

“They’d lose their shit,” I said. “But, saying that, our fathers took it well. I don’t ever plan on going home…so….”

He grunted out a reply. “I don’t either. I like it here—well, there. Where we’re supposed to be. There’s nothing in Arkansas for me anymore but ugly memories and what could have been. I won’t be going back except to visit.”

My sentiments exactly.

Feeling his breath on my shoulder, and his hand pressing back against my belly, ensuring that his still hard—how the hell was it still hard?—cock stayed firmly put inside of me, I couldn’t find it in me to want to be anywhere else but where I was.

He softly bucked his hips, and I felt things inside of me start to stir again.

Things that were thoroughly sated, yet incredibly greedy at the same time.

How that was possible, one only knew.

“Why is it that I always have to tell you to pay attention?” he growled, his mouth now at the back of my neck.

His beard was tickling my shoulder, and I reached backward blindly so that I could bury my fingers in it.

He’d grown it longer in recent months, and I found myself really digging the caveman look he had going on.

He’d kept the sides just as trim, but the lower part of his beard was now upward of about four inches in length. Business at the top, and party on the bottom.

I also loved the way it was so thick and rough—like a man should be.

There was nothing soft about Ezekiel McGrew.


“What’s that look for?” he asked.

I hadn’t even been aware that he was looking at me, but when he moved his body so that he could get a better look at my face, while also inadvertently pushing up inside of me just a wee bit deeper, he sure had my attention.

“I was thinking about your beard,” I told him honestly, giving it a tiny squeeze.

He grunted and bucked his hips once more.

“What about it?” he asked.

I licked my lips once more, tasting the saltiness that was coating them.

“I was thinking that it probably smelled like me,” I answered truthfully. “And I was wondering if that bothered you.”

He dropped a kiss to my shoulder. “I’m not sure why you would think smelling your pussy on my beard would ever bother me. In fact, maybe they should make a beard oil that smells like it. Then again, maybe not. I’d probably stay hard until it wore off or I washed it off.”

I could do nothing but shake my head.

My eyes grew heavy, and I yawned, long and loud.

By the time I was done, he was laughing.

“What?” I asked, eyes watering due to my lack of sleep.

I’d normally have had a nap by then.

Maybe sometimes even two.

But today had been long and eventful, and one nap hadn’t happened, let alone two.

“You,” he said quietly into the room.

My eyes closed, and this time I couldn’t open them again.

“What’s so funny about me?” I wondered, voice trailing off into a whisper.

“Nothing, baby,” he growled. “Go to sleep.”

I couldn’t help but comply.

We fell asleep like that, him inside of me. Still hard.

And when I woke up, an hour earlier than I would’ve wanted to the next morning, to him moving inside of me?

Well, let’s just say it was the best wakeup call ever.

Chapter 13

One day, you’re going to see your girl eating a foot long coney and think, that’s her. She’s the one.

-Zee explaining why he loves Jubilee


“Hello?” I answered tersely, tattoo gun in my hand and Rome’s massive bicep in the other.

“Boy,” my father said into the phone. “We got a problem.”

I sighed and leaned back, wiping a few drops of blood and ink off of Rome’s arm before saying, “And what’s that?”

He growled something incoherent.

“I need you to keep Jubilee there.”

The words didn’t quite register, and my eyes locked with Rome’s.

“You want me to what?” I asked in surprise.

“I want you to keep her there for another few days,” my father repeated. “We found evidence that someone’s been living in her attic.”

“Um, what?” I shook my head. “Like…someone that’s not her?”

Had I heard him correctly?

“Yeah, someone that’s not her,” Dad confirmed. “We’re not even sure that she knew that she had an attic. Pete asked her yesterday when he called to see if she wanted something done that was an easy fix, and he found out that the attic was locked when she moved in, and she hasn’t been able to open it.”

